The Whining and Bitching Thread

It's a good thing no one cares about Canada in the first place otherwise this might start a real intense debate.

Seriously though, if so many Canadians are losing their jobs to immigrants they probably didn't deserve it in the first place.
Seriously, what good are immigrants doing for Canada? They come in here bringing their bs customs and take away jobs from real Canadians; and also change the identity/demographics for this country. they certainly don't want to adhere to our customs thats for sure. Take any of these immigrants out of the city and put them where real Canadians are; and then we'll see what happens then. fuck them. I fucking can't stand it when I see some asshole from overseas comes in and lives here for about a year; and then has the nerve to call himself Canadian. Who the fuck do they think are? I don't give a shit if it says on paper they are Canadian cuz they are not.

I'm sure you know that there's lots of Canadians who feel the same way about you Frenchies.

People are people, who cares where they are from? All of that Canadian pride is actually making you sound more like a patriotic American to be honest.
I'm kind of fed up with this shit about immigrants. If someone is in the country legally then there is absolutely no reasonable grounds for having a problem with them on the grounds that they're an immigrant. Especially in North America, where pretty much everyone is an immigrant somewhere along the line. Especially this shit about "immigrants stole my job," they only got your job if you were actually fired so that they could be hired.
I don't know about Canada, but at least here 90% of immigrants and refugees are leeches and/or criminals. And that's not much exaggeration, you can see that from just living here or even from statistics. Most of the immigrants who actually work or study come from western countries, and those criminals are mostly coming from eastern Europe, Middle-East or Africa.

Also, politicians and media protect and try to hide all the crimes etc. made by immigrants, and everyone even slightly criticizing them or immigration-policy is labeled as a nazi or racist. I don't know what this shit is about, probably because Finland doesn't want to look racist next to Sweden, which has ten times more immigrants.

No wonder "racist"-parties are getting more and more support.
Seriously, what good are immigrants doing for Canada? They come in here bringing their bs customs and take away jobs from real Canadians; and also change the identity/demographics for this country. they certainly don't want to adhere to our customs thats for sure. Take any of these immigrants out of the city and put them where real Canadians are; and then we'll see what happens then. fuck them. I fucking can't stand it when I see some asshole from overseas comes in and lives here for about a year; and then has the nerve to call himself Canadian. Who the fuck do they think are? I don't give a shit if it says on paper they are Canadian cuz they are not.
Normally I don't respond to the ignorant racism that is so common here but I would like to in this case, because it affects me.

I am an immigrant to Canada.

Of course, I am a white American, who speaks English and has practically the same culture, so I doubt you would have a problem with me. Anti-immigrant feeling is just thinly veiled racism that people feel justified spewing because they feel like they have some moral right because they were born in a place and immigrants weren't.

My girlfriend is an immigrant to Canada from Korea. She speaks English, has a job, and is getting a university degree. Does she not deserve to be here and do all this because she was born in another country?

Why does someone having different customs offend you so much? We're all people with different customs. You have as much a right to do what you want as they do.

As for the jobs issue, you are engaging in pure ignorance. For one thing, immigrants have a much harder time finding a job than "real" Canadians. Secondly, what do you think immigrants do with the money they make when they do get a job? Burn it? No, they are spending money and improving the economy and that helps everyone, including morons like you.

I hope you realize that you are just a hateful person, but I doubt you will, because if you can seriously believe all this racist bullshit, you are probably mentally deficient.
Oh, and you're also an ass-licker hypocrite (you've licked it to me since we've acquainted, and don't deny because you perfectly know that's the truth).

You're a fucking retard,you still pissed off because I told you Italians are'nt white.I think we both know very well that you bothered me,since the gay thread,when you told people you've had gay sex and I kind've stuck up for you so you started sending me pm messages,you're a lying piece of shit and I only ever responded to your messages to be decent.You're the one who bothered me constantly with bullshit broken-english messages,glad those days are over,dude you're fucking embarassing:D
edit:If you want to know how to piss off Personified Hatred,just tell him that Italians are'nt white,haha nothing like being insulted in broken English.Italians are'nt white,more of a biege type colour.:lol:
Meh. I think knowing more than one language is important for expanding one's mechanisms for thinking.