The Whining and Bitching Thread

Yeah it's a bit shit!! There are now tests that can detect JWH which is the primary synthetic cannabinoids responsible for the euphoric and psychoactive effects of the synthetic weed.I'm not sure if they'd test for it on a pre-employment urine test but the stuff has been gaining alot of attention here in the media so i'm not gonna risk it.I just wish that i'd have researched it more thoroughly before I went and purchased it,sux coz I was looking forward to trying it aswell.
In a way i'm glad there are tests for synthetic cannabinoids now, since a lot of that stuff is really poorly understood, and possibly very dangerous, and people don't need an incentive to use it instead of natural weed.

But anyway fuck the system long live the leaf etc etc
I ended up trying it,I foundout that it only stays in your system for 12 to 17 hours and the current tests are very expensive and is'nt likely to be included in a pre-employment test and curiosity got the better of me.I was very skeptical but this stuff got me absolutely hammered!! I was smashed.It is'nt a nice stone though,similar to weed but with an evil feeling lingering,I don't like it.I won't be touching this stuff again,I had 6 cones and threw the rest out....
evil is no bueno. shouldn't feel sinister.

whine/bitch: bad timing to have a broken TV, slow internet connection and phones down.
Oh yeah, I have something to bitch about. My apartment has shitty plumbing, insulation and gas appliances, and the maintenance staff sucks. I've had gas bills in the $150-$200 range this winter despite not even being at the apartment half the week. Right now the water heater's broken so I can't really shower, and who knows if anyone's going to look at it today even though I called in about it first thing this morning.

I really don't want to move out of here because there's a lot I like about the place, but I can't deal with this bullshit again next winter.

Also Comcast randomly raised their rate on me by like $30 this month, wtf. Time to sign up for tethering on my smartphone I guess.
It's the opposite actually...I used to be a chronic smoker but gave up last year and have'nt smoked since.There's been a bit about this stuff here in the media and I thought i'd give it a try as a special occasion type thing thinking it would'nt even do anything....I could'nt have been more wrong if I tried this stuff(JWH-018) got me more stoned than any other drug that i've ever know and i've done them all barr heroin.The worst part was,after smoking 6 bong rips i realised that I was higher than i've ever been in my life and that's when the fear set in.Since then i've searched other users effects and found that's what it does.For anyone even contemplating trying this stuff,I would strongly recommend that you don't,or if you must be very careful and only smoke a tiny amount.I was shitting myself...infact i'd go asfar as to say that it was the most unpleasant experience that I can recollect.From what I can gather,it's a combination of being intensely stoned and extreme fear kicking in at the same time.Google it,that is what this stuff does and it can be purchased legally here through the good old internet.I feel sorry for the next kid who buys this crap and hoofs in like I did,they're in for a very nasty shock.This synthetic weed amounted to the first bad trip i've ever had in my life.
Just found out that I have lost my Opeth shirt, some fucker probably stole it last night. That guy will suffer a progressive death.
Just found out that I have lost my Opeth shirt, some fucker probably stole it last night. That guy will suffer a progressive death.

Well that for sure wasn't me as I'm not a pubescent girl.
I wish my sister would fucking move out already because I have zero time alone. She's a college graduate with a steady job ffs.
Just found out that I have lost my Opeth shirt, some fucker probably stole it last night. That guy will suffer a progressive death.

That's what you get for calling our Great Nation of Pizza Buffet Lovers Dino Cazares, faggot!!!!

It's the opposite actually...I used to be a chronic smoker but gave up last year and have'nt smoked since.There's been a bit about this stuff here in the media and I thought i'd give it a try as a special occasion type thing thinking it would'nt even do anything....I could'nt have been more wrong if I tried this stuff(JWH-018) got me more stoned than any other drug that i've ever know and i've done them all barr heroin.The worst part was,after smoking 6 bong rips i realised that I was higher than i've ever been in my life and that's when the fear set in.Since then i've searched other users effects and found that's what it does.For anyone even contemplating trying this stuff,I would strongly recommend that you don't,or if you must be very careful and only smoke a tiny amount.I was shitting myself...infact i'd go asfar as to say that it was the most unpleasant experience that I can recollect.From what I can gather,it's a combination of being intensely stoned and extreme fear kicking in at the same time.Google it,that is what this stuff does and it can be purchased legally here through the good old internet.I feel sorry for the next kid who buys this crap and hoofs in like I did,they're in for a very nasty shock.This synthetic weed amounted to the first bad trip i've ever had in my life.

First time I tried it I nearly had a seizure. Shit puts me in a state of fealing like I'm in a dream.
cell phone died on accounta i dropped it too much. there's another hundred bucks down the toilet for a new one. totally lame since i'm only here another 4 months
I'm going to go to the shop tonight and see if they can't do anything about it. I wish I were better at managing money, hate having to wait until payday to do stuff. Lucky for me payday is tomorrow.