The Whining and Bitching Thread

Fuckin' busy night at work tonight. As soon as I arrived at 3, it was nonstop until we closed at 12. I had to cut a few people off because they were being drunken douchebags and falling all over the place, spilling their drinks everywhere. Some couldn't even hold half a bloody sentence. I even had to break up a fight between two customers, both extremely drunk off their tits swearing and slurring at each other.

Some Welsh dude came up to me and was telling me how he just found out that his best friend got cancer, that's why he was drinking so much. Then he proceeded to high five me and lean on my shoulder, almost making me fall. What the fuck.

Then some fat bogan fuckhead didn't know which bourbon he wanted to drink, so he comes around to my side of the bar (completely fucking unacceptable). I move towards him and tell him that he isn't allowed to be on my side of the bar. He shoves me aside pretty hard and says, "Fuck off you don't want to fight me". Points to the one I was recommending him the whole time, and goes away. I was holding on to an empty bottle of Wild Turkey and raised it, about to smash in his face when my supervisor grabs my shoulder and tells me to go take a time out. My head had played so many scenarios of killing him right there and then just with that empty bottle. Either way, the guy got kicked out as soon as the hotel duty manager was told about it by my supervisor. Could've ended baaaaaaaaaad.
Fuckin' busy night at work tonight. As soon as I arrived at 3, it was nonstop until we closed at 12. I had to cut a few people off because they were being drunken douchebags and falling all over the place, spilling their drinks everywhere. Some couldn't even hold half a bloody sentence. I even had to break up a fight between two customers, both extremely drunk off their tits swearing and slurring at each other.

Some Welsh dude came up to me and was telling me how he just found out that his best friend got cancer, that's why he was drinking so much. Then he proceeded to high five me and lean on my shoulder, almost making me fall. What the fuck.

Then some fat bogan fuckhead didn't know which bourbon he wanted to drink, so he comes around to my side of the bar (completely fucking unacceptable). I move towards him and tell him that he isn't allowed to be on my side of the bar. He shoves me aside pretty hard and says, "Fuck off you don't want to fight me". Points to the one I was recommending him the whole time, and goes away. I was holding on to an empty bottle of Wild Turkey and raised it, about to smash in his face when my supervisor grabs my shoulder and tells me to go take a time out. My head had played so many scenarios of killing him right there and then just with that empty bottle. Either way, the guy got kicked out as soon as the hotel duty manager was told about it by my supervisor. Could've ended baaaaaaaaaad.

I read this in an Australian accent and it was awesome.
Uhm, not wanting to be a dick or anything, but are you sure you're comfortable being a bartender? I mean, killing customers, however drunk they may be, can only be bad for business.

LOL. Maybe my bad mood lately is to be blamed, I don't usually want to kill customers :p. I'd say 99.95% of the time I'm pretty good with customers. I'm a jaded barman, not a homicidal maniac. Tonight was a rather shit night and everyone of my colleagues agree. Do note, that I work in a a supposed 5-star hotel bar not some nightclub, so you'd expect our clientelle to be a wee bit classier. Not in this cesspool.

I don't mind if people are drunk and louder than they think they are. I don't care if they swear loudly in front of other patrons, I'll tell them to keep it down. I don't care for alot of drunken antics and usually laugh along with it. At times, if people are rude to me I'll just be a snide and cheeky prick back. But threatening me or other staff is just not acceptable. Then again, neither is smashing a bottle in someone's face. Oh well.
Whatever Episteme I'll come to your bar and smash bottles over all the other patrons' heads and then get pitifully smashed myself and hit on you and look like a complete asshole. I have slight anger problems myself and you reacted pretty much exactly the way I would have. I totally understand how it goes.

My whine and bitch is that I'm getting fat because I have gay injuries on both feet (Achilles tendon pain on the left, plantar fasciitis or something on the right) and can hardly do anything without it hurting and creaking. A normal person would say "I can't exercise so I'll eat less," but I am having the opposite reaction + feeling really pissy and depressed because of it. Soon I will be a 200 pound angry drunk slurring my words together and eating my own puke off the streets because there is no chocolate left.
Being drunk and pushing someone is more acceptable than being a bartender and smashing a bottle in someone's head.

I agree with this and I'm thankful I didn't actually smash a bottle on his head. It would've gone down pretty bad. On a good day I wouldn't have reacted the way I almost did. There's no excuse to wanting to have homicidal and violent thoughts.

Either way, it doesn't excuse him to act like a douchebag. He's in what's considered a "5 star hotel bar". You don't just walk behind the bar, push their staff away, swear and threaten to fight them. Sure it was a bad idea to want to smash a bottle over his head, but if he threw a punch at my face what the hell do you expect me to do? Stay there and take it?

Truth is: You don't get drunk and act like a cunt. Like I said, I'm a jaded barman not a homicidal maniac. I double up as a bouncer most of the time on weekends because most my other staff are weak and too afraid of confrontation.

I've had to deal with alot of dickheads and after awhile you get jaded and sick of the cesspool of drunken dicks. What most people don't realize is that there are alot of them around, especially after they've had a few in them. I don't endorse my behaviour and thoughts, but I also don't endorse acting like a fucking douchebag when you're pissed drunk as well.

p.s And yes, I know I'm in the wrong industry. What do you think I'm studying for?
There were at least four questions there, and he answered the one regarding her nationality. Can you reed?

I can actually, and all your other questions were moot because they assumed she is Korean which she's not.

Sorta pissed; that girl who I've trying to be friends with again, asked me to smoke some dope with her, which is awesome.

But what isn't awesome, is the fact that the dude I got it from (who happens to be my neighbor and best bud since we were 3) only put a couple buds in it; for the most part, it was stem. He said he did this because he "knew she would waste the smoke"... which was true, as she did waste most of the smoke she had, as it was her first time.

But either way, I ended up hogging most of it because she couldn't hold her smoke... so I ended up with a slight buzz and a headache afterwards, and she ended up feeling exactly the fucking same.

Fuck, I need a better job. Trying to plan a trip out to California this summer and its just going to leave me so in the hole as far as money is concerned.

Gonna cost me like ... $1200 between flight, hotel, and car. ._.