The Whining and Bitching Thread

Fuck, I need a better job. Trying to plan a trip out to California this summer and its just going to leave me so in the hole as far as money is concerned.

Gonna cost me like ... $1200 between flight, hotel, and car. ._.

Hitchhike! How long are you planning on being in Cali btw? We need to hang out longer than the 5 or 10 minutes we did at Scion, haha.
Not too sure if this a good thing or a bad thing. But my band's album just got leaked on the internet. o_0

Who leaked it? I've always been curious how albums get leaked. Do reviewers do it, or band members, or people involved with the recording, or is it just magic?
Who leaked it? I've always been curious how albums get leaked. Do reviewers do it, or band members, or people involved with the recording, or is it just magic?

It could be a variety of factors. As far as I know, none of us in the band had leaked it. We sent quite a number of CDs out for reviewing and some people have bought it off our bigcartel website. So it could be anything really. Might've been friends and family who we passed some to. :err:
Whatever Episteme I'll come to your bar and smash bottles over all the other patrons' heads and then get pitifully smashed myself and hit on you and look like a complete asshole. I have slight anger problems myself and you reacted pretty much exactly the way I would have. I totally understand how it goes.

My whine and bitch is that I'm getting fat because I have gay injuries on both feet (Achilles tendon pain on the left, plantar fasciitis or something on the right) and can hardly do anything without it hurting and creaking. A normal person would say "I can't exercise so I'll eat less," but I am having the opposite reaction + feeling really pissy and depressed because of it. Soon I will be a 200 pound angry drunk slurring my words together and eating my own puke off the streets because there is no chocolate left.

Krampus: one beer-drinkin', hell-raisin', beer-bellied, puke-slingin', bar-fightin', cat-callin', cussin' and rantin', knuckle sandwich servin', ass-whoopin' helluva...lady?
After about 6 months of winter, I'm about ready to pull a switcheroo and sneak across the Mexican border. It's technically been spring for over a week and it's still cold and snowing. I hate not ever feeling warm unless I'm in the shower. A few weeks ago, I caught a nasty bug and had a fever of 103 - and I actually enjoyed it, because I finally had a sensation of warmth. I'll never understand how people revel in cold weather and bitch when the sun shines.
After about 6 months of winter, I'm about ready to pull a switcheroo and sneak across the Mexican border. It's technically been spring for over a week and it's still cold and snowing. I hate not ever feeling warm unless I'm in the shower. A few weeks ago, I caught a nasty bug and had a fever of 103 - and I actually enjoyed it, because I finally had a sensation of warmth. I'll never understand how people revel in cold weather and bitch when the sun shines.

Those people are either so obese they cannot feel cold or insane masochists. I am so sick of winter too - it's not as cold and it's not snowy here, but living in an uninsulated house with only space heaters gets so old so quick. At least in summer when it's 95 and 150% humidity I can just shut myself in with the AC.
I don't do too well in either, but somehow in the past year something has made cold completely 100% infuckingtolerable. I'm always freezing even when everyone else is fine or a little warm. I take baths and waste huge amounts of hot water every day just because I can't get warm, and I drink seriously 10-15 mugs of hot tea/coffee a day for the same reason.

I'm moving to Texas when I get back to America.
I hate summer, because I hate sitting in ball soup.

Winter? I'll take it, because I can just continue placing layers on myself until I'm warm. I don't give a shit if I look like the Michelin Man in the end. :lol: