The Whining and Bitching Thread

My whine and bitch is because I have a receding hairline and a beergut and am over 30.

That's great self-promotion.

I get up at 6:30 am if I want to run or work out before work, 7 if I want time to curl my hair, 7:15 if I want time to make and enjoy coffee, and 7:40 if I am lazy and feel like getting ready in 10 minutes.
I'm up at 11 everyday lol. I'm a full time student with an easy schedule so I often just don't go to school and still rape tests and shit.

However, if I get this paper delivery job which I hope I do, things will change. Shift starts at 1 AM and goes till 6 AM
I have to say, if I weren't constantly worried about how incompetent/useless I am at my job it would be one of the sweetest jobs ever. On this project I'm working in my own company's office, and a lot of people there come in after 10 regularly. It's contract work so as long as you put in your hours and make it to the meetings no one really gives a shit. It's mainly just a couple managers there bright and early because they're the ones dealing with the clients all day.

Couple weeks ago I was up retardedly late on Sunday night cause it was karaoke night at a bar some of my friends go to. I showed up at the office at like 10:45 next morning, walked by my manager on the way in, and all he said was "hi".
God I'm so fucking clumsy. I went upstairs a few hours ago to get something to eat and on my way down I realized I didn't shut the door all the way so I come back up, shut it and on my way downstairs I missed a step because I couldn't see since it was dark, and ended up falling slamming my knee into the ground and landing on my foot.

My foot feels fine now but my knee is really messed up, can't move it without it catching and I have really bad stability on it right now :(
The flatmate's female is having a period related stress and I think it's about to turn in my direction.

I can't deal with this shit. Put a fucking cork up it bitch.
I need to pull myself out of this hole that I've dug myself in after the break up. Insomnia, binge drinking, chain smoking, short tempers and only eating one meal a day. I sleep at 4 or 5 am every night and only for 4 hours. Blargh. I've lost 4kg since the break up from the lack of eating. This shit isn't healthy.
I need to pull myself out of this hole that I've dug myself in after the break up. Insomnia, binge drinking, chain smoking, short tempers and only eating one meal a day. I sleep at 4 or 5 am every night and only for 4 hours. Blargh. I've lost 4kg since the break up from the lack of eating. This shit isn't healthy.

lol I've been doing the same shit. Aside from chain smoking. And losing weight.