The Whining and Bitching Thread

So my birthday was on the 1st of April and pretty much everyone I know sans my mom, dad, bro, and one aunt remembered/knew. I never heard anything from the rest of my family or any of my friends. It's really not a big deal to me because I know everyone has lives and whatnot so I didn't expect everyone to stop what they're doing just to say happy birthday (not like texting is hard though). But the thing that gets me is I've talked to a lot of people since then and no one even had a clue. lol?

The thing that did bother me was the fact that I never heard anything from Ashley. I really tried not letting it bother me but I ended up breaking down and texting her and then later called her to see what was going on. She didn't forget apparently, she was just busy with an influx of family members vacationing at her parents place.
So my birthday was on the 1st of April and pretty much everyone I know sans my mom, dad, bro, and one aunt remembered/knew. I never heard anything from the rest of my family or any of my friends. It's really not a big deal to me because I know everyone has lives and whatnot so I didn't expect everyone to stop what they're doing just to say happy birthday (not like texting is hard though). But the thing that gets me is I've talked to a lot of people since then and no one even had a clue. lol?

The thing that did bother me was the fact that I never heard anything from Ashley. I really tried not letting it bother me but I ended up breaking down and texting her and then later called her to see what was going on. She didn't forget apparently, she was just busy with an influx of family members vacationing at her parents place.

I'm guessing you didn't have a party or advertise it at all?
It's my birthday on the ninth and people seem to have become annoyed with me whilst I've been away at uni. They're coming up with gay excuses not to come to a meal and then night out. To be fair I think one of them is all emo because he got dumped and an other one can't afford it.
Sucks, hope some people come out and celebrate. My birthday is Christmas Eve so no one can ever come out and play on the actual day because they're all at home eating ham with their families.

I feel like a bottomless pit and have for the past couple days. I really hope I'm not pregnant.
I feel fine today. I've been preggers before and I don't have any of the other symptoms that I'm aware of, so hoping it's just my woman time. Not being on the pill is scary like that.
A while back a girl with a clipboard came up to me while I was on the uni campus and asked me to model for some fashion shoot she was doing. I agreed and put my details down.

Now it's actually coming up to the date and I'm not so sure what to do. I don't think I'm going to have the courage to do it. Also I need a haircut and the barbers around here suck.
Anyone ever ill to the point they can't even feed themselves and than feel deprived of health. I don't even know if I can get an erection as of late because am ill and in pain. All I do is smoke and drink coffee and am going insane from being derived of anything good.
So I visited my Father today and we get to some deep talking. Eventually he tells me he's claiming bankruptcy and is planning on moving. I was in complete fucking shock! I've been online almost all day reading about the steps and I'm exhausted. I feel really fucking horrible for the dude, because he's not a good guy, hes a great fucking guy, he just has a drinking problem and this secret debt I never knew about until now. From what he told me he handled his finances really poorly. I'm confused and quite sad.