The Whining and Bitching Thread

Coffee should be strong using freshly ground beans, with not much milk and a bit of froth on top. I currently still put in half a teaspoon of sugar as well, but I think I'll stop with the sugar altogether soon. I'm very much in love with my Atomic coffee making machine. I don't know how I existed before it was in my life. I've had it since christmas and now that it's worn in and I know how to use it properly, it makes as good or better coffee than I get from proper espresso machines at most cafes. It also looks really cool:


Mid century design triumph ftw.
I fucking need some small fucking headphones for my way to school. I can't carry my big Sennheisers there and I don't want anything shitty.
Well I handed in my essay electronically less than one minute before the deadline, after which the link would have disappeared. I should be really happy I got it in on time but I just feel knackered from being up all night.

Oh fuck I'm not doing any last minute merchantry next year. Fuck that. I only had to pass this year, next year counts towards my final mark.

I fucking need some small fucking headphones for my way to school. I can't carry my big Sennheisers there and I don't want anything shitty.

I have the same problem. Maahooosive sounding shitty panasonic headphones or fucked Koss Portapros that need the jack soldering on again.

Need some in ear (no homo) phones for walking around the campus like a motherfucker with.

Oh and now I want to apply to study in the Czech Republic for a while.
I don't like the amount of homo that has entered this discussion, with the whole fucking Czech Republic bullshit and shit to shove in your gaping ear canals.

Tea is where it is fucking at.
I don't like the amount of homo that has entered this discussion, with the whole fucking Czech Republic bullshit and shit to shove in your gaping ear canals.

Tea is where it is fucking at.

Fruit tea is ok. I can see it being accused of homosex though.
Petroleum is a million pounds a gallon here. Our gallons are more masculine and girthier though.