The Whining and Bitching Thread

Hear hear re: the best atheists.

This is just perfect, now I actually have to go for the first time in 8 days now and I have to stay in the office because no one else is here. Fucking perfect
Those people aren't atheists if they believe a god of any type is conceivable. In my opinion, atheists are just as crazy and misguided as those who believe in a religion. People who assume they know something that is unknowable are silly people who I can't take seriously so I just prefer not to talk to them. Or in your case, just don't talk to people like that about those particular subjects.

You can be an atheist while believing any conceivable god is possible. Atheist literally means "without (a) god." Anyone who does not have faith in a god is an atheist. I am that kind of atheist I described above and I say I am not agnostic because I do not consider declaring any faith because of the vast amount of uncertainty. Agnostics do consider declaring a faith, but are still uncertain.
You're misinterpreting the definition of atheism and what atheism is truly about. Atheists believe there is no god of any kind. Claiming to be an open-minded atheist is impossible and makes no sense. Either you believe or you don't. You can't believe in any or everything but nothing at the same time.
Atheism is not all about rejection, it is merely a lack of belief. It is possible to not have a belief and still consider the beliefs of others to have possibly viability.

Like I said, atheism literally means "without god." This is misinterpreted so much. An atheist is anyone who says "no" to believing in any god, regardless of how they view the concept and whether or not they consider it.
No, agnostics consider believing. I don't. I consider the possibility of gods existing, but I do not consider believing in them because it more or less means rejecting all others.
I guess I'm one of those "stupid" atheists who are certain that there is no god. I'm not 100% certain, more like 99%. The idea of a god seems ridiculous to me, but I have to acknowledge that the existence of god is not completely impossible.
That's kind of how I see it. I see the probability of any particular god or pantheon existing as one in infinity divided by two. The fifty-fifty is based on whether there is a supernatural or not, and the one in infinity is the infinite amount of conceivable gods that could exist assuming there is a supernatural.

But yeah, let's not turn this thread into religion.

Anyways, anyone know a god way to change a sleeping pattern? Mine is fucked up. I can't sleep until around three in the morning and I need to change it fast because I have a new job.
Agnosticism refers to knowledge. It says "I do not know if god exists"
Atheism refers to belief "I do not believe god exists"
The second one is where I stand. I have a belief that no gods exist, but I consider the possibility that they may.
Lulz at agnostic atheism.

If you entertain the idea that there may be a god, then you're not an atheist. It's all or nothing.

Just like, don't call yourself yourself a vegetarian if continually eat meat, even if in small amounts.
You can still believe in the possibility of a god existing while not believing any gods. It doesn't matter what you consider in defining oneself as an atheist, it only matters what the belief is.

The analogy would be something more like "don't call yourself a vegetarian if you're open to eating meat." One can still be a vegetarian and be open to eating meat. One is a vegetarian because they don't eat meat, and being open to eating it does not cancel out their being a vegetarian.
But it's contradictory to consider oneself an atheist and be open to, or believe in the possible existence of a god or gods.

I'll be a bit more specific. If a person is a vegetarian because he/she is against animal cruelty and does not believe in harming animals for food, that person would not consider eating meat and if that person started to and continuously did, he/she should not be considered a vegetarian.
It's not contradictory. All "atheist" means is not believing in any god. It has nothing to do with what considers or does not consider. It is only about not having a belief in a god.
But it does matter what one considers. If you're open to the idea that there may be a god, then why call yourself an atheist in the first place.
Because I don't believe in any gods.

By calling yourself an atheist, you are rejecting the very notion that a god exists and the possibility, hence why you wouldn't believe in a god. If you are simply not a religious person, then that's a different matter. Your definition of an atheist is too naive. Entertaining the possibility that a God exists only implies that you are not entirely sure of what you believe.