The Whining and Bitching Thread

That's the thing. I'm always sober when an acquaintance of mine tells me he's high. That's pretty much it. He just starts up a conversation with me purely to tell me he's high, and then will maybe link some lame stoner rap song.
That's the thing. I'm always sober when an acquaintance of mine tells me he's high. That's pretty much it. He just starts up a conversation with me purely to tell me he's high, and then will maybe link some lame stoner rap song.

Dude, you have some really stupid friends.

Whine/bitch: Got out of the shower this morning and smacked the heel of my foot on the floor heater in my room and slit the back of my heel open. Fucking thing bled through two bandaids and my sock. It finally stopped I think but it hurts like a bitch and I'm going to be on my feet all day at work, and I have a gimp. Laaaaaaaaame.
That sucks KR. I had ill-fitting boots all the way through bootcamp. Lost probably 5+ mins per morning doing a bandaid/moleskin ritual on my heels so I wasn't in agony.
Man that had to suck ass. I distinctly remember the boots I was issued were the best fitting pair of footwear I've ever had. It was the most bizarre thing because I was actually worried about them not fitting properly and getting blisters and whatnot.
Yeah I didn't know it at the time, but I needed extra wide shoes and all they had was standard sizing. So the "correct" size was too tight, but the next size up was too loose.

So I had to get extra thick socks and do the little moleskin ritual. At least I went during the winter....

I've got a stash of various boots I was issued that are pretty much worthless for me.
Got home after epic new year's celebrations last night, paid the cab driver and unloaded a bunch of stuff out of the boot. About 3 seconds after I close the back of the cab and the driver takes off, I realise I've left my brand new Canon SLR camera which was given to me as a birthday present from my girlfriend only 2 weeks ago on the back seat. I yell and scream and run after him, but by the time I get to the end of my street, he's already blocks away. I call the cab company, they get onto the driver within a couple of minutes, and he responds that there's no camera in his car. FUCK. I tell them that the camera is most definitely in his car and escalate it to a supervisor who tries again to speak to the driver, but he's logged off and gone home. FUCKING CUNTING ARSE. They are of course unable to tell me when he'll be back on, but they reckon that mine was the last job that he did before logging off, so I'm thinking maybe there's a glimmer of hope that the camera is still sitting there on the back seat. So I spent the next ten hours ringing them back and having messages sent to the driver to please check again and call as soon as he's logged back on. After about the 13th call someone tells me that he's working again, he's checked the cab, and no camera. So either he's stolen it, or he's done a cash job after me and they've stolen it. Now I have to get the police involved and try to see if there is CCTV footage from the cab, but I'm not holding out much hope. Happy fucking new year.
Saw that the girl I went out with a couple times in the past week or so just became in a relationship with some dolphin trainer, fuuuuuuuuuuu. Guess that explains why she didn't seem as interested on our second outing.
Dolphin trainers have easy life man, don’t be sad. Those guys are fucking used to wet.

EDIT: It might be the easiest way to get a girl: "I train dolphins, baby".
I seriously want cultural relativism universally discredited as a defence in court cases involving violence or attempts at violence. I'm thinking if I could somehow make that happen, even just in my own country then that would be an beautiful accomplishment. I really hope I can change it somehow, I know it's a stupid pipedream but things really have to change. I don't care if elite members of the liberal establishment label as one of "them" (a far rightie). I just can't bare to see any more of these cases. It's totally wrong and disgusting, it makes me want to spit or throw up.
Do you have any examples of cultural relativism in cases of (physical) violence being upheld in court?