The Whining and Bitching Thread

Entertaining the possibility that a God exists only implies that you are not entirely sure of what you believe.

Well that's exactly what an agnostic atheist is. He may personally believe that a deity does not exist, but since he has no definite proof for or against this belief, why should be he so adamant in his belief? Technically speaking, being absolutely certain there is no deity is no better than being absolutely certain there is one.
Get your god damn facts straight, people.


"An atheist agnostic is someone who does not believe in gods and also thinks that the existence of gods cannot be known. This might mean that they don’t believe in gods because they haven’t seen any evidence that supports their existence.
A theist gnostic is someone who believes in a god/gods and thinks that the existence of gods can be known. This position is usually referred to as just ‘theist‘, since people who believe in gods, usually also think that their existence can be known.
An atheist gnostic is someone who does not believe in gods, and who thinks that we can know that gods do not exist. A fairly unusual position, they might think they have found proof of the non-existence of gods, or might have been persuaded by life experiences.
A theist agnostic is someone who believes in gods, but thinks that they could not know for sure that their god exists. Another fairly unusual position, as people who have faith in gods usually also think that their god can be known to be real.
So we have two common positions: atheist agnostic and theist
and two less common positions: atheist gnostic and theist agnostic"

That may just be the most unappealing thumbnail of a video I've ever seen.
So lately my car has become a goddamn magnet. In October, a guy ran a red light hitting my front bumper as I was making a left turn. Then a couple of weeks ago, I'm driving down the freeway and a fucking steel barrel falls out of the back of this pickup truck and comes bounding down the highway towards me. I swerve out of its way, but it jumps and clips the passenger side of my front bumper.

And then fucking yesterday a TOW TRUCK backs into my car. He was first blocking my car, and then moves forward. As I'm backing out, he backed up too putting a hole in my driver's side mirror cover and a dent on the bottom piece under my door.

Why do stoners like to tell people that they're high? I understand if one rarely does it, because then it's a rare enough occurrence to warrant letting a friend know. But it's not like I randomly initiate a conversation with "hey, I'm reading. I'm so interested in what I'm reading right now."