The Whining and Bitching Thread

Just out of curiosity, are you referencing the case of the Afghan girl who was abused for refusing to prostitute herself? And if so, how is cultural relativism being used to legally defend her persecutors?
Do you have any examples of cultural relativism in cases of (physical) violence being upheld in court?

It's happened in Germany and the UK although the example in the UK has been exaggerated in the tabloid press so I don't want to link to it. I must admit that part of what I'm disgusted by is just commentary on cases by certain European sociologists, especially in Nordic countries.
Fucking shitcakes, i can't fall asleep at a reasonable hour to save my life this week. As previously stated, i hope you all die.

It's happened in Germany and the UK although the example in the UK has been exaggerated in the tabloid press so I don't want to link to it. I must admit that part of what I'm disgusted by is just commentary on cases by certain European sociologists, especially in Nordic countries.

You're being rather vague, why not just post a link?
Got home after epic new year's celebrations last night, paid the cab driver and unloaded a bunch of stuff out of the boot. About 3 seconds after I close the back of the cab and the driver takes off, I realise I've left my brand new Canon SLR camera which was given to me as a birthday present from my girlfriend only 2 weeks ago on the back seat. I yell and scream and run after him, but by the time I get to the end of my street, he's already blocks away. I call the cab company, they get onto the driver within a couple of minutes, and he responds that there's no camera in his car. FUCK. I tell them that the camera is most definitely in his car and escalate it to a supervisor who tries again to speak to the driver, but he's logged off and gone home. FUCKING CUNTING ARSE. They are of course unable to tell me when he'll be back on, but they reckon that mine was the last job that he did before logging off, so I'm thinking maybe there's a glimmer of hope that the camera is still sitting there on the back seat. So I spent the next ten hours ringing them back and having messages sent to the driver to please check again and call as soon as he's logged back on. After about the 13th call someone tells me that he's working again, he's checked the cab, and no camera. So either he's stolen it, or he's done a cash job after me and they've stolen it. Now I have to get the police involved and try to see if there is CCTV footage from the cab, but I'm not holding out much hope. Happy fucking new year.

...and today I had my iphone & wallet stolen out of my workvan. 2012 can pretty much just fuck right off at this point.
One of the front elements in my 70-200mm f2.8L (the most expensive one I own, of course...) is dislodged. Still autofocuses and fires, and I'm gonna take it in on Monday to a repair center to see what it'll cost. Hopefully the only cost involved is labor, as the front element is just shifted up. It must have bumped into something pretty hard (which I don't really recall at all). Probably gonna have to buy a temporary lens in the meantime to cover a longer range...
Just found out that because my iphone had been updated and I'd registered it with iCloud, that I don't need the Find My Phone ap installed on it to be able to remotely lock it and track its location. Would have been very handy to know last night when the fucker that stole it turned it on and answered a call from me. Unfortunately he hasn't turned it on again, but when/if he does, my phone will lock and I'll get a pinpoint location.
Just found out that because my iphone had been updated and I'd registered it with iCloud, that I don't need the Find My Phone ap installed on it to be able to remotely lock it and track its location. Would have been very handy to know last night when the fucker that stole it turned it on and answered a call from me. Unfortunately he hasn't turned it on again, but when/if he does, my phone will lock and I'll get a pinpoint location.

God bless Big Brother!
Just found out that because my iphone had been updated and I'd registered it with iCloud, that I don't need the Find My Phone ap installed on it to be able to remotely lock it and track its location. Would have been very handy to know last night when the fucker that stole it turned it on and answered a call from me. Unfortunately he hasn't turned it on again, but when/if he does, my phone will lock and I'll get a pinpoint location.

Shit dude, that's pretty terrible.

Installing an application like that comes handy. I have it installed on my android phone and it came handy when I forgot my phone at the university.

Anyway, I hope you find your phone, wallet and camera soon. Good luck.