I've decided its time to change a few things in my life and I'm hating it already. First off, no more fucking fast food. I had fast food four times in one day last week and I realized that just has to fucking stop. I dont even give a shit that I'm a bit chubby.... but FUCK I'm wasting money. Thing number two, and this one really hurts. I have to stop buying so much music. I have a dresser entirely full of cds.... probably havent ever listened to 20% of them. I have a huge pile of cds underneathe my computer stand waiting for me to listen to them so they can join the ranks and a bunch of shit en route I've recently bought.
1. I've started cooking for myself recently. I'd like to think the food I'm cooking is fairly decent. I made pasta with sauce and italian sausage and homemade garlic bread today and the food to assemble it literally cost me $11. More than my fiance and I could eat.
2. I have to start showing my collection of music the love it deserves. Take the plastic off the cds I've neglected and listen to the damn things. I will not totally stop buying but it will be much more select.
It's time for me to save money and move out of this house. It's time for me to get my shit together and go to a trade school or something. I cant work in a warehouse for the rest of my life. I'm 23 years old and the ONLY thing I have going for me is a mentally unstable female that made the mistake of falling in love with me. I look back at my apathy through life and hate myself for it. I squandered a full ride scholarship to WVU. I scored a 28 on my ACT for fucks sake... I've let this world pass by as I work a minimum wage job and waste all my money as I sit here at my parents house using a trash computer.