The Whining and Bitching Thread

I don't think it's a good sign when not using a non-addictive substance is getting to you.
I had some drinks over Christmas, but honestly, I think I'm done with alcohol. I don't drink coffee or pop anymore and I'm adding alcohol to the list, weeding out unhealthy habits. I don't smoke, aside from the occasional cigar, but I've hardly got any desire at this point. I don't have an addictive personality so it's easy for me to quit things cold turkey, but it's a double-edged sword because I can lose interest in things I really like rather easily.
I've decided its time to change a few things in my life and I'm hating it already. First off, no more fucking fast food. I had fast food four times in one day last week and I realized that just has to fucking stop. I dont even give a shit that I'm a bit chubby.... but FUCK I'm wasting money. Thing number two, and this one really hurts. I have to stop buying so much music. I have a dresser entirely full of cds.... probably havent ever listened to 20% of them. I have a huge pile of cds underneathe my computer stand waiting for me to listen to them so they can join the ranks and a bunch of shit en route I've recently bought.

1. I've started cooking for myself recently. I'd like to think the food I'm cooking is fairly decent. I made pasta with sauce and italian sausage and homemade garlic bread today and the food to assemble it literally cost me $11. More than my fiance and I could eat.
2. I have to start showing my collection of music the love it deserves. Take the plastic off the cds I've neglected and listen to the damn things. I will not totally stop buying but it will be much more select.

It's time for me to save money and move out of this house. It's time for me to get my shit together and go to a trade school or something. I cant work in a warehouse for the rest of my life. I'm 23 years old and the ONLY thing I have going for me is a mentally unstable female that made the mistake of falling in love with me. I look back at my apathy through life and hate myself for it. I squandered a full ride scholarship to WVU. I scored a 28 on my ACT for fucks sake... I've let this world pass by as I work a minimum wage job and waste all my money as I sit here at my parents house using a trash computer.
I'm in the same boat with my music collection. I don't know my collection inside out, yet I find myself still trying to explore as much music out there as I possibly I can in turn buy more CDs. So yeah, I've cut back on buying CDs, save for the exception of rare items on my wantlist or essentials that I am already familiar with but for whatever reason didn't get around to buying.

And since I've really been eating healthy, I've become increasingly aware of how my body reacts to certain foods. Fast food or junk food is almost always guaranteed to make me regret eating it afterwards. So I stick to a simple healthy diet of eggs, oatmeal, soups, beans and lentils, fruits and veggies etc, and I've got no real need or care for baking or cooking anything elaborate. It works for me.

Coffee has health benefits, as does beer/wine (in moderation).

I drink tea instead. It's healthier and I don't feel obliged to make it so incredibly strong. Also, drinking coffee was staining my teeth.
I am finally free of an unwelcome guest. My wife took in an old friend of hers who was supposedly down on his luck and wanted to start over. She's known the guy since she was a little girl, but hasn't seen him in person for several years. Apparently he had gone to college and had a good job in the Northwest. Then "mysteriously", he lost it all. It didn't take long for us to realize that it was because he's a fucking drunk. Everything came to a head this weekend when he went on a bender, groped my wife's best friend and started shouting at my kids. He passed out, and not knowing when to take enough punishment, we let him be. No sooner had I gone to work a 10 hour shift today and my wife took our kids to an Imax movie had he woke up, sucked down more malt liquor and drunk dialed my wife's best friend who he creeped out the night before. My wife became furious and forced him outside. Then he apparently spent a couple hours terrorizing my wife and kids by pounding on the back door. By the time I came home, some relative of his had finally got him. I really wish I was here so I could have bludgeoning him to death.
Why didn't he get kicked out after groping that woman?

I don't have an addictive personality so it's easy for me to quit things cold turkey, but it's a double-edged sword because I can lose interest in things I really like rather easily.

I'm the same way, but I never put the two together. I always see picking up a habit or finding a new interest as some kind of commitment, and then I rack my brain with all of the other things I could be doing instead. That prevents me from sticking to what I was doing, and prevents me from doing the other things I thought about doing. I think it's a symptom of my ADHD.
No. You should have just given him an ultimatum when you discovered his drinking problem.

Edit: Assuming you mean you should have physically hurt him.
The next morning, we did. We said if you drink again, we're locking you out of the house. Which is what my wife did when I was working. That of course didn't stop him from being a belligerent asshole. Found out this morning he stole a beef roast and some steaks out of our freezer. Really? You're going to get back at us by stealing meat?
I've decided its time to change a few things in my life and I'm hating it already. First off, no more fucking fast food. I had fast food four times in one day last week and I realized that just has to fucking stop. I dont even give a shit that I'm a bit chubby.... but FUCK I'm wasting money. Thing number two, and this one really hurts. I have to stop buying so much music. I have a dresser entirely full of cds.... probably havent ever listened to 20% of them. I have a huge pile of cds underneathe my computer stand waiting for me to listen to them so they can join the ranks and a bunch of shit en route I've recently bought.

1. I've started cooking for myself recently. I'd like to think the food I'm cooking is fairly decent. I made pasta with sauce and italian sausage and homemade garlic bread today and the food to assemble it literally cost me $11. More than my fiance and I could eat.
2. I have to start showing my collection of music the love it deserves. Take the plastic off the cds I've neglected and listen to the damn things. I will not totally stop buying but it will be much more select.

It's time for me to save money and move out of this house. It's time for me to get my shit together and go to a trade school or something. I cant work in a warehouse for the rest of my life. I'm 23 years old and the ONLY thing I have going for me is a mentally unstable female that made the mistake of falling in love with me. I look back at my apathy through life and hate myself for it. I squandered a full ride scholarship to WVU. I scored a 28 on my ACT for fucks sake... I've let this world pass by as I work a minimum wage job and waste all my money as I sit here at my parents house using a trash computer.

If I had a thumbs-up smilie and this was 2002 on the Internet, you'd be getting one.
Good on you Krow. You can eat like a king for a fraction of the price of fast food. I spend like $30 on groceries for a whole week, and that includes lots of fresh fruit and vegetables.

I need to quit smoking. Today I was late to work and ran from the parking garage to the office and almost felt a little winded. Total distance was probably something like .0001 miles.

I also need a better paying job. It's so frustrating sometimes! Really hoping the most recent one applied for will work out, even though I'd be making a pitiful salary it would be almost twice as much as I make here at A-Company. I added it up. Averaging 35 hours a week I make $21,840 before taxes are taken out, and we don't get paid for holidays/sick/vacation and supervisors don't get any benefits.

I'm thinking about getting a second job working nights at a grocery store or something so I can travel and have fun.
I do that, too. It's just hard to enjoy a high inside. It's really tedious covering up my tracks. I should move out.