The Whining and Bitching Thread

Yeah more than likely.
Lack of sleep, drugs, not eating well, zero exercise,... All things that I am trying to change. If that doesn't work, I'm sure there are some other drugs that can help.

It's fml momments like this that reassure me of the fact that, if taped, my life would make a pretty good comedy :lol:
On the brownie bassist and I split one the other night and had a few beers. In the past we've had great success with splitting one three ways and then going out and having a few beers. This time we split it in half and just sat around watching Always Sunny. It took quite a while to hit, but the moment it did I knew it was too much. I've had the entire brownie a few times in the past, but when I do that I just lie down, turn off the lights, and put on some music, because that's all I'm capable of handling at that point. Half a brownie didn't fuck me up that hard, but it was too much. After an hour or two I just passed out.

Knowing how much to take is so essential.
Agreed. I smoked hash this one time out of a bong with my brother. He advised me to take a weak hit and let it out quickly, but I took a really big hit and held it in as long as I could. All I remember is ranting about Naruto and almost puking in the car. It was right after school, and I can barely even remember the rest of the day. Not fun at all.
I'd rather have a low tolerance. Smoking can be very unpleasant, and I'd rather take less hits for a good high.
I'd rather have a low tolerance. Smoking can be very unpleasant, and I'd rather take less hits for a good high.

I find the smoking part to be rather pleasant. Nothing beats laying back on the recliner smoking a blunt. I'd still kill to have as low of a tolerance as I did in my first couple years of smoking. I don't even smoke much anymore and my tolerance isn't nearly as low as it was.
I don't mind the smoking when it's not particularly potent weed, because in my experience, the smoke usually isn't as harsh.
I detest the physical act of smoking. It's the worst fucking thing. Your lungs are the absolute last place you want smoke to be.
I need to rid my lungs of this fresh air, shit's killin' me. Filling my lungs with smoke sounds like a dandy plan right about now.
"People say what they say. It doesn't matter, I don't really care. They say cannabis is not good for your health, but I smoke this shit anyway. Anyway, anyway." - Babalao
My car's battery just died on me in the middle of a major road. I'm chilling atm in a turn lane, blocking traffic, waiting for a tow truck to arrive. :Spin: