My bank account is being closed because of an honest mistake. When I got my job, I didn't have a bank account, so I got paid to Money Network. I opened an account a couple weeks ago, so I changed to direct deposit. There was money I didn't get from Money Network, so I wrote a check from it that I thought was valid. I guess I mixed up the transaction number or something on the check, because a day after I deposited it, it turns out it was invalid. My account was locked due to "suspicious activity" and I found myself with a balance of -$100 today. Yesterday, I went to the bank and tried to deposit a check at the counter, but something was up with it so a teller walked outside with me to an ATM and said everything worked fine when I put the check in. I'm a total n00b at all of this, and had no idea that this check was invalid, and apparently neither did the teller. For all I knew, the check was valid and money was in my account. I called customer service and pretty much said "so, basically, I can make an honest mistake of writing down a number wrong and have my bank account closed?" and they said yes.
This pisses me off. It wasn't my fault. I told my dad who's a lawyer and he says he's going to help me with this, since the bank is preventing me from ever opening up a new account. I want to get all this shit cleared from their records and then move to another bank. I'm going to go in another day, since customer service just vaguely referenced policy instead of actually explaining the justification behind this.
Edit: I even called Money Network and got the numbers I wrote on the check. They can't email them to me (as confirmation that they gave them to me) until Monday, so I guess I can't prove to the bank that the money was actually real and I wasn't just taking advantage of the bank or something. So fucking tedious and confusing, but according to my parents, the bank is in the wrong.