The Whining and Bitching Thread

That must be great. I'd love to toke inside and not spend a good 20-30 minutes covering it all up.
There's some chick around where I live who sells brownies for $5/each and they get me extremely...happy. Good deal. No smoke to deal with that way, and a nice tasty brownie to boot.
I've been eating more fast food than ever too, it sucks, there's just no time. My average week involves full time school, 24 hours of a part time job, usually about 10 hours worth of photo-related assignments, and anywhere from 5-20 hours of editing, writing an article or two for the paper, and doing homework. Plus this week is a photography convention... Somehow, I'm managing pretty well though.
There's some chick around where I live who sells brownies for $5/each and they get me extremely...happy. Good deal. No smoke to deal with that way, and a nice tasty brownie to boot.

Does the high last longer than smoking? I've heard it does.
I've been eating more fast food than ever too, it sucks, there's just no time. My average week involves full time school, 24 hours of a part time job, usually about 10 hours worth of photo-related assignments, and anywhere from 5-20 hours of editing, writing an article or two for the paper, and doing homework. Plus this week is a photography convention... Somehow, I'm managing pretty well though.

I'm with you on this one, except for my major being music and having an hour long commute to school. Most of my time has been getting sucked into the general education courses, which is frustrating. I can't wait until I'm finished with them. Then I'll finally have to time to focus on compositions.
I had brownies in college, the high lasted something like 25-30 hours. I hated it

Yes, a couple of years ago I had some brownies that were packed with some extremely potent hash. The guy who sold it to me told me to only eat half since just a half of a brownie had floored a veteran stoner like himself. Well, for some reason I decided to eat the whole thing anyway. I was high for 2 days. I slept in my car the first night and then clumsily drove home the next day at noon and called in sick for work and then tried to sleep the high away.

I remember when the brownie first hit me, I was sitting at the bar counter at a Johnny Rockets during closing time and was waiting on my burger. The chef had put my burger to fry on the stove and then left the kitchen, meanwhile the waitress was clinking two glass Heinz bottles together to collect all the ketchup into a single container. I glanced at the clock on the wall and all of a sudden I felt like time stopped, and all I could hear was my burger frying to a burning crisp and this loud obnoxious glass clinking repeatedly. I knew instantly that I was too high for this situation, especially considering how annoyingly bright everything is inside of a Johnny Rockets. I got extreme feelings of paranoia and thought that the chef had left to go home because he didn't want to serve the last customer, and that the waitress knew I was high and wanted to fuck with me by constantly hitting those damn bottles together. After what felt like 2 hours, the chef finally returned, finished up my food and gave it to me in a bag. I didn't even say thanks, I just grabbed the bag and speedwalked the fuck out of there. From there on the high just escalated into even worse anxiety and constant feelings of deja vu. Probably one of the most unsuccessful nights I've had.
Yikes. Mine was not dissimilar...I was in college on a weekend where I didn't work thankfully. I barely remember the period I was high for, but I crashed HARD and felt depressed for days afterward. I was too high to function or socialize and I felt disconnected from my body. Unpleasant.
I have ED. =(

That or it's normal to not be able to get it back up after hours of dry humping.