The Whining and Bitching Thread

Vomited all over my carpet last night after coming home from my going-away party. I got completely shitfaced and now I'm facing the consequences. I've spent all morning trying to clean up, but there's still a lingering smell. This is just about the last thing I want to deal with while being this hungover.
School starts today. I should be excited, but I spent the last week in non-stop hedonism mode, and it sucks having to turn that off and wake up before noon.
go buy a lotto ticket, Satanstoenail. It can only get better

I just got given a new camera (exact same model) by my girlfriend's sister, her partner and her parents. They all chipped in to replace the one that was stolen. Totally in shock!

Also my iphone insurance claim has been approved, so I should get a new one next week. All I have to do now is replace the eleventy billion cards that were in my wallet and I'm all good. :)
What the fuck. I finally unpacked all my music gear after having flown to Europe and noticed that my M-Box is completely trashed. It must have gotten destroyed when they load (throw) the bags into the plane. This shit is going to set me back a couple hundred bucks, but what's worse is I can't make music until I replace this box because Digidesign are fucking assholes and won't even let you open Pro Tools without having an M-Box connected to your computer. It's really just an extremely overpriced headphone socket.

I'm heavily considering pirating Pro Tools 9 since that's the only version that doesn't require any external hardware.
Is it just me or does today just suck ass? :lol:

And for reasons I can't even really put my finger on.
It's like I just woke up and am like "The only thing worth doing today is trying to find someone that can sell me something to fuck my brain up".
I have everyone and everything I want that could be gained, yet all I am doing is watching it rot slowly. And I am not rotting.
I am always laughing, but todays laughter seems to be empty.
I frequent websites like 4chan, reddit, etc., and I'm becoming annoyed with a little trend I've seen recently. It's not the same as trolling, since the previous attackers did it just for the fun of it before. No, when I saw the plans for these attacks people have done (or planned to do), they legitimately tried to justify everything. It was pathetic. It was like a whole page that says "I want us all to do something petty, but please take me seriously!" If it was just for the lulz, I'd take it more seriously. But it strictly wasn't.

I never participated in any of the attacks. I just sit back, and think "seriously, guys?" One person says something uninformed on a website and all of a sudden we must all destroy that website? A website you use does something with information you gave it that is harmless, even though you may have not known about it? It's really weird to me. These communities pride themselves on being distanced, and freed from bad social norms that they mock/fight against (such as bullying), yet they exhibit the same stupid, irrational behavior that they send people death threats for.
I personally use the internet as a tool,reading posts like this always amazes me how this 'tool' has such a stranglehold on some people,why anyone would even care about something like that is beyond me.I guess young people these days really depend on the net.Not being condescending,it's just an observation.
I depend on the internet a lot, but I don't do it to the degree that I develop legitimate hatred for a website that is just about looking at funny pictures.

Edit: I was looking into the messages of the people who got the identities of those kids that beat up a kid recently and recorded a video of it. I was reading some of the messages that these people were sending those allegedly involved in the bullying, and I was appalled at the extreme hypocrisy.

"We hate it when innocent people get harassed so much that we'll harass someone simply because we think they may have been involved in harassing someone."

So many people seem to be trapped in a state of misanthropy more extreme than any I was ever in.
Argh, i wish there were just one single style of jacket available at Wal-Mart that doesn't suck. I'm a sucker for convenience, and Wal-Mart could easily make itself my top clothing destination, but they insist on selling bullshit i could not possibly tolerate wearing.
zabu of nΩd;10178183 said:
Argh, i wish there were just one single style of jacket available at Wal-Mart that doesn't suck. I'm a sucker for convenience, and Wal-Mart could easily make itself my top clothing destination, but they insist on selling bullshit i could not possibly tolerate wearing.

You should not be shopping at Wal-Mart.
Yeah i actually do buy stuff at Goodwill once in a while. I don't shop at Walmart that often either btw, just when i need to buy several unrelated items at once (i bought work shirts and a printer tonight). I usually buy food/booze/bathroomstuffs at Kroger.
Well I haven't really drank in about a week, and I haven't smoked up in about 5 days. It's particularly the latter that's getting to me.