The Whining and Bitching Thread

I have two more exams left for the year. Algebra and History. I'm going to study for the Algebra but I like History so I'm going to do fine on it.
Black Dahlia is nothing to brag about.
Vader and all the others are though you fucking cunt :(
Black Dahlia are beast.

I know this girl whos been to see an annoying amount of bands. It's like "Oh there's a new Amon Amarth album out soon"
"Yeah I went to see them when they were supporting Dimmu Borgir"
I hate and admire her in equal amounts :lol:
I just realized that compared to you I've been to a fuckload of shows.

Theres a band called 3? wow! how inspiring.
Great band, btw. One of the best live bands I've ever seen.

Well considering it's about 3-4 exams for every topic, and that's not including resits, and we have to run by the timetable set by the Board of something or other it ends up taking about 3 weeks.
We only have 2 days of finals, because language and AP history finals are before the rest of the finals.
Well considering it's about 3-4 exams for every topic, and that's not including resits, and we have to run by the timetable set by the Board of something or other it ends up taking about 3 weeks.

consider yourself fucking lucky!!!!
i had my exams for 2 whole fucking months....which sucked!
and each exam was somewhat 5 days id usually spend the first 4 days sleeping or playing guitar heroes...and then the last day...i would fucking pull my hair out.
in the end, i just got so sick and tired, the fifth day was also for guitar i know what to expect for my marks....:kickass:

hehe.i hate skool. it sux.
o ya, my ipod broke...and all the songs are gone with it FFFFUUUUUCCCCCCKKKKKKKKKK!:cry:
This is why I don't by expensive headphones. Because they always break on me. The 5 dollar headphones I buy from Renny's are lasting a long time.
I bought a pair of 35-40 dollar headphones and they stopped putting out sound in one ear. I've had this 20 dollar pair of Sony headphones for about 8 months and have given me no problems
Headphones are designed so that if they break they are very hard to repair unless you have experience with electrical engineering, which my father is certified in.

Same thing with a lot of technology. The companies depend on them breaking so the consumers can go out and buy new ones frequently.
I always use a middle-range pair of Sony in-ear buds (forget the model number) with neodymium magnets. They're the kind that actually extend into your ears a little bit. I've always liked them because of the above average sound quality, the noise canceling as a result of blocking off your ear canal, and the small size which allows me to wrap the chord around my mp3 player and store them comfortably in my pocket. They last quite a while too, and cost about $50-$70 depending on the retailer.
But then people would buy it less.

EDIT: @Zeph

Not necessarily. If companies could innovate their products well enough their customers would want to buy new trinkets before their old ones broke. It's just easier and more secure for the companies to count on the product at hand breaking regularly and requiring replacement.