The Whining and Bitching Thread

Yeah but I bet there's some sort of satisfaction one could get from consuming substances they've grown themselves.
So I've been super lazy and since I have today off decided to go and pick up my diploma.

Now if there ever was a homicide at a university's Financial Aid office I would totally understand and it may be warranted. They have the world's most lethargic, dismissive and cold people working there. Damn. And I'm always super nice to people, so when people brush me off rudely I really don't get it. Not only did it take a total of 3 hours going back and forth because people don't understand their jobs but the system was down on top of that? Jeez, the financial aid office is a homicide waiting to happen.

Luckily did get my diploma.

Note to self: do not go to a city school for graduate degree.
I've been without internet for almost a month now, since moving into our (awesome) new abode. The last place we lived had cable, which meant that I got to do my own install on the day we moved in, being a cable tech and all. But the new place has no cable, so I arranged to change my plan to ADSL2+ A MONTH before we moved in here, thinking I was being all super organised like. But of course no, they fucked up the new modem delivery, failed to inform me that a technician would need to visit the property on the first attempt, and completely arsed up the two subsequent attempts to get us connected before anyone even showed up. I have yelled and screamed and threatened the telecommunications ombudsman, I've rung people in my field who deal with ADSL, I've looked into other providers, all to no avail. My last attempt at a connection with this fucking company is in 5 days and if it doesn't happen I will go postal. I'm currently using my phone as a hotspot which is slow and fucking expensive.

I need my internets dammit. There are all sorts of cats being lol'd at that I'm missing.
Tired of the heat in this god forsaken island. There are no "seasons" here, it is all one big ass summer all year long.
Yeah upon further inspection peyote is legal as fuck here. In fact a bud of mine grew it at his college during his horticulture program.
Every fucking time I stop smoking weed it's hard to sleep. I'm really not so keen on starting up again if I have to go through this shit every time I get bored of it and stop. But that's not as bad as the fact that my body is sending me mixed signals because it thinks it's not hungry unless I smoke weed. So I end up feeling brief flashes of hunger, followed by my body telling me to puke because I'm not actually hungry and shouldn't eat.