"Whitewash your message enough so that you're not stepping on our toes, because we can't handle that - even though we break yours every day"
"Two wrongs *do* make a right. Let's alienate people that agree with us."
It is just ridiculous to me to say to people who are oppressed that "I know you're angry about this whole oppression thing, but could you...ya know...just be angry a little bit quieter and nicer?"
I don't know how there can be a neutral position here. Someone either is or isn't a white [male] supremacist, and their actions often speak for what side they support rather than "OH NO I'm not [x]" or whatever.
I think I'm being trolled. My retarded ex, a self-proclaimed "metalhead genius", is trying to instigate a debate with me and saying all of the following:
- "The Chasm is black metal because they scream and not growl" apparently.
- "Music is not a form of art because art means visual only."
- "Periphery is better than The Chasm."
I'm ashamed for even associating with this person.