The Whining and Bitching Thread

Yep. It's gonna be a busy summer. On the bright side, the schedule of classes is pretty convenient. I won't be taking more than one class at the same time, so I won't be totally slammed for time. The summer classes are so time-consuming.

CCs can be a great start if you make the most of it. Given the general environment, it gives you a great opportunity to shine, to become a big fish in a small pond, so to speak, and to forge great relationships with your professors. I couldn't be happier with the experience I've gained from my CC and almost feel better prepared to be a junior at a 4-year university than my class mates. It's all of what you can make of it and with a CC you can make a lot more out of it than the status quo might present. When it comes time to transfer, there's a tuition scholarship to UMD for transfer students you may be interested in investigating. Also, Morgan, the institution I will be attending next Fall, offers what is essentially a full-ride scholarship that you may be interested in pursuing. There's many more opportunities, of course, that you'll have the next couple of years to investigate.
I keep getting real close to setting up a date on tinder but then the wench gets cold feet and stops replying.
I'm going to unload some steam here and generalize like a motherfucker. Just some observations that have been grating on my nerves lately...

I'm sick of EDM. I'm sick of hearing the acronym and how it applies to every other person's music taste these days. It just seems like a more thought out and justified ploy for men to be into music that is seductive towards the opposite sex. It's social music for social people who could care less about music otherwise.

I'm sick of being thrown off by people (particularly women) who are heavily pierced and tattooed, thinking I might have something in common with them when it comes to music taste. I'm by no means against bodily modification (even though I sometimes think it looks obnoxious), but it gets to the point where I wonder if they have any other interests other than their appearance. They usually don't and boring, frivolous, and obsessed with attention is the usual result of trying to get to know these people. Pass.

Indie music is not eclectic or challenging to listen to. It actually takes ears to appreciate, not intelligence, and indie is as inoffensive and crooning as music gets. How is this underground music again? Furthermore, I don't understand how people could be in their mid-late 20s, latch on to the stereotypes of a subculture, and deny it. It's a trend and you're following it. Admit it already or go back to high school equipped with swoopy hair so you can deny following a fad among your age group. Here is the incredibly uncomplicated solution for not being labeled a hipster: Take off a few articles of clothing, get some contacts, and throw out your tediously boring indie albums. Wow, I should just teach a class called "How Not to Conform to the Fashion and Aesthetic Taste of a Derogatory Subculture That You Don't Want Anything to Do With" and maybe a follow up rehabilitation class called "DEVELOPING YOUR OWN FUCKING TASTE IN MUSIC AND CLOTHING, PREFERABLY ONE THAT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THE WAY YOUR PEERS VIEW YOU". I'd make one hell of a professor.
IIndie music is not eclectic or challenging to listen to. It actually takes ears to appreciate, not intelligence, and indie is as inoffensive and crooning as music gets. How is this underground music again? Furthermore, I don't understand how people could be in their mid-late 20s, latch on to the stereotypes of a subculture, and deny it. It's a trend and you're following it. Admit it already or go back to high school equipped with swoopy hair so you can deny following a fad among your age group. Here is the incredibly uncomplicated solution for not being labeled a hipster: Take off a few articles of clothing, get some contacts, and throw out your tediously boring indie albums. Wow, I should just teach a class called "How Not to Conform to the Fashion and Aesthetic Taste of a Derogatory Subculture That You Don't Want Anything to Do With" and maybe a follow up rehabilitation class called "DEVELOPING YOUR OWN FUCKING TASTE IN MUSIC AND CLOTHING, PREFERABLY ONE THAT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THE WAY YOUR PEERS VIEW YOU". I'd make one hell of a professor.

It's not underground. Music labeled as "indie" and "alternative rock" is the most listened to music on the fucking planet [1][2]. What's happened to this whole indie "genre" is a nice example of this paradox of people being attracted to something that doesn't appear mainstream, as if it presented a good/interesting answer to a random person asking you "what music do you listen to". Yet inside the music is as accessible as they get - which is clear from the charts. Accessible and simple music is of course the most popular and that won't change in near future.

Similar thing is apparent in metal. A lot of people would listen to metal just because it's underground and strange, yet the most listened bands of theirs are those that are closest to mainstream genres in structure/composition. Trve kvlt metalheads on the other side claim how trve metal should be inaccessible and obscure, forming circles of posers who choose laughable imagery as their banner showing how much they don't give a shit about the opinion of others.

There's no way out of this except for throwing it all away and accepting that you can appreciate music with any tags, image, created by any person. The difference is in you and in how you like it.

It was raining yesterday and wow, people whipped out those ultrafaggot-shaped umbrellas. I mean, umbrellas are fucking gay as it is, but damn. Just choose a normal shape and a black color won't you? I really can't even describe the shapes. They either looked like props from a historic japanese movie or they had this deep arched shape I don't even know where that came from.
I left the last two slices of the pizza I bought in the fridge, specifically for me to eat today.

I wake up and they're gone. Next person to steal from me is getting broken fingers.
I left the last two slices of the pizza I bought in the fridge, specifically for me to eat today.

I wake up and they're gone. Next person to steal from me is getting broken fingers.

Was that your girlfriend's mother? I smell murder time.
You're provided with a roof, insulation, a place to call home, as well as young daughter to play with, and you can't share two slices of pizza?
Watching him try to play hard is hilarious.

EDIT: I can think of few things that annoy me (with regards to things done to me that are of little real importance) more than when people call me Jesus or say I look like John Lennon.
Rant: Women DO NOT possess common courtesy. I could care less if you aren't into me, what pisses me the fuck off is when we have a nice long date in which I spend a lot of money only to get completely ignored thereafter. Is it that hard to just say you're interested? Via text even?
Where my folks place is, is basically the show Trailer Park Boys in real life form.

You're provided with a roof, insulation, a place to call home, as well as young daughter to play with, and you can't share two slices of pizza?

If the person had asked, I probably would've given them a slice. Not both, but one, as again they were my breakfast.

However, one of my peeves is being stolen from. If you don't ask me for something of mine, and just take it, I'm gonna get royally pissed off. I don't get much money each month, so I try to make the best of what I do purchase for myself.

I mean, I pay rent, I have the right to not have food I've paid for, stolen from me right? I think so.
Man so I just bought a bomber of Stone's Ruination, left it on top of the car for a second and the fucking wind knocked it right off shattering it all over the fucking parking lot. What a waste.