The Whining and Bitching Thread

@zabu: The longer something manages to maintain some semblance of standing still in this modern world, the stranger stepping in seems to become, but at the same time providing some sense of agelessness. I am not growing older, UM is still here!
@zabu: The longer something manages to maintain some semblance of standing still in this modern world, the stranger stepping in seems to become, but at the same time providing some sense of agelessness. I am not growing older, UM is still here!

Yeah, a sense of agelessness... Socializing online puts an interesting twist on social boundaries - mitigating age discrimination on one hand, and obstructing social development with its "facelessness" on the other. Seems like a net positive for adults, and a negative for children / adolescents / young adults.
DEFINITELY a negative for young adults. I'm coming to terms with the fact that too much internet socializing basically swallowed my formative years and allowed me to "get away" with not only doing a lot of really despicable, immature and shitty things that as a less young adult I now deeply regret, but also reading about and talking about things instead of actually doing and experiencing them.

I have second degree frostbite on my big toe so I can't walk or run or ski. It should heal by the time my big hiking trip is planned for, but it's really disgusting and painful at the moment.
That's fucked up, hope your toe gets better soon.

My whine of the day is that I've got a crazy friend and two dysfunctional family members who are turning my life into an emotional clusterfuck when I should be focused on finding a new apartment and job. I had a productive talk with the friend today, and also decided to stop wasting this okcupid girl's time pretending I've got my shit together enough to be dating, so hopefully that's two less variables in the equation.

I'm still dreading "the talk" with those family members, but that's for another day. Tonight's mission is to eat potato chips in bed while watching netflix.
Today I woke up with the right side of my top lip all swollen and weird. To the best of my knowledge I wasn't punched last night when I spent the night being boring and watching tv. Maybe this is it. Maybe it's cancer.

I don't know much about the herp but I'm a grade A pseudo doctor and I'm pretty sure that's what happened. You got smacked in the face with a herp.

A herpetologist.
TMI alert, but I've got some shitty partial intestinal blockage the past few days. I can still go, but my lower left abdomen hurts when I torque my abdomen even a bit. I've had this a time or two before in the same spot... This time I blame eating a family size Stouffer's Cheesy Scalloped Potatoes frozen dinner over the course of 3 days early/mid last week...

Anyway, I'm drinking some tea my friend gave me that makes you shit out your whole gut and probably a portion of your soul along with it. Takes 4 hours to kick in, lets see how it works and if the neighbors call the cops with how loud I'll probly be screaming...
my fucking printer screwed up so i can't apply for a job in the way I'm supposed to

I'm completely fucking broke and the bank gave me a shit rate for some foreign currency I had.

I'm really fucking ill, I might have ebola or something.

I knew you would edit that so I saved a screen. Nice rant btw.

Also, why do you hate people who spend their life in pubs?