The Whining and Bitching Thread

I think i just might also have AVDP, social anxiety or whatever it's called. I don't like meeting or socializing with new people ... and it's weird, i don't remember being like this when i was younger. It seems to be getting worse with age. :(

I doubt it. Nobody likes talking to new people, but there's a big difference between being shy, and feeling like you're going to die because you're around people.
I doubt it. Nobody likes talking to new people, but there's a big difference between being shy, and feeling like you're going to die because you're around people.

I wouldn't necessarily say i'm shy. Do i qualify if i can't stand being around anyone outside of my very small circle of friends? I get very uncomfortable and stressed out about the smallest fucking things during and after i'm around most other people.
This seems like the appropriate thread to post in. Keep in mind I'm still pretty drunk from the night before.

Things went really south back in October. For starters, at the beginning of the month, my brother decides he's really hungry at about 5 AM and asks me to drive him about 15 minutes away to pick up food. I had stopped drinking hours before and felt completely fine to drive. Apparently the police thought otherwise, as they stopped me 5 blocks from my house on the way back for "not yielding sufficiently" (I live in a small town with a lot of bored, eager officers). In spite of doing fine on the field sobriety test, I stupidly consented to a breathalyzer test and got myself a DUI. One hilarious sidenote about this story is us getting the truck back and finding that the pizza inside had about 4 slices missing. Apparently the towing company was resourceful in not wasting food.

Two days later, I'm having a cigarette outside at about 10 AM. Two cops stroll up my driveway, one being the testosterone-overdosed asshole that arrested me, asking to see my mother. I ask them what it's for, and I'm told that they can't say. They then ask to search my house to see if she's there (she was at work), and when they said that they didn't have a warrant, I more or less told them to go fuck themselves. I'm fuming for two hours, thinking it's simple harassment (this is the same department that stopped my brother a couple of weeks ago for no reason, just to make sure that I wasn't driving, in spite of the fact that the vehicle I was driving when I was arrested wasn't even mine), and angrily inform my mother that the cops were asking about her when she gets home. When I tell her this, her face turns sheet white and she immediately tells me that she has to go to the station.

She is absent for a few hours, during which my girlfriend comes to get me and my brother to go get his truck out of the impound lot. We leave separately, go to the store to get things for dinner, and pull up to my house, which is surrounded by police vehicles. I now can't go in my house because it's being torn apart by federal agents. Apparently my mother had a crippling opiate addiction that neither my brother or I knew about (fifty 10 mg Vicodin a day) and resorted to some serious theft in order to support it. She goes to a nice rehabilitation facility for a month and decides to quit everything, even cigarettes (she's still doing amazing), but is potentially facing a 4 year sentence in department of corrections. My brother just moved out, so that leaves me to take care of a house and three dogs. I'm a liberal arts student with an appropriately shitty LAS student job, so even with getting a second one, which I have lined up, things will be tough. So much for completing my two degrees this year.

What I'm basically saying is that I probably won't be able to make it to MDF this year.
My brother and his girlfriend gave my mom a coffee cup which said "World's greatest grandma" for Christmas present, and at that same moment my heart sank. Apart from my brother dying this feels like the worst thing that could happen for some reason. I hate major life changes, I don't like things that are different.
A DUI in and of itself is not fun. I got one early 2010 and my life sucked for almost 3 years.

All that shit thrown into it just is a major bummer. Get better, Guy.
(No shit Sherlock moment and of course paling into comparison to some of the other shit on this thread...)

...but I hate that if you wanna break 50k you've pretty well gotta go to the city. I'm currently commuting from the NW to N side of Atlanta and spending just under 3 hours a day driving. I could probably get a better gig in the burbs with a master's, but catch 22 I don't have time to get a master's with my commute. I could move closer to work, but then I'd be away from family/friends and have to pay double rent (currently rooming with my brother and splitting rent to our parents) and don't see myself putting up with another roommate (in another house) nor living in an apartment. I could take the bus to the city and have an even longer commute than I do now and still be unable to get the masters AND have to deal with all the shit of the city... So I pretty much have to find a comparable paying job closer to home (not easy), put a year or so in to get comfortable enough with the gig before starting a masters, then do the masters. Would love to grab a cushy job making a bit more and close to home and just stop all ambition past that point.
:yow: If you're taking that much vicodin, you might as well buy Heroin instead. Better bang for the buck... but that's irrelevant.

Hope things work out for you. Make sure you don't get another DUI, the 2nd and 3rd ones are when you really get fucked.
Haha. I was thinking the same thing. Smack>pills, but that equation is suited for heavy drug users anyway. D_T does not condone drug use, but condones doing them safely if you do, and very strongly supports money saving addiction techniques. But I quit the consistent drug use, so I say do that as well. They're bad. But fun. But bad. But that's a lot of Vics. Holy fuck. $10-$20 of smack would get the same result on one shot for multiple hours. Weird people are weird
Ozz: Yeah, I still haven't even been sentenced. It happened at the beginning of October, and I still have a court date on the 29th of next month. It's going to suck, but I'll deal with it.

Neph and D_T: I thought the exact same thing. I think part of it was due to her naivety and the fact that this had only been going on for a little under a year.

Schmidt, that will probably have to happen.
I didn't mean to sound insensitive, by the way. That's a lot of shit to deal with. That's a rough addiction to handle, too. Its impressive she managed to stop and stay stopped. That's the exact kind of person that should be given a little less reprimand. A rough patch in the life of most people is not the same as being a criminal
Oh, I never would have taken it that way. You've always come off as a cool dude, and we still need to get together and chug 40s at some point like we discussed years back. But yeah, even the people she stole from have said basically what you just said. The initial reaction from everyone she wronged wasn't outrage; is was just concern for her well-being. Anybody that knows her knows that she isn't that type of person at all.
It's a monster to kick. I've been there and on speed. Bad. I'm lucky I've had such great family support to help kick all that. Its fucking awful for everyone. Eek.
Addo, chugging 40s is something I'll always be willing to do. Sucks you won't go to MDF cuz I think this is the year I go.
How do you know? Are you actually using?

No, but I just know that pills cost more than Heroin. People like pills (hydrocodone, oxy, what have you) because it's a lot easier to dose and it's less addictive.

I don't recommend Heroin use at all, but if you're taking FIFTY Vicodin pills a day (I still don't know if I believe that), you might as well just use the big H. His mom probably would've had to steal less stuff too.