The Whining and Bitching Thread

Really, I mean eh to a point I guess you're right but I feel like just a little bit of clothes can do more for some girls than absolutely none. I mean if you're a model that's great and all but most people aren't and don't go for the whole bleached butthole look... Point being, a nice choice in underwear can do a lot for anyone. Never mind if you're going in for penetration.

I agree with this. There are some people who just look better with clothes on than off.
I think many women are doing it for the culture/attention, but the same can be said for dudes. I personally never got the whole tattoo/vest/piercing/etc deal and only occasionally wear band shirts. But hey I rarely go to shows and some might not even consider me a metalhead. But whenever I get into a bit of conversation with people who "look the part" and want to name drop some pseudo obscure band they can't keep up when the conversation goes deeper. Not that I'm into the dick measuring thing, its more funny to see the look on their face when they misjudge me.
I think many women are doing it for the culture/attention, but the same can be said for dudes. I personally never got the whole tattoo/vest/piercing/etc deal and only occasionally wear band shirts. But hey I rarely go to shows and some might not even consider me a metalhead. But whenever I get into a bit of conversation with people who "look the part" and want to name drop some pseudo obscure band they can't keep up when the conversation goes deeper. Not that I'm into the dick measuring thing, its more funny to see the look on their face when they misjudge me.

Same, I actually don't own a single band t-shirt and never have. Not necessarily opposed to it but just don't have the cash for any at shows and internet purchases would quickly lead me down a dark road to debt. Its kinda nice I guess when others do, its a good ice breaker... If they can keep up.

That being said if I ever find a dark gray denim sleeveless trench, it will be heavily and excellently patched. I always keep my eyes peeled.
I actually think you're speaking way too objectively. For the record I've been into metal since I was 15 and I went to an all girls school most of my life(besides college), so who would I be trying to impress walking around in band tees or dressing differently in an all-girls school?

Most of my friends (especially my close ones) aren't into metal at all. I've been posting on anime forums and metal forums since… 11 years old (yikes!) and most of them I actually kept my identity hidden except for this one and to a select few people in the ones before this. Being into things most people aren't into isn't a way to get attention and hey I understand the girls who legitimately are interested in this stuff and would like a place where they can express themselves and speak amongst other like minded people. Attractiveness, honestly, is just a facade. You can be attractive but that doesn't mean you have a ton of friends and get a ton of male attention, especially if you're just some weirdo who has little to talk about in regards to most pop culture and views dissimilar to the people around you.

I was speaking pretty generally and I'm sure there are exceptions.

Women who are attractive get male attention almost inevitably and I'd imagine it's much harder for women to just do the shoving off in that situation. I've seen men persistent enough to basically turn shy women into being talkative. If not in general, at least towards the men flirting with them.

My point is that men are far more willing to try for shy women than the other way around.
So I need to vent and this seems like the place to get way too personal ... eh yea my bs life is in a awful routine lately. Just working 2 part time dead end jobs going through the motions and pondering non sense. I'd quit and become a hobo I swear to god but I have to take care of a 60 year old man who has lost everything and a brother who has such bad mental issues he refuses to leave the house. What the fuck am I supposed to do with that? I guess I'm a codependent/enabler or whatever but my father is too old to abandon, that would be cruel and my brother is so far gone I can't leave it up to the government or whatever parasites are out there to take advantage of him. Jesus fuck, ah well, it could be worse I guess. Anyone else have this problem? with family specifically? How do you deal with it?

Speaking of comedy (in the other thread) I did a couple of open mics and middled (actually made some cash) and the week was going ok until I got so badly heckled and destroyed by it I ended up drinking and sleeping on a bench in the middle of Jersey, what a life. This hot 20 something NYU type yells out "you look like you might work out but you just eat a lot of spaghetti" it's nothing great but the crowd roared and I just agreed, I really had nothing. Shouldn't have bothered me, I've heard much worse but it stung. Bombed the next set too

Anyway, what do you think is the probability of getting caught robbing a bank?
Anyone else have this problem? with family specifically? How do you deal with it?

Somewhat, but I had other family step in and wasn't held down by it. My mom had some medical issues, pain or whatever, and over the last 5 years has gradually given up on life and become hopelessly addicted to narcs. I was living with her, working, going to community college, and keeping the house in order. She wasn't taking care of herself, but I still planned to transfer to a university at some point. During my last semester at CC, she stopped working completely and went on disability with hopes that she could secure it long-term. That didn't pan out. I moved to Baltimore to attend a university before she was denied long-term disability. My grandmother then moved my mom up to Ohio to live with her. This was like a month ago.

I'm hoping that she'll start to get better with her mother and brother around. It was always weird for me because I didn't know how to help. Beyond giving her money when she asked, I felt like I was just watching her waste away. Often, she would try to get me to play an emotional/supportive role similar to that of a father or a husband, but that was something beyond me.
There's all kinds of different issues in my relatives and inlaws. I have my own family to take care of which is a full time job in itself. We've literally distanced ourselves from my inlaws, and stay busy enough to not be around my family much either anymore. Both my wife and I stay in reasonably regular contact with our siblings to offer support to them, but the older adults are just too off the rails in their respective ways and too proud about it/in denial to bother helping.
Shits tough to deal with, man. My mom is bipolar and even though she's a pain in the ass with the mood swings and such, I've distanced myself over the years, I'm really just a tenant since I moved in there. At least she's dating a normal guy for once. Granted he's a stoner without a job, dumb as a rock, but the last guy was a psycho minor mobster who freaked out when they broke up and started stalking my brother telling people he was gonna kill him because it was his fault. This was awhile back and got taken care of though, so my life has been charmingly less drama-filled the past year or so aside from the third direct-family death in the past five years.

I've had a really, really weird life, with weird parents, who have weird associates. Y'all think I'm crazy? I'm harmless and weird, these motherfuckers thrive on drama. I've got some stories when I'm more comfortable.
Jimmy, you are living the life of a comedian. Clearly you are destined for greatness. I'm sure you have already heard Louis C.K. talk about his early career and how he sat in his car crying and contemplating suicide after years of failure.
I'm so fucking stressed financially. I have been trying my absolute hardest for a job and no luck. My grandpa and mom help but there's a limit and my pride prevents me from accepting much. My chick is not helpful lately, I think she spends money on weed instead of bills. My uncle lives with my grandpa and abuses that by drinking or snorting every dollar he can away. Its like I'm the only adult besides mom and Pa. Im fighting the urge to start drug dealing again. Its a dumb idea I know, but as screwed as me and my family are I don't know what to do right now.
I have Social Anxiety (which is pretty much just another word for AvPD) and minor Agoraphobia, and really, the only way to treat it is to push your boundaries. Cognitive therapy (and sometimes meds) works too, but the only true treatment is to practice being social. I'm not saying you should force him to go outside, but if he stays inside all the time he's not going to improve at all. I obviously don't know the whole situation, and I don't know what you've tried so far, but see if you can find him some sort of anxiety support group (a lot of them are free), if you haven't already. It can really help to be around people with the same problem.

I still have a lot of progress to make, myself. Anxiety is the worst.