The Whining and Bitching Thread

Dakky lives in some kind of Randian fantasy land. His perception of reality when it comes to economics isn't even close to being accurate.
So basically, I went to the doctor yesterday. He's moved to a different city so I had to go by train and I walked quite a bit too to get there. I waited for three hours which is quite normal, and then we talked. He then stuck a finger up his butt and told me to push. I wos liek wot m8 u have a finger in there and he said push until it hurts boy. Well, it hurt almost immediately. Turns out I need my new rectum stretched a little. It's a baby rectum now and hence I shit all the time and such. Well he made me push 4 fucking times and then we gave up because it hurts as fuck ladies and gentlemen. So next week I'm going to the hospital and he's gonna do it under anesthesia. I will spend few days in there and then they're gonna give me some tools to continue this thing at home. Yes. Basically I will get some scary instruments to stick in my ass and stretch my rectum in a world of pains.

Mathiäs;10938383 said:
Dakky lives in some kind of Randian fantasy land. His perception of reality when it comes to economics isn't even close to being accurate.

#1: What does Rand have to do with economics?
#2: No, you.
#1: What does Rand have to do with economics?

You're a smart guy, so I'm 100% certain that you understand why Mathias made this remark. You may not describe Ayn Rand as a philosopher of economic theory/law because you dissociate yourself from her ideas, while your approach is the true manifestation of economic theory; but it does not need to be explained at all that Rand is a figure who is closely associated with the concept of laissez-faire in today's politico-economic landscape. So your question is almost entirely unnecessary.

A less passive-aggressive response to Mathias would have been to simply explain why you don't see Rand as being related to market philosophy.
You're a smart guy, so I'm 100% certain that you understand why Mathias made this remark. You may not describe Ayn Rand as a philosopher of economic theory/law because you dissociate yourself from her ideas, while your approach is the true manifestation of economic theory; but it does not need to be explained at all that Rand is a figure who is closely associated with the concept of laissez-faire in today's politico-economic landscape. So your question is almost entirely unnecessary.

A less passive-aggressive response to Mathias would have been to simply explain why you don't see Rand as being related to market philosophy.

Well I would rather avoid replying to points unmade, so I want him to clarify what about Rand relates to anything that I have said, particularly in the the post of mine that precedes his little remark.
Haha, I'm not sure why I was such a douche there. But yeah, Ein summed it up. I think most of the opinions you've expressed on economics/economic theory are flat out wrong.
Mathiäs;10944088 said:
Haha, I'm not sure why I was such a douche there. But yeah, Ein summed it up. I think most of the opinions you've expressed on economics/economic theory are flat out wrong.

Well since you say "most" then that would have to include Microecon also, which is interesting because there aren't really any significant difference in microecon across the spectrum that I am aware of. The schools are all at odds in one way or another over Macro.
Protip: If you live in my building, but are too much of a bum to pay for your own internet, don't come to my door and ask my roommate if you can have the password to mine. I bust my ass to be able to afford my internet, it is entirely your fault that you and your girlfriend are living off of welfare with a newborn baby, dude.

Get a job and get your own. Fucking lowlives.
Well since you say "most" then that would have to include Microecon also, which is interesting because there aren't really any significant difference in microecon across the spectrum that I am aware of. The schools are all at odds in one way or another over Macro.

I'm talking about the libertarian/free market ideas you've talked about.
I'm almost positive that Mathias associates libertarian/free market ideas not with the 99%, but with the 1% (as do I).

No doubt you, Dak, would say that this is wrong; that the 1% aren't free market advocates at all, but advocates of a corporatist format that puts them in colludes with government institutions so as to protect the colossal amount of money that they have.

I'm also pretty sure that you feel committed to preserving the term "free market" and liberating it from its mystification and misuse by the 1%, so as to demonstrate its true applicability to the masses; but I think this is a misguided and pointless effort, a) because the term has been co-opted to such an extent as to become synonymous with elite wealth, and b) because free market attitudes are what led the 1% to justify their wealth in the first place.

I know you see the practices of the 1% as antithetical to a free market model, but it is precisely by pursuing a free market model that the 1% were able to accumulate the wealth they did. Government collusion can be bought; that's the point. And in a free market, wealthy bodies are free to buy the services of the government.
I'm almost positive that Mathias associates libertarian/free market ideas not with the 99%, but with the 1% (as do I).

No doubt you, Dak, would say that this is wrong; that the 1% aren't free market advocates at all, but advocates of a corporatist format that puts them in colludes with government institutions so as to protect the colossal amount of money that they have.

I'm also pretty sure that you feel committed to preserving the term "free market" and liberating it from its mystification and misuse by the 1%, so as to demonstrate its true applicability to the masses; but I think this is a misguided and pointless effort, a) because the term has been co-opted to such an extent as to become synonymous with elite wealth, and b) because free market attitudes are what led the 1% to justify their wealth in the first place.

I know you see the practices of the 1% as antithetical to a free market model, but it is precisely by pursuing a free market model that the 1% were able to accumulate the wealth they did. Government collusion can be bought; that's the point. And in a free market, wealthy bodies are free to buy the services of the government.

I thought we had agreed there hasn't been anything approaching a free market in the US in who knows when. I would say definitely not since 1913.

"It's a free market!" has certainly been used as a justification for rentseeking. Doesn't mean it(free market) exists or relates to the practices. Jihadists justify beheadings because Allah, and the US justifies torture because Freedom and the American Way!

It is a common practice to describe bad laws,misdeeds, etc in terms of their antithesis or a tangentially related positive "other". Patriot Act anyone?
I never said there was or has been.

I'm saying that the very same free market ideals that you espouse and advocate are the same free market ideals that the 1% espouse and advocate.

It has nothing to do with an actual free market appearing, but with what the values of a free market model are used for; and they have been used exhaustively by the wealthy elite.
Attractive women who claim to be into metal.

They are either models or attracted to men with long hair. Without fail, these women are covered in tattoos and almost all of them are underdressed in their pictures. They pedal and sexualize the image to get attention. End of story.

Attractive women do not need something like metal to turn to when they're surrounded on all sides by the opposite sex from the time they're 12 years old. They don't understand what it's like to be anti-social and they don't know what it's like to be nerdy about something because they are and always have been preoccupied by male attention. Attractive women have a predisposition for a social life that doesn't require the personality perks that men need to stand out to women.

I don't buy these fakes for one single second.
I'm saying that the very same free market ideals that you espouse and advocate are the same free market ideals that the 1% espouse and advocate.

Depends on what you mean by "advocate" and "espouse". Given that those in the 1% nearly unanimously got there and/or attempt to stay there by promoting rentseeking policies, I don't see it. Companies will often make use of agenerally unregulated arena, and then upon seizing an advantage will then turn to government to wall them in, but not often under free market rhetoric. Amazon benefitted from no sales taxes on internet retail sales. Once they seized a commanding position, now they want internet retail sales taxed, as it hurts competitors much more than themselves not only due to scale/brand familiarity from the customer perspective, but because Amazon has the clout to turn around and exempt themselves in many ways anyway.

At best you could say that people support the market until they realize what worked for them could work as well for someone else, and so they seek to shut it down.

Edit: Just thought of another example in Elon Musk: Complains about rentseeking from old industry leaders blocking him, and seeks different rentseeking measures for himself in the auto industry and space industry. That he complains about other's rentseeking holding back his company isn't "advocating for a free market". He is just advocating for a changing of the guard.
There are attractive women who are into metal and actually have personalities and don't just listen to it to get attention

And then you woke up.

Seriously though I guess I'll ruin my own joke and say yeah they exist. Got one or two floating around here...
The notion of especially wanting to go out with a woman who is into metal reminds me of being 16 again. Haha. Slayer and Judas Priest were like my mythical guardian animals or something.