The Whining and Bitching Thread

I'll tell ya right now Vicodin is nothing like Heroin. Although I've only snorted, the brown sugar is unbelievably addictive from the start

Actually, taking a shit-load of Vics will give you the exact same high as heroin. It just takes a lot less cheeva to get to that "nodding-off" stage. I smoked it a few times when i was younger. Wasn't my thing, i like downers ... but not to a point where you basically turn off.

But fuck all that shit anyway .... nothing but beer, whisky and flowers for me. I've seen a lot of good friends just about throw their lifes away after taking their first hit of that shit. :(

edit: oh and 50 vics a day is muuuuch worse than heroin. ... almost incomparable. I'm surprised that her liver was able to handle "50" pills a day. That would kill most people within a week.
Yeah I agree with you for the most part. I was just saying that the addiction is different. I developed a problem with V over a long period of time but the H had me fiending from day one and I stopped that shit right away.
I take vicodins from time to time because I get all these little injuries from baseball and I don't really feel a high at all. The only time I ever felt a high from meds was when I was in the emergency room and they doped me up on some really nice shit. And then I understood how people got addicted to that kind of thing.

And why would anyone even try heroin?
Man, Guy that really is a lot. Hoping everything is settled soon. It's better that it's caught early to be honest. I know someone who had a double stroke and is immobilized due to years of frequent use of pain meds. Safe recovery to your momma.
Jeez... I feel like I've got it bad sometimes, but I was easily one-upped by 3 or 4 of you on the last couple pages.

I've been off weed for nearly all of the past year. I hate being sober, but I made enough bad decisions as a pothead that I know I can't go back. Yay for boring adult life.
Vacuuming the apartment today, and the cord for the blinds gets sucked into the cleaner. I have no idea how it even happened, as I was holding the cord in my hands so as to lift it out of the way. I must have pushed the cleaner closer than I realized, for all of the sudden I watch as the cord begins flying into the cleaner's mouth like a rope after tossing the anchor overboard.

I have my headphones on, so this all happens in a manner somewhat removed from me - my sense of sound was severely dampened, as my headphones are very good. Anyway, I watched as the cord is pulled taut and the red warning light on the cleaner goes on: it's jammed. This is not surprising to me, but what was surprising was that the suction of the vacuum was so powerful, it pulled the entire apparatus for the blinds off of the fucking window, which then came crashing down on my head.

After screaming "Piece of fucking shit" at the top of my lungs (I'm almost positive the entire complex could hear me), I proceeded to pick up the blinds in order to put them back in their proper place, only to discover that the piece of plastic necessary to secure them is broken. So, fuck vacuuming.
Late to the party. Guy I wish your mother all the best. Opiate addiction is monstrous and there is a serious lack of compassion when it's talked about. Wishing your mom all the best.

Sorry about your DUI. I hope someday soon you can enjoy sobriety. It isn't that scary. <3
Apparently some of the people my roommate had over for a New Years party while I was gone, are now going around saying they plan on breaking in and "taking everything good".

I told my roommate so many times he needs to stop hanging out with fucking birds like these guys. Now he is in the hospital after an overdose on drugs these assholes gave him. He never listens.

All I know is that if these people come remotely near my home, they're leaving either in cuffs or on a stretcher. My roommate has ornamental knives hanging on our living room wall... I would not hesitate to use them.
Quit smoking marijuana a few weeks ago so that I won't have to worry about drug tests while looking for some part-time work. With one less way to alleviate stress I've become quite frustrated with the fact that before I started dating my girlfriend of three years I was a virgin and she has a medical condition that makes penetrative sex impossible. I have a deep emotional attachment to her and so leaving isn't really an option.

I've realized that my sex life has been effectively blown off the runway before the pilot could enter the cockpit. There is nothing left to do now except learn to be happy with "trial version sex" for the rest of my life. :lol: :erk:
Being back here trips me out a bit. It kind of parallels a time I came back to another social website after several years of growing up, not knowing how much smarter my inner demon had gotten in that time, and suddenly realizing that by going back I'd inadvertently walked into the next labyrinth of fucked up self-realizations without making note of the way in.

And so the long space odyssey continues. I am Iron Man.