Poser Disposer
I'll tell ya right now Vicodin is nothing like Heroin. Although I've only snorted, the brown sugar is unbelievably addictive from the start
Actually, taking a shit-load of Vics will give you the exact same high as heroin. It just takes a lot less cheeva to get to that "nodding-off" stage. I smoked it a few times when i was younger. Wasn't my thing, i like downers ... but not to a point where you basically turn off.
But fuck all that shit anyway .... nothing but beer, whisky and flowers for me. I've seen a lot of good friends just about throw their lifes away after taking their first hit of that shit.

edit: oh and 50 vics a day is muuuuch worse than heroin. ... almost incomparable. I'm surprised that her liver was able to handle "50" pills a day. That would kill most people within a week.