The Whining and Bitching Thread

I love to eat. I love food. My current bitch is sort of related to Butt's post because I wish there was a burrito delivery service around here. My taste buds are craving one and the roads are too crappy to venture out for food.
Burrito delivery service would be grand.

I wish it were Thursday, I get paid Thursday and I realized I have seven bucks to my name right now. :I
This is a bit serious, but since I don't want to rant about it elsewhere ill just do it here. A good college friend of mine passed away yesterday. It's really bothering me even though I haven't spoken to her since 2013, but I remember I did wardrobe for the play she was in. It was her first play so she had a smaller role so she'd come down and keep me company. We'd talk about everything. We'd listen to music and just wild out in the empty dressing room together: dancing, singing (she had an amazing voice) or whatever. Moreover, she was just so incredibly articulate and intelligent. Just the perfect person to bounce philosophical ideas off of no matter how crazy they seem.

Before she died, she was having seizures. She went away to teach in Thailand to little kids. It just breaks my heart that she passed so young and it just really seems unfair. I also feel terrible that i'm the worse at staying in contact with people and that i have short emotional moments like these with people. I love them so much when i'm in the moment and like when they aren't with me i just assume everything is okay. Even though i mean to check up on them, i just keep forgetting to.

Anyways, what I'm really trying to say is, and i suppose it's cliche and obvious, but really cherish people and keep up with them. Don't wait until they've passed to be the last time you see them.
Several guys I knew in the Marines died shortly after getting out. 2 were more or less suicides and the other drowned trying to save someone else from drowning. Was a shock to hear about the drowning, but the suicides weren't too unexpected. All three of the guys were kind of dickish so any sympathy I would otherwise have had was a little muted. The drownee did have a wife and kids by that time, and the fact he was trying to save someone did sort of help his case for sympathy. I felt much worse for the wife and kids though.
This is a bit serious, but since I don't want to rant about it elsewhere ill just do it here. A good college friend of mine passed away yesterday. It's really bothering me even though I haven't spoken to her since 2013, but I remember I did wardrobe for the play she was in. It was her first play so she had a smaller role so she'd come down and keep me company. We'd talk about everything. We'd listen to music and just wild out in the empty dressing room together: dancing, singing (she had an amazing voice) or whatever. Moreover, she was just so incredibly articulate and intelligent. Just the perfect person to bounce philosophical ideas off of no matter how crazy they seem.

Before she died, she was having seizures. She went away to teach in Thailand to little kids. It just breaks my heart that she passed so young and it just really seems unfair. I also feel terrible that i'm the worse at staying in contact with people and that i have short emotional moments like these with people. I love them so much when i'm in the moment and like when they aren't with me i just assume everything is okay. Even though i mean to check up on them, i just keep forgetting to.

Anyways, what I'm really trying to say is, and i suppose it's cliche and obvious, but really cherish people and keep up with them. Don't wait until they've passed to be the last time you see them.

:( So sorry.

I had something similar happen after high school/during college. A good friend of mine from high school passed away due to "heart complications" (she was a known drug addict). It was one of those friendships where we'd get together once in awhile, say something like "Oh yeah, we need to do this again soon!" and then plans never happened.

I'm pretty bad when it comes to keeping up with friends. That's probably something I should work on. :( Sorry again for your loss.
Really wish I didn't live in an apartment so I could set up my drum kit and play and not have to worry about other people complaining.


I herd dat bro. I have a drum kit wasting away in family storage because I live in a duplex too small to support it spacially or acoustically.
We were moving on Friday and everything went wrong. The weather was terrible, about 35 cm of wet, heavy snow, some ice, stupid WSV's driving aroud with snowplows up. 6km long route took us 2 hours and luckily we didn't get stuck anywhere.

Of course, our beds that should've arrived on friday didn't because of the weather so we slept on friend's couch and the beds will arrive probably on Monday, so shit.

I already had cold but I think I am lucky that I didn't caught pneumonia. It is bad idea to carry heavy things if you are ill, especially when the weather is so fucked up and you're either too warm or too cold, depending on if I was inside or outside.

I really hope this place is gonna be worth the hassle, especially since it wasn't even my idea to move.
:( So sorry.

I had something similar happen after high school/during college. A good friend of mine from high school passed away due to "heart complications" (she was a known drug addict). It was one of those friendships where we'd get together once in awhile, say something like "Oh yeah, we need to do this again soon!" and then plans never happened.

I'm pretty bad when it comes to keeping up with friends. That's probably something I should work on. :( Sorry again for your loss.

Thanks girly. I'm sorry for yours too. A friend is a friend and unfortunately life happens and you're just not able to keep up with everyone. Yeah, definitely something I'm going to try and work on too.
Been sick for the past few days. Went hiking on Sunday, came back, and an hour later it was just like BOOM and my body shut down. Yesterday was the worst. Today I seem to be on the mend...I have more energy and my cough/runny nose have both receded. Of course this is all during the first week of school for one of the campuses I teach at. Whatever
If it gets posted, it's getting deleted. Don't fucking abuse shit and/or people.

Been having issues connecting to PSN the last few days. Everything else in my apartment is connected but the PS3 keeps getting signed out and can't obtain the IP address. I hope whatever mechanism is used for that isn't going bad :-/

what if i post a picture of my dick?
Several guys I knew in the Marines died shortly after getting out. 2 were more or less suicides and the other drowned trying to save someone else from drowning. Was a shock to hear about the drowning, but the suicides weren't too unexpected. All three of the guys were kind of dickish so any sympathy I would otherwise have had was a little muted. The drownee did have a wife and kids by that time, and the fact he was trying to save someone did sort of help his case for sympathy. I felt much worse for the wife and kids though.

Oops I must have missed this before. Yikes. Needless to say, the marines is some brutal shit. Idk, any job where fighting is your job, can't be too healthy on your psyche and mental health. It's definitely sad for their families.
Reading through this thread is like imagining caricaturish personifications of abstract coagulations of excessive disease, putridity, or general chemical imbalance. I picture SS as a grumpy glob of viral/bacterial decay, Onder as a cirrhotic, gangrenous zombie, Carpe Mortem as overdetermined testosterone and stifled estrogen, The Butt as acne and... nope, just acne.

Some of you look like normal people, but I can't be sure. I think the pics thread is a front.