The Whining and Bitching Thread

Time to fucking complain about my fucking allergy cunt cunt.

Spring is here as you may fucking know, at least on this cunthemisphere.

Runny nose.

Itchy eyes.


Can't fucking breathe. => can't sleep. I can't fucking sleep if I can't breathe cunt cunt cunt.

Just for your information it's 4:00AM here and I'm supposed to wake up at 7:00AM. Now how the fuck do you expect me to do this.

In other news I'm not gonna see my girlfriend who would at least comfort me a little because she's going to Auschwitz tomorrow morning.

This sounds more tragic than it is tbh, but yeah she's going to the concentration camp.

Not that I have a say in these matters.
I never had allergies ever until like two years ago, I felt like i was getting sick all the time (especially in the spring) and last year i figured out it was fucking allergies. oil pulling helped with that. Don't have them much anymore, thankfully.
I've had a tooth missing on my lower right for about five years now and since new insurance covers it, and I got cash, had a bridge procedure started. But this fucking temporary they threw on there fucking sucks so fucking bad. It's painful, shit gets stuck under the hanging bit, and it already popped off once at work. Fucking blows. I was happier with just having a missing tooth, nobody could even see it. This is what I get for trying to be 'responsible' and fixing my screwy smile.

Fuck teeth. Ooooh, brush me daily! Floss me! Don't bite anything too hard with me!!! Fucking needy assholes.
That's pretty decent advice. It doesn't seem like we will speak in the foreseeable future. She never called, and I'm sure as hell not initiating any contact. That's her duty. I have a date in my back pocket with a cute girl that I was actually supposed to date before I met my now-ex, but I'm just not in the mood to cash it in just I don't know how she feels about being second fiddle.

Well, we met twice this week. First night (last night), we went to a bar right next to her apartment that we had been meaning to check out. We got in a heated discussion about our relationship, angrily spewing out all the things we were mad about, but somehow then ended up back at her place and had ferocious sex. In the morning I asked her what our deal was, and she said we were "probably not getting back together". I left, semi-heartbroken again.

Unfortunately, I had promised to be her date tonight to a movie screening of a film she worked on, so I didn't bail, but I wasn't exactly enthusiastic about it. We did our thing, then discussed our situation again in the drive home. This time it got more vicious and we both agreed our relationship was not gonna happen. I'm very sad that it ended up this way, but sometimes you just can't have what you want. Fuck it, I'm gonna cash in on that new date next week and start anew!
Well, we met twice this week. First night (last night), we went to a bar right next to her apartment that we had been meaning to check out. We got in a heated discussion about our relationship, angrily spewing out all the things we were mad about, but somehow then ended up back at her place and had ferocious sex. In the morning I asked her what our deal was, and she said we were "probably not getting back together". I left, semi-heartbroken again.

Unfortunately, I had promised to be her date tonight to a movie screening of a film she worked on, so I didn't bail, but I wasn't exactly enthusiastic about it. We did our thing, then discussed our situation again in the drive home. This time it got more vicious and we both agreed our relationship was not gonna happen. I'm very sad that it ended up this way, but sometimes you just can't have what you want. Fuck it, I'm gonna cash in on that new date next week and start anew!

At least you got your dick wet out of it.
My allergy is getting very frustrating. I just ended up smashing my fist against the table. I can't breathe properly and I'm really fucking tired so I would like to go to sleep but it's impossible. Plus I cough which is getting annoying.
Well this is more like an expression of frustration over something than actual whining, but I'll go ahead anyways. Well, what I really hate the most in life in general is that sometimes you have to wait for a really long time for something to happen. I wont say what it is I am waiting for, but it is going to happen in 3 days from now. Yes, it sounds like a very short amount of time relatively, but for someone who is really eager for it to happen alraed,y that is a really long time. And there was also times I had to wait for 2+ months for something else to happen, something so trivial and simple yet you have to wait for that long for it to happen. I hate how sometimes, authorities and companies can make you wait for this long for something to happen, or even normal business people that you arranged something with, they can make you wait for a really long time. And the worst part is you cant do anything about it to make it happen faster or something like that, you just have to wait. I'm a patient guy myself, but being patient doesnt mean I'm happy with it that it takes a long time, it just means I CAN wait, but, like anyone else I would have preferred if it would happen faster. :)
USPS is almost unbelievably crap. It should not take over a week to deliver a small parcel from northern Ohio to SE Michigan. Looking at the tracking information for my still as-yet undelivered item, it somehow took 2 days for it to get from one USPS facility in Cleveland to another in Akron (a distance of 40 miles in the wrong damn direction!). No-one has bothered updated any tracking info since...

I could fucking walk to Cleveland in less time than this is taking!
USPS is almost unbelievably crap. It should not take over a week to deliver a small parcel from northern Ohio to SE Michigan. Looking at the tracking information for my still as-yet undelivered item, it somehow took 2 days for it to get from one USPS facility in Cleveland to another in Akron (a distance of 40 miles in the wrong damn direction!). No-one has bothered updated any tracking info since...

I could fucking walk to Cleveland in less time than this is taking!
USPS is seriously bad. I agree.
Gotta love getting a record USPS and seeing it's been blatantly dropped hard on its corner and has a sticker on the package that says "Caution Phonographic Record Inside Handle With Care" (20 Buck Spin packages)