The Whining and Bitching Thread

I know of no other place to put this, but what are some good recommendations for external DVD-RW drives for a laptop that doesn't have one? My older Dell laptop is slowing to a crawl and I need an alternative solution to booting that up any time I want to rip something to my computer.

Check whatever is highest rated on Newegg or Amazon I guess.
Taking up smoking is far and away the stupidest thing I've ever done. However, when you mention the appeal of it all, there is no greater feeling than being deprived of nicotine, going through an incredibly stressful situation, and finally being able to light up.

I just started rolling my own a couple of weeks ago, which is saving me about $8 a day (I'm a pack and a half a day smoker, and used to smoke American Spirit full-flavors, which retail around ~$8 a pack). So, now I'm just killing myself, and not my wallet. I'm fine with that.

You're going to die from lung cancer. Horrible death awaits you.
in my experience there was a pretty obvious correlation between stupidity and smoking in school, mainly because there was a correlation between both those things and being a trendy sheep i guess. idk if that applies to other generations or schools or w/e, just an observation. i personally find smoking undeniably cool when chicks do it. *shrug*

Well, I can run through a vast list of public intellectuals, historical intellectuals, artists capable of deep thoughts etc.

It's a stupid fucking assertion.

You're a fucking idiot. I didn't say that ALL smokers are idiots, just that the MAJORITY of them tend to be. Certainly successful people who smoke don't fall into that category. Bringing that up is pointless.

I feel the same way about heroin addicts. They made a choice to do heroin, knowing the ramifications that will likely end up occurring as a result. People that make that choice, most of the time, are not smart.
health concerns are the least of smokers' problems here in the UK, a 20 pack costs £7.50-10.00 (12-15 dollars) and is rising by nearly a pound a year. there's rumours they may be upping them to £15/$22 before long. it's murderous, as are our gas prices.
They're already that expensive here. And they've plain packaged them:

You're a fucking idiot. I didn't say that ALL smokers are idiots, just that the MAJORITY of them tend to be. Certainly successful people who smoke don't fall into that category. Bringing that up is pointless.

I feel the same way about heroin addicts. They made a choice to do heroin, knowing the ramifications that will likely end up occurring as a result. People that make that choice, most of the time, are not smart.


You are smarter than everyone else.
My work life the past month, and the next month, consists of various ACH purchases failing, trades failing, and distribution requests failing because everything that was supposed to automatically transfer to a new brokerage is just plain not happening. So I'm in charge of manually setting this shit up for over 100 clients, which means data entry as well as submitting signed paperwork for every individual action. By myself. Timed perfectly because their assets are transferring randomly, sometimes on the very day they expect money, which means a manual ACH that will need to be set up differently next month since their usual date wont hit.

Along with processing paperwork for new business, setting up reconfiguration of REIT addresses, answering phones because the receptionist is constantly calling off and he won't get a new one, and having to handle my frustration with tact since my two superiors are oversensitive and easily offended if I'm a little snappy when they ask 'what does this button do' or want to have a half hour meeting about how to word a letter.

Its not the work load that's annoying me, its the unnecessary bullshit that gets discussed at length when theres important shit to do and the expectation that I tell them all 200 things I've done every day because 'we're a team'.

I fuckin hate small businesses. I don't get paid enough. This shit felt good. I'm jumping on Craigslist now.
I fuckin hate small businesses. I don't get paid enough. This shit felt good. I'm jumping on Craigslist now.

It's not really any better with large businesses unfortunately. Overly sensitive bosses and the constantly calling out person who still manages to not get let go are sort of ubiquitous.


unnecessary bullshit that gets discussed at length when theres important shit to do

Peter principle in action.
I've got a comfy federal IT job waiting for me if I ever find the time to study for my certs. Looking forward to letting my greasy ponytail hang free and chilling with other nerds. Capping out my wage mid-spectrum is just fine with me. No kids or expensive mansions in my future plans.