The Whining and Bitching Thread

So last night I literally lol'd like a motherfucker.

Me and my roommate had our tunes up a bit last night. At a moderate volume, but a little bit bassy. You could probably hear it very faintly next door, if you strained your ear really hard. All in all, it was pretty reasonable.

Well, we have two next-door neighbors in our complex. An old fellow in 101, and a drunk asshole in 105. Well, drunken asshole knocked on our door around 11:10pm, going on about how "I just got into the building and the old man in 101 complained to me about your music. You know noise is illegal after 11:00 right?"

So we basically told him "whatever", and when he left, we turned our music back to what it was at. Reasons being, that A, the old man wasn't even home, so he flat-out lied and didn't even have the balls to admit that it was he himself complaining; and B, this is the same guy who blares his music and Skype calls over loudspeakers (yes, Skype calls over loudspeakers) until about 6:00 in the morning, nearly every night, to the point where I can clearly hear every word the girl he Skypes is saying.

So we really didn't care, lmao. Our music wasn't even loud, I am just amused that a piece of shit with no decency or etiquette, got so obviously butthurt about something he does to us tenfold every night. Sucks to be him.
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He should try my apartment: blasting rap, screaming children, arguing adults, lead-footed treaders, and loud-fuckers at 2AM regularly.
Change "rap" to "Top 40", get rid of "screaming children" and "arguing adults" and you have my building lmao. :lol:

But nope, he claims he doesn't blare anything loud. Months ago I banged on the wall and yelled asking him to turn it down. The next day he called me a liar to my face and threatened to put in a noise complaint against me for banging on the wall. LOL. Some people simply can't be reasoned with so I recently have stopped trying.
Threaten his ass.
The dude isn't really capable of reason, haha. He's a constant drunk, and I have a suspicion that he is into the nose-candy as well (an unfounded suspicion, but it would explain how he is up 20 hours a day).

So I'm just gonna bang on the walls when he does it, yelling for him to keep it down. And if he continues, I'll be calling the popos lmao; catch him with his pants down. It's actually not a big deal to me, but if he is gonna imply and threaten with me, then fuck yeah I can play hardball. :lol:
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Leave it to my girlfriend's mother to turn Christmas into a fucking pissing contest. I am pretty angry.

I was walking around recently with the girlfriend and her mother in the store, when I saw a tablet I liked, and I made an offhand remark to my girlfriend about it being cool.

What does her mother do? Buys six, and she is giving one to my girlfriend, her brothers, her sister, and her sister's boyfriend (a lad who hasn't even been around as long as I have). And then tonight, she exclaims so proudly, making sure I know I am not getting one; as when my girlfriend asked "well what about Ronnie", the mother replied "I didn't have enough money to get Ronnie one". Didn't have enough money, but managed to get six of the tablet I liked, for literally everyone but me, knowing it would piss me off.

It's not the tablet itself that makes me angry, either. It's the fact that her mother deliberately went out of her way to piss me off and make me feel excluded. Fucking waste of air.
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She said she would give me hers, despite telling her I don't want to take hers from her. It isn't fair to her, that she loses a gift solely because her mother doesn't like me.

It just annoys me that someone can take Christmas and use it as an excuse to be petty.
That is pretty fucking shitty, that kind of behaviour really creates the worst kind of vibe, super uncomfortable.

I remember my ex (my son's mother) had the worst grandparents and her mother wasn't too shabby either, entire family of South African racist cunts.
After having experiences that mirror this (not exactly, but the mother being a duplicitous bitch), I would just dump your girlfriend and find a girl with a family that actually cares.
Well I love my girlfriend. I don't intend to dump her just because her mother is a piece of shit. She can't help how her mother is.

But I've been telling her for the past few months not to bring me around her mother, cause it seems my distance from her is inversely proportional to my level of anxiety and anger.
My school has a rule saying that boys can't have long hair... but girls can.
Boys cannot tie it back either. It is a private school, so it is technically legal, but that doesn't prevent whoever wrote that rule from achieving the status of "moronic cunt". It's fucking sexist. Why don't I go chop my fucking dick off and then ask.(laughing) I'm not transgender (I'm a male and intend to remain that way). I just want to have control over my own fucking hairstyle. What I'm saying now is against the schools "technology code of ethics". It's a strict private school. I don't want to be there. I didn't make the choice. My parents did. They say it is a distraction. It actually distracts girls more. I've seen girls tying it up, covering it in the rain. It's more distracting to them, actually. I think anyone should be able to look how they want.

What should I do? Just not get it cut (my parents will probably make me anyway). Maybe I should bring this up to the schools board of directors, maybe I can change their viewpoint a bit. I don't know. This is the main thing I have to whine and bitch about.
I remember you, I stand by the same advice I gave you before.
Finish school and then worry about your hair, when you look back it's going to see very fucking trivial.

Plus you'll likely go bald anyway, so don't get so wrapped up in appearances.
Or just keep your hair long and tell them to fuck off, what are they going to do? Hold you down? Doubt it.
I remember you, I stand by the same advice I gave you before.
Finish school and then worry about your hair, when you look back it's going to see very fucking trivial.

Plus you'll likely go bald anyway, so don't get so wrapped up in appearances.
Or just keep your hair long and tell them to fuck off, what are they going to do? Hold you down? Doubt it.

I don't feel confident in short hair. I just don't for some reason. I have thin hair anyways (yeah, thin at 15). I look like Ralph from The Simpsons with really short hair. Right now, it reaches my shoulders. It's okay, but i want it down my back. I can't just tell the board of directors to fuck off, I will probably get expelled, which I actually want, but my parents will be extremely mad at me for saying fuck. Hopefully, they don't see it here...

My school won't hold me down and cut it, but my parents will. I'm 15 still, and I'm not really allows to make my own decisions. I'm 15, but I might as well be 8 when it comes to decisions. My dad had long hair when he was my age. He got it cut because my mom made him...
I swear that I'm more confident with long hair and wearing an Iron Maiden t shirt than I am in a collared shirt, dress pants, and short hair. When I'm 18, I will be a senior. That's when I will tell them to fuck off. Or maybe drop out, because either hate school. I am very out of place at a college preparatory school. I'm basically the only one who dosen't care about school. I hate being around kids my age, they are usually mean to me. I'm small (a little less than five feet tall), I weigh 80 pounds, and I have a babyish face and my voice hasn't broken yet. Because of this, and the fact thank against religion, I get called "Satan's little helper". I can't wait until I'm out of school...

You are right, it will be uninportant in hindsight, though.
My advice is just to go for the hair cut and weather it out. School is nothing. I wish I was back in school actually. It was better than real life by a longshot.
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