The Whining and Bitching Thread


My parents called an "academic psychologist". It's a way "science" medicalizes natural personality types that developed as an evolutionary advantage (ADHD), laziness, and stupidity. Psychology is retarded. ADHD has the shit diagnosed out of it. All it is is a trait that developed to prevent the human race from dying off. ADHD people tend to be risk takers, they will go and dangerous situations to fight. If we all ran from the animal weaker but faster than us, we would die. The ADHD people would be able to fight it off and survive. Stop calling it a fucking medical condition!

Then, they try to be all sensitive and call people who are utterly retarded or stupid "kids with learning disabilities". That is bullshit as well. People can just be stupid and hopeless, they just do not have enough computing power in their brain.

There are definitely a few imbalances in the brain that are legitimate, but for the most part, psychology seems like a clever way to scam people out of their money.

My parents got scammed by a psychologist when I was in third grade. He just said "this is the worst I've ever seen" and did nothing to comfort me other than showing me the math. And I'm not a mathematical thinker.

The academic psychologist made me take two survey type questionnaire. It had creepy questions. One asked me if I think about sex too much. I don't want to look asexual, but I don't want to look like the pervert I am. It had 0 for none, 1 for a little, 2, and 3 for a lot. I had to lie on the substance abuse one. I was honest about everything else though. My mom got a survey that asked how much I masturbated. How is she supposed to know? It also asked if I went the bed and took shits outside the toilet.

I have no learning disability. I'm fucking lazy. If I had a "learning disability", I would not be able to learn how to play songs on guitar like I do. I would also not know what every song in Metallica's discography is. Maybe I'm just really strong willed. I do what I want. I don't want to sit around doing homework

I have a learning disability in mathematics. I can play guitar.
Just dropped my phone and smashed the fuckers out of the new screen I just had replaced 3 weeks ago. Fuckity fucking cunting FUCK