The Whining and Bitching Thread

To play devils advocate, and as someone who worked in a call center for a year, many problems people call in about are ID10T errors - and I wasn't even in a technology related area.

Yea, I covered that:
I imagine that you do get a lot of assholes without a legitimate gripe calling you to cry the blues, but if your job is so pointless that you cant even help out people with legit complaints, expect to get constantly harassed.

My point still stands. Did you find that overall you were providing a service, or were you largely just a complaint department?
I worked at a bank call center prior to easy web access, so most things were just balance checks and payments. We occasionally received complaints but rarely one that was both legitimate and something I couldn't deal with.
What EternalMetal said. If I'm paying for a service, you're damn right I'm entitled to the best customer service. I can see not outright unloading, but being kind of rude on the phone is to be expected, especially when:
A) the problem is something that really should have been dealt with
B) the guy handling your problem is a dumbass.

The whole "be nice to them they can't help it" mentality is gay as fuck.
There's this feeling I get that makes me want to play cannibal corpse really loud down peoples ears that try to sell me contracts.
Like, no, I don't want to be legally fucking bound to a contract for 2 years just for a phone thanks. Sod off.
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What EternalMetal said. If I'm paying for a service, you're damn right I'm entitled to the best customer service. I can see not outright unloading, but being kind of rude on the phone is to be expected, especially when:
A) the problem is something that really should have been dealt with
B) the guy handling your problem is a dumbass.

The whole "be nice to them they can't help it" mentality is gay as fuck.

Just over 5 years in a brokerage call center. People who throw a bitch fit, especially before at least giving you a legit chance to fix their problem will get helped just enough to get them off the phone. Their problem will likely persist. Why? I'm not an ass, but when you put me (already in a generally stressful job) in an even more stressful situation of both trying to manage your caustic personality AND trying to fix the problem you won't get nearly as much clarity of thought from me by putting me on the spot with your angry or rude demands. Also you won't get near the same level of effort as I just want to end the conversation and move on to helping a more amicable customer on the next call.

Don't get me wrong: letting the phone rep push you around is just as bad of a situation as some of them will just blow you off "oh, um that's a glitch that should resolve itself in 2 days, etc." so they can go back to playing Angry Birds, but in general you'll get the best results being clear with what the problem is, firm with your expectations, but still ultimately friendly and willing to work with the person.
Just over 5 years in a brokerage call center. People who throw a bitch fit, especially before at least giving you a legit chance to fix their problem will get helped just enough to get them off the phone. Their problem will likely persist. Why? I'm not an ass, but when you put me (already in a generally stressful job) in an even more stressful situation of both trying to manage your caustic personality AND trying to fix the problem you won't get nearly as much clarity of thought from me by putting me on the spot with your angry or rude demands. Also you won't get near the same level of effort as I just want to end the conversation and move on to helping a more amicable customer on the next call.

Don't get me wrong: letting the phone rep push you around is just as bad of a situation as some of them will just blow you off "oh, um that's a glitch that should resolve itself in 2 days, etc." so they can go back to playing Angry Birds, but in general you'll get the best results being clear with what the problem is, firm with your expectations, but still ultimately friendly and willing to work with the person.

This sounds alright to me. I dont immediately read the riot act to the other dude on the other side of the phone; actually im going to give him a legitimate chance to solve my problem since psychologically I realize that being mean from the get-go gets me absolutely nowhere. But once I realize that I am being diverted or ignored, my words will begin to drip with acid and I will start being more assertive. I want my problem solved after all, even if it means giving someone a hard time. Then again, I do realize that people will be less willing to try to help you out if you treat them like shit, so I try to remain civil as long as they remain compliant. From what you say, I probably wouldnt give you a hard time, but if you were to give me the 'I am just a lowly call answerer and cant fix your problem' type of excuse, I probably wont give you the type of pleasant response you would want. I honestly dont care if your company sucks and doesnt give you enough freedom to fix relevant issues of the customer, if I am paying for a service of any kind I should be able to get any sort of issue that is reasonably solvable fixed. Employees of such a service should probably be forced to quit due to overly negative feedback. If you are working for such a company that actually resolves issues (im not going to be so cynical that I believe all customer service lines are bullshit), then great, I will probably be a nice call.
On family vacation, nephew went seized several times. Been wanting to get a drag of something but I left my vape at home and don't smoke cigarettes anymore. I'm gonna try and smoke green tea. This fucking sucks
Just smoked it, effects are minimal but acceptable, taste wasn't bad. Odor not too overwhelming. After taste is shitty as always. I hate wanting to do this, I just need to have my vape with me where ever i go

A quick google search yielded this. lol

I have actually noticed a pronounced increase of people my age or younger vaping in the past couple of years. There are vape shops popping up everywhere, even in rural towns. Im guessing it has something to do with mankind's oral fixation, whether it be to smoke pipes, cigarettes, cigars, weed, etc, except now there is an arguably much safer alternative that is starting to gain traction. In the past 40 or so years, smoking has been demonized because it has become linked to many health issues, and it looks like the safer alternative is starting to become mainstream. Personally I think it is a nice relaxing activity to do when listening to music or watching tv shows/movies, so im looking to pick myself up a vaporizer myself. Ive been an on and off smoker since ive been 15/16, and I think it would be a better habit than buying the occasional pack.

Im guessing that vaping hasnt become mainstream in Australia yet? I think you would have to be blind (at least in the US) to be ignorant of the cultural shift from tobacco products to vaping ones these days.

@ Lunella - It's more of a teenager/early 20s millennial thing, but there definitely is a popular movement going on. Im not sure RedStorm is old enough to qualify as a man-child since he is still in high school though.
@ Lunella - It's more of a teenager/early 20s millennial thing, but there definitely is a popular movement going on. Im not sure RedStorm is old enough to qualify as a man-child since he is still in high school though.

Oh, didn't mean it as an insult to him. But it does sound like something younger people would say that then man children get wind of and start saying at bars and the rest of us are just like cringe lol.