The Whining and Bitching Thread

I got diagnosed with autism. I'm really fucking pissed. Fuck off if you are going to label my high level of self awareness a disorder. It's basically taking my very high level of consciousness and calling it a disease, and therefore reducing it to nothing.

Also, autism causes strong interests, and sometimes they can be phases. I'm worried my interest in metal is just a phase. I've liked heavy metal for the last 3 years, and rock in general for the last 5 years. But I'm still very worried. If I lose interest, I plan to kill myself.

Who fucking cares if you're autistic.
I actually doubt the "diagnosis". Fuck psychology. I have been fine for the past 16 fucking years.

I'm really still worried about losing interest in music though. And I'm not just talking about metal. I love various forms of music (metal, ambient, folk, progressive rock, punk), and my life centers around it. Lately, I feel as if I don't really connect with the music as strongly as I used to.

Apparently SRS BSNS means "serious businesses". Yes, I take music extremely seriously. I feel that pop, rap, and dubstep do way too much in the way of making light of what could be art, and that's why I don't listen to them. I gravitate towards more serious music, but I can listen to some more fun stuff on occasion.
I made a payment on my internet bill over a week ago, and it still isn't reflected on my balance. I'm not paying late fees because they're behind. I'm pissed.
^word. I used work a call center for bcbs and the day flew by. I was also accused of masturbating to the thought of someone's son dying because their plan didn't cover his chemo though. You get your ups and downs with anonymous customer service.
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That doesn't work because, as someone who has done the answering phones job for a minute, we know it's unacceptable but can do nothing about it. For some reason, people don't understand this and still yell because they are entitled cunts.
I didn't yell (I wasn't even really rude, you could say I was polite given the circumstances), but I did tell them that I'm flat-out not paying any late fees for their fuck-up. And that if my bill doesn't change to reflect my payment from over a week ago (its only supposed to take 3 - 5 days to process, not 8+), I'm not making any more payments at all.

They may not be the ones responsible for the fuck-up, but they represent the company providing the (subpar) service, and should be prepared for irate customers when they get hired. *shrug* Can't handle it? Don't work at a call center imo.
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They may not be the ones responsible for the fuck-up, but they represent the company providing the (subpar) service, and should be prepared for irate customers when they get hired. *shrug* Can't handle it? Don't work at a call center imo.

There's irate and then there's super fucking angry. Irate is acceptable, super fucking angry over stupid shit is not. They do represent the company, but they also aren't capable of snapping their fucking fingers and solving your problem.
That doesn't work because, as someone who has done the answering phones job for a minute, we know it's unacceptable but can do nothing about it. For some reason, people don't understand this and still yell because they are entitled cunts.

Yelling over the phone is stupid, so im definitely not going to condone that, but im also not going to bend over and take it in the ass just because mr. manager cant handle the call volume and hires someone who cant do shit about problems to deal with it. When I call up about a legitimate problem about a service that I pay for, im pretty sure that im entitled to get the problem solved (because I pay for it). If the company that hired you makes you answer calls that you cant do anything about, then your job is to be a diversion for the company to be able to rape its customers. Be prepared for war or quit. I imagine that you do get a lot of assholes without a legitimate gripe calling you to cry the blues, but if your job is so pointless that you cant even help out people with legit complaints, expect to get constantly harassed. I think people that answer calls and get harangued for a living should fight back to the company that they work for so that customer service can be improved (or go on a strike if they get no response). Shit like this shouldnt have to be tolerated.

I have had many problems with my internet over the years, and ive been lied to, diverted to the point where I dont have the time anymore to solve the problem, overcharged for bullshit, etc all because the company that serves me is the only rural high speed internet provider around. This company should burn in hell but is still functioning because of their inherent monopoly on such services. Fuck anyone who supports shitty customer service just because you sympathize with people who were innocently hired to do the devil's work.
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To play devils advocate, and as someone who worked in a call center for a year, many problems people call in about are ID10T errors - and I wasn't even in a technology related area.