The Whining and Bitching Thread

So my dumbass roommate torrented Suicide Squad today on my internet and hours later, I received an email from Bell (my ISP) and Warner Brothers warning me about copyright infringement and threatening legal action if it happens again.

Just what I needed. So I outright told him to stop downloading movies illegally off my internet, and that if I get one more email about it, not only am I changing the password and he isn't getting it (ever. He'll be done), but I'm keeping his share of the internet payment for that month too. I'm not gonna let some idiot risk me being sued for tens of thousands.
Pretty sure I'm going insane never having anyone to talk to all day at work. I'm either working by myself all day or working with a crew of people who don't speak English and/or are fucking retards. Things have picked up and I've been stuck on 14-16 hour shifts four times in the last two weeks. This seems like a dumb thing to complain about I'm sure but it's really starting to bother me. I have no decent human interaction outside my wife and family.

My wife is starting a new job at home next week, working for the company I mentioned her mom working for, that makes those goofy 3D viewers. I'm hoping that once she starts to work steadily I can look for another job or even consider some schooling or something.

I'm getting that itch to jump, my entire adult life my lifespan at a job has been about a year and a half before I start to look for a change. I've been here for two years. Literally every job I've ever had I actually left for a better one so I'm hopeful there but this job keeps me so beat into the dirt I can't get motivated for shit. I also know if they find out I'm looking for a new job they'll just flat out fire me, a practice I've seen them do so many times over the last couple years...

Tl;dr I need out of the oilfield. I need away from foreigners. I need some decent human interaction.
I dunno if I'd mind being alone that long. I doubt I would so long as work wasn't eating up my entire life. I went full on hermit for about a month whilst at university (I spent the summers there whilst everyone else fucked off home) and only ever had the briefest of real life conversations with people in shops or the gym. Was kinda cool. Started to feel like a ghost. The days definitely go quicker when you've got people to piss around with.

I'm looking forward to The Olympics being over in the news, which I guess will be about a month after the closing ceremony. The UK press/public has a fucking hard on for cycling and diving and both are total shit. I don't give a fuck about shooting, or gymnastics, or retarded events like triple jump. Or Usain fucking Bolt.

The only sports I've watched anything of are boxing (because boxing), rugby (because) and judo (which I did for quite a while and one of the guys is from my club).
So my dumbass roommate torrented Suicide Squad today on my internet and hours later, I received an email from Bell (my ISP) and Warner Brothers warning me about copyright infringement and threatening legal action if it happens again.

Just what I needed. So I outright told him to stop downloading movies illegally off my internet, and that if I get one more email about it, not only am I changing the password and he isn't getting it (ever. He'll be done), but I'm keeping his share of the internet payment for that month too. I'm not gonna let some idiot risk me being sued for tens of thousands.

Before you know it the FBI is going to be showing up banging on your door. You're going to prison. Bubba is waiting for you!.
I hate work related human interaction. Wish everyone would leave me the fuck alone and let me stare at the computer in peace
Burned up. Dehydrated. Cramping. The shit Powerade and bananas struggle to fix. Too fucking out of it to even drink because I know that'll maximize the misery. Pretty sure work is going to make due without me tomorrow. Been lining a pit the past 3 days. 14 hr shifts every fucking day. Team of guys pulling 3 thousand pound rolls of plastic into a hole in the ground then welding it together. Ever work on black plastic in 90 degree weather? Don't.

At this point my job as a driver/pseudo mechanic in charge of making sure all our equipment gets fixed has completely devolved. Getting desperate to get away. Going on vacation next weekend but it really doesn't fix anything.