The Whining and Bitching Thread

I don't get alcoholism. How bored are you that getting smashed is a better idea than playing video games or something equally unproductive but less taxing? Is it a depression thing to make doing absolutely nothing more bearable?

Serious inquiry. I hardly drink.
I don't get alcoholism. How bored are you that getting smashed is a better idea than playing video games or something equally unproductive but less taxing? Is it a depression thing to make doing absolutely nothing more bearable?

Serious inquiry. I hardly drink.

There's a difference between alcohol abuse and alcohol dependency. I would say that a majority of people who binge drink/get drunk on a semi regular basis partake in the former category. People here talk about alcoholism but it's in a tongue in cheek manner because I don't think anyone here is seriously an alcoholic. If they are, they should probably get help.

I mainly drink out of boredom but other times it helps as a social lubricant. I mean, I could play video games, but those are also enjoyable (sometimes moreso) with alcohol so I don't really know if that comparison works. Combining one mindless activity with another and it's still a mindless activity. It also helps to turn off my brain (lol hurr durr guys here comes a joke from someone) as it's constantly going. It's probably the reason I've had sleep issues for years (that or some undiagnosed issue. I should probably do a sleep study at some point).

Alcoholism is the point where someone needs alcohol to function (at least how I understand it). I can function without it. But then there's the whole 'functioning alcoholic' thing that I don't really get. I don't drink every day either. I think with alcoholics it's a constant thing.

I ponder this a lot. There's a line in The West Wing about drinking/alcoholism that I can relate to at times. It's a five minute conversation but it's the part about 1 drink vs. 10 drinks:

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Man, I always tell myself that I'm going to stop drinking on work nights but it never happens. Feel like hell today.

I do stupid shit like this occasionally. I also don't go to bed until after midnight and my alarm goes off at 5:00...

I've also been mixing alcohol and diet pills (which at a cursory glance are nothing more than glorified caffeine pills) for cheap thrills lately. Two shots of whiskey and a hydroxycut my mom had and never used are a decent buzz. I'm probably going to nuke my liver one day.

Still I feel like two shots and a caffeine pill has to be better than the 12 ounce glasses of 50/50 gin and apple juice or downing a 40 of hurricane in two minutes.

That all sounds really bad but I've actually cut way back on the amount of alcohol I've been consuming lately. Probably why you guys haven't got any drunken retard posts from me lately.
I do stupid shit like this occasionally. I also don't go to bed until after midnight and my alarm goes off at 5:00...

I've also been mixing alcohol and diet pills (which at a cursory glance are nothing more than glorified caffeine pills) for cheap thrills lately. Two shots of whiskey and a hydroxycut my mom had and never used are a decent buzz. I'm probably going to nuke my liver one day.

Still I feel like two shots and a caffeine pill has to be better than the 12 ounce glasses of 50/50 gin and apple juice or downing a 40 of hurricane in two minutes.

That all sounds really bad but I've actually cut way back on the amount of alcohol I've been consuming lately. Probably why you guys haven't got any drunken retard posts from me lately.

I'm trying to keep my really heavy drinking to Friday or Saturday night. I used to binge drink almost every day. I don't buy craft beer anymore unless I'm at a restaurant that serves it.

My drinking has become heavier over the years and I'll admit that to anyone. I ultimately need to just get off the sauce at least for a while to give my body a good cleanse. I'm finding that it is quite the challenge. It was easier back when I got a DUI and had an interlock in my car for a while.
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My confusion is more centered around drinking to a regrettable point, where you're feeling terrible the next day or even during. I've been there myself in the past, but it was 100% social lubricant and hoping that by getting drunker I'd reach that jolliness people associate with it. Never worked out that way and now I hardly drink. I might have a beer by myself while engaging in activities but I literally never have drank so much alone that I pay for it later.

That I don't understand whatsoever, pure wastedness just isn't fun alone, and rarely fun with others. Your motor functions are literally compromised so you really can't do anything fun except be drunk. Maybe be one of those savants who's suddenly awesome at beer pong, as if that game didn't lose its luster 5000 parties ago. On top of the hangover, which is harder to deal with the older you get.

Imo, I guess. To each their own etc.
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My confusion is more centered around drinking to a regrettable point, where you're feeling terrible the next day or even during.

Sometimes I don't feel terrible the next day though. I don't drink with the intent of getting super wasted (usually). It just happens.

See the Youtube clip I posted. It's alluded to later in the series about 'Why wouldn't people want to feel like this? Why would someone want just one drink?' re: being drunk. It's hard to explain.
My confusion is more centered around drinking to a regrettable point, where you're feeling terrible the next day or even during. I've been there myself in the past, but it was 100% social lubricant and hoping that by getting drunker I'd reach that jolliness people associate with it. Never worked out that way and now I hardly drink. I might have a beer by myself while engaging in activities but I literally never have drank so much alone that I pay for it later.

That I don't understand whatsoever, pure wastedness just isn't fun alone, and rarely fun with others. Your motor functions are literally compromised so you really can't do anything fun except be drunk. Maybe be one of those savants who's suddenly awesome at beer pong, as if that game didn't lose its luster 5000 parties ago. On top of the hangover, which is harder to deal with the older you get.

Imo, I guess. To each their own etc.

I agree with this.

I drink to either enhance an already fun activity's fun-ness or I drink to reach a certain state of consciousness, wherein I usually end up reading Carl Jung all night.

The only time I've ever drank to the point of regret was when I was 17 and it was a whole bottle of vodka to myself. Now I can't drink vodka.
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I drink because I enjoy the taste and the feeling of becoming more drunken. A cold beer on a hot day with an empty stomach is blissful. I usually pass out before I get to the point of complete retardation so it's not really an issue.

I've cut drinking back to just Fri/Sat/Sun after getting to the point of drinking every night last year. It just became a habit and we live like a two minute walk from our favourite bar. Was starting to feel like an alcoholic, my liver was inflamed, blood pressure was high and my midsection was expanding. So after NYE the wife and I both initialised the new No More Fat Drunk Cunts regimen. She also quit smoking at the same time. Mon-Thurs I come home and work out for an hour and eat a smaller meal than I usually do for dinner. The weekends are still a debaucherous free-for-all. I've dropped about 6 kilos and feel heaps better.
i don't handle alcohol all that well, but not in the sense that most people mean by that. like, it takes quite a lot to get me drunk, but not much at all to give me a shit of a headache and a godawful hangover the next day. that's especially true with beer, less so with spirits. a pox on people who don't get hangovers, anyway. they were probably evangelicals in a past life or something.
I thought it would be nice out today so I could go disc golf but it isn't. So now I'm just ordering Panera and playing Stick of Truth like a piece of shit.
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I don't get alcoholism. How bored are you that getting smashed is a better idea than playing video games or something equally unproductive but less taxing? Is it a depression thing to make doing absolutely nothing more bearable?

Serious inquiry. I hardly drink.

Sometimes getting a buzz on while doing a task makes it more enjoyable. It isnt hard for 3 drinks to turn into 7+, and before you know it, drunk. I dont think there are too many people who just sit in a chair and get smashed.

There's a difference between alcohol abuse and alcohol dependency. I would say that a majority of people who binge drink/get drunk on a semi regular basis partake in the former category. People here talk about alcoholism but it's in a tongue in cheek manner because I don't think anyone here is seriously an alcoholic. If they are, they should probably get help.

I had a period of my life where drinking every night turned into taking a few shots in the morning to get through dealing with being stuck in a bad job. Before I knew it, I was getting withdrawals by the afternoon and started carrying some booze with me at all times to juice up when the withdrawals started making me jumpy and irritable. Trying to cut back gradually wasnt very effective because it just prolonged the time in which I was experiencing withdrawals. It turned into a trap, where I needed to have alcohol in the bloodstream to function properly at my job and to not be an irritable pain in the ass. Not to mention I also felt like shit. So one day when I got a really bad stomach bug I decided to take some days off of work (plus the weekend), and ride out the withdrawals. The worst times were the first 2 or 3 days, and after that it took another 3 or 4 to start feeling normal. To be honest it wasnt quite as bad as I was expecting it to be, but ill be damned if I ever get into that rut again. I now mostly limit my drinking to weekends and occasionally a night during the week.

I mainly drink out of boredom but other times it helps as a social lubricant. I mean, I could play video games, but those are also enjoyable (sometimes moreso) with alcohol so I don't really know if that comparison works. Combining one mindless activity with another and it's still a mindless activity. It also helps to turn off my brain (lol hurr durr guys here comes a joke from someone) as it's constantly going. It's probably the reason I've had sleep issues for years (that or some undiagnosed issue. I should probably do a sleep study at some point).

Alcohol depresses the CNS via GABA receptors, which are part of neuronal pathways involved with sleep. A lot of alcohol users have trouble with sleep for this reason.

Alcoholism is the point where someone needs alcohol to function (at least how I understand it). I can function without it. But then there's the whole 'functioning alcoholic' thing that I don't really get. I don't drink every day either. I think with alcoholics it's a constant thing.

What dont you get about 'functioning alcoholics'? It is just someone that needs a bit of alcohol in their system pretty much all the time, but they dont get wasted when they need to go about their lives. It is similar to that guy at work who almost always has a coffee in his hand or at his desk. They are still able to go about their lives, albeit at a more limited capacity.

I ponder this a lot. There's a line in The West Wing about drinking/alcoholism that I can relate to at times. It's a five minute conversation but it's the part about 1 drink vs. 10 drinks:

It kind of boils down to using alcohol like a drug vs just using it as a social activity. He also sort of alludes to the idea that if he has one drink, he will inevitably spiral back into a full blown alcoholic. While both concepts are interrelated, I do not think that someone who likes to get drunk is necessarily doomed to be alcohol dependent. Some people have no willpower when it comes to temptation, and it is people like this who need to realize that they have to abstain entirely.

My confusion is more centered around drinking to a regrettable point, where you're feeling terrible the next day or even during. I've been there myself in the past, but it was 100% social lubricant and hoping that by getting drunker I'd reach that jolliness people associate with it. Never worked out that way and now I hardly drink. I might have a beer by myself while engaging in activities but I literally never have drank so much alone that I pay for it later.

Ill admit that sometimes it isnt fun, but occasionally you will have one of those parties where you just have some good inebriated fun. I also like getting a little more than a few drinks in at a concert, smoke some pot, and mosh away (and no im not that staggering asshole who just gets in the way). I also think you are conflating the idea of getting "drunk" with being utterly smashed to basically blackout levels. I like getting drunk, but getting wasted is always just the result of having a few too many by accident. I dont think anybody wants to get sick, throw up, or be hungover the next day, though I have met people who find enjoyment in getting blackout drunk (I dont understand that either).

Alcohol is just like any drug really. Some people enjoy it, some abuse it, and some dont really enjoy it at all.
Just as an alternative to alcohol abusers making up their own standards for abuse, here are the DSM criteria for alcohol use disorder:

In the past year, have you:
  1. Had times when you ended up drinking more, or longer than you intended?
  2. More than once wanted to cut down or stop drinking, or tried to, but couldn’t?
  3. Spent a lot of time drinking? Or being sick or getting over the aftereffects?
  4. Experienced craving — a strong need, or urge, to drink?
  5. Found that drinking — or being sick from drinking — often interfered with taking care of your home or family? Or caused job troubles? Or school problems?
  6. Continued to drink even though it was causing trouble with your family or friends?
  7. Given up or cut back on activities that were important or interesting to you, or gave you pleasure, in order to drink?
  8. More than once gotten into situations while or after drinking that increased your chances of getting hurt (such as driving, swimming, using machinery, walking in a dangerous area, or having unsafe sex)?
  9. Continued to drink even though it was making you feel depressed or anxious or adding to another health problem? Or after having had a memory blackout?
  10. Had to drink much more than you once did to get the effect you want? Or found that your usual number of drinks had much less effect than before?
  11. Found that when the effects of alcohol were wearing off, you had withdrawal symptoms, such as trouble sleeping, shakiness, irritability, anxiety, depression, restlessness, nausea, or sweating? Or sensed things that were not there?
Yes to any 2 or 3 of the 11 items is mild, 4 or 5 is moderate, 6+ is severe.

Based on this I think my case is moderate.
I think I'm borderline mild/moderate. I experience cravings but not strong ones. It's usually more of a desire for a cold beer on a hot day or a drink after a shit day at work, rather than a chemical craving.
Fucking racist doucebag picked a fight with my wife and then me and my mate and ruined a perfectly splendid evening of grindcore and beering. Took a coward swing at me as security were ejecting him. Twat.