The Whining and Bitching Thread

I have a few to go to this summer and it's not my quirky cool friends so I'm dreading it. One is for a coworker (who is this super Italian normal lady) and the other is this super normal Algerian French lady. I just think most normal people are boring.
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Yeah pretty much people are very boring. I only enjoy drinking and talking in a small intimate group, we should be fuckin doing something, not just sitting there trying to have a 30-way conversation. And all the successively louder shouting to be heard, and the lack of shit to do with my hands. If there's more than 5 people I get overwhelmed and just get fuckin trashed to take the edge off and have a terrible time anyways.

That's why I just skip out and invite them to lunch some time soon instead. I will do lunch all fuckin DAY.
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Fuck weddings. The format of the ones I've attended was clearly conceived by an extrovert with no remorse about torturing introverts for 5-10 hours in a giant space full of a hundred strangers.
Fuck the usual wedding format yeah. My wedding ruled. We hired a beautiful house out in the country for 4 days and partied. Family/normal people came for the ceremony and went home after a few hours and left us to the debauchery. We had bands, DJs, beer on tap, a margarita machine and as much food and wine as anyone could consume. It was awesome.
What grinds my gears today - Proper bowling alleys no longer exist in Melbourne. They've all got flashing neon lights and big stupid screens and blast horrible shitty commercial dance/pop music. A bowling alley should look like this:

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What grinds my gears today - Proper bowling alleys no longer exist in Melbourne. They've all got flashing neon lights and big stupid screens and blast horrible shitty commercial dance/pop music. A bowling alley should look like this:

View attachment 10387

Where have you been these past 20 years? Those bowling alleys have been extinct for a minute bruv.
What grinds my gears today - Proper bowling alleys no longer exist in Melbourne. They've all got flashing neon lights and big stupid screens and blast horrible shitty commercial dance/pop music. A bowling alley should look like this:

View attachment 10387

Yeah, and they should play songs like "The Man in Me", "Tumbling Tumbleweeds", and the Gipsy Kings version of "Hotel California".
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Where have you been these past 20 years? Those bowling alleys have been extinct for a minute bruv.
Nah there were still a few around here until relatively recently. My fave (and closest) alley was bulldozed to make way for apartments about 5 years ago and I had to travel to the outer burbs to bowl. Now the ones that are left have been modernified.

Yeah, and they should play songs like "The Man in Me", "Tumbling Tumbleweeds", and the Gipsy Kings version of "Hotel California".

Well that's because bowling allies are no longer the haunts of old gents.
It's a shame.
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Last few times I've been bowling were at a big mall in DC. No flashing neon lights, but it does have big screens and shitty music, and it's packed with couples on dates or otherwise overdressed yuppies. Very noisy. I'm not serious enough about bowling to look for other places, it's just something to do in DC after seeing museums and shit. They have Sam Adams on tap too.
don't normal compalin, I get SSI and it is not enough to cover my electric bill and have to move and am not going to get get a fulltime job because will make about half of what I get, so am waiting for my year lease to be up in a few months and need to get a cheaper place,luckily do not have nearly as much shit as other people when moving, so it's pretty easy, it still sucks though, it can be a pain in the ass to even find a place.
Coming from an armenian actually only makes more sense. I don't see your point.

yup. the jews are the biggest "occupiers" on this planet. The azeris occupied the Armenian lands(Artsakh/Karabagh) until we took it back from them. They also occupied Nakhichevan, which they fully succeeded in taking over. A piece of land that does not even border their country.

It would make sense if he was Palestinian, or at least Muslim. Aren't Armenians almost always Christian?

that means absolutely jack shit here. Most of Armenia's history with their neighbors predates Christianity(which btw is a very small part of Armenias ancient history which goes back to 900BC). Are you saying christians(Armenia was the first official christian country btw) are supposed to automatically like jews or something?
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Ready to quit my job. So tired of fixing other peoples mistakes. Just got to a new jobsite and not even a week and half in and they find out there's a major problem. None of the balconies on this building have any pitch or worse they're pitched the wrong way. These things get tile and the tile guys refused to do anything unless the problem is addressed. This is 40 stories, brand new construction, and these balconies range 150 sq. ft. to.3,000 sq. ft. , million dollar units. So I got tasked with fixing these things within tolerance. Lot of work, will take me to next year plus with winter coming everything will have to be tarped and heated.

I've done one so far, about 450 sq. ft. Had to go from a 1/4 in. to zero! Sucks, took me a day and a half.

Work in progress



And finished....


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