The Whining and Bitching Thread

What grinds my gears today - Proper bowling alleys no longer exist in Melbourne. They've all got flashing neon lights and big stupid screens and blast horrible shitty commercial dance/pop music. A bowling alley should look like this:

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We have lots of those around these parts. I agree with you though. That is super distracting for someone who already sucks at bowling haha.
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Enough whining and bitching- Tuesday will be my last day after dealing with 6 years of this shitty 2.5 hour-a-day commute and call center caused anxiety. Get my holiday pay for Monday, have the remainder of the month of insurance to take care of this tooth that is bothering me and deviated septum surgery. Then I'm going to enjoy the hell out of this autumn/winter and get back in the job market in Feb-March or so. Got enough money stashed to live for ~1.5 years with no income. Going to spend time with friends I've grown distant from, catch up on music, spend time with family in the mountains and most importantly not wake up to a fucking alarm clock at 5:15 every morning.
I'm back in Melbourne post-holiday five kilos heavier, broke and so jet-lagged that I feel like I haven't slept for a month.
I also now have an unexplained fucked shoulder, sore neck due to fucked shoulder, and possibly related sore lower back. Went to physio the other day and it felt better for a couple of hours. Can't exercise due to pain. This getting older thing is ruling hard. Yelling at clouds on the daily.
Worked at a site today that was loud as fuck.

Couldnt really verbally communicate at all.... felt like a kid when the adults were talking in Peanuts.
My ears arent ringing... its a strange feeling really, like theres excess pressure in my head. Listening to music right now and I'm not in pain or anything but it feels like the sensation is going to hang around for a bit.
Property manager declared war on roaches in my apartment building. Sent a notice on Monday giving us all a laundry list of housekeeping requirements (i.e. empty and scrub the entire kitchen, and clear all shit away from every single wall where workmen's access to any possible baseboard could be blocked), plus orders to evacuate the building from 9 am to 6 pm Thursday, or else pay a $75 fee.

I just finished six hours of cleaning and packing around my apartment, after already getting home really late due to other chores after work. I should've started on Tuesday, but I already had a bunch of chores after work on Monday, and I just couldn't think about doing more.

I'm glad they're taking the roach problem more seriously after numerous less-thorough roach treatments that accomplished nothing, but 3 days of advance notice is bullshit for this amount of work. No way I'm getting sleep tonight, so I'm taking a sick day. Guess I'll sleep in my car, idk.
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Sent something to someone via USPS who bought something off me on eBay. Everything goes fine except when I get a notification while I was sleeping that there's no confirmation the package was delivered. The last status update was that it was out for delivery at 8 AM eastern time. USPS is seriously one of the worst organizations on the Earth. What is the point of delivery confirmation if you don't confirm delivery? Did the guy get ambushed and beaten and the perps took his packages?
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Ended up staying at family's home while they were out for the day. Just got settled in again at my place, after wiping shit off and putting a bunch of shit away. They drilled a perimeter of 30-40 holes in my walls near the baseboards, and dumped poison through the holes. I swept up a small handful of dead roaches. Looks like a promising procedure. There's a shorter follow-up visit in a couple weeks -- hopefully involving spackling up the holes...
Here's a suggested reading while you handle thr roach problem. It's an epic tale of man against roaches led by an ancient insect god manifested in a junkie against the heroes with their cambodian-death doctor as an ally.
In case anyone thought I was exaggerating with these group of boys I have this year... first day of school they wrote "letters" to me about their past and what they'd like to change for the future. Here's bits of two separate boys from my emotionally disturbed classIMG_9932.JPGIMG_9933.JPG
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