The Whining and Bitching Thread

i persuaded one of my autistic anusite e-buddies (thamuz/vesupria if anyone remembers him) to take up chess a few years back and within a few months he was better than me. hbb and omni should try it too if they haven't already, they might be untapped grandmasters.
if i remember correctly i was getting the better of you the last time we played, but we didn't finish. You did beat me once or twice though. You're 'iight.
high level chess is one of those things you're either built for or you're not. i'm ranked in the top 2k or so in the UK i believe, and have played tournament chess since i was 8 years old, and i'm still closer to beginner level than grandmaster standard. for perspective, a beginner is rated 1200, master is 2200+, GM is 2500+, i hover in the 1700s or low 1800s. i could probably get close to 2000 if i studied it obsessively for a couple years or something, but i'd hit a ceiling at some point. most grandmasters are already near or at GM level by their mid-teens, they've just got that super-autism. 'kin freaks.

if anyone ever wants a game i play as coltaine1 on these days.
so would that make me high ranked if i hadnt played for almost 10 years and didn't think you were that good?

Paid off my car and got the title in the mail today...but I have to go to DMV to fully release the title? It wasn't fully released when car was paid in full? Fucking lame, yo.
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Seen this shit about this professional chess player that was arrested and about to be executed firing squad and in order to save his own life he had to win a chess game, which he won, police did not believe who he said he was, which was a professional chess player, and he played chess his whole life.
Arguing with bandmates about the proper way to record songs. I say the drum tracks for all songs are done first and then everything else is done. They want to do one song at a time.

The guy who is doing this offered not to charge so I'm going to try and convince them to experiment with something new because of that.
Arguing with bandmates about the proper way to record songs. I say the drum tracks for all songs are done first and then everything else is done. They want to do one song at a time.

The guy who is doing this offered not to charge so I'm going to try and convince them to experiment with something new because of that.
There are several ways to put down recordings of songs and the “proper” way is the way that everyone feels most comfortable with, not the way the petulant drummer insists is the “proper” way. Stop being a dick and work with your bandmates instead of against them.
There are several ways to put down recordings of songs and the “proper” way is the way that everyone feels most comfortable with, not the way the petulant drummer insists is the “proper” way. Stop being a dick and work with your bandmates instead of against them.

I'll never stop being a dick tbh (lol u r wut u eat rite Ozz?). I am open to ideas but I'm also not going to be a pushover and just agree that the process they are doing is the best one either especially if I think there can be a better, more efficient way to do it. There is a middle ground that can be found and my intuition tells me their way is not the best way. In a majority of cases, my intuition has been right.

You are right in saying there are multiple ways to record, but if I can get all the drum tracks for every song recorded in 1 or 2 consecutive sessions, why should it be spread out over several months because the other bands members want to record each song individually? Surely there are arguments for both sides, but the former makes more sense to me.

The problem is that words and ideas can be misconstrued in a text message. Getting everyone in a room and discussing it is more beneficial which is what we've all decided should be done. It could just be me not understanding exactly what the process was during the recording of the demo *shrug*.

The issue with this is that we have a guy willing to record for free, but I would have to bring my own kit. Setting up and breaking down all the time can hamper the sound according to the engineer.

Everyone I have talked to and has actually recorded multiple albums does it that way (tracking instruments individually for all tracks) fwiw especially if cost is a factor.
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I guess it depends on what you’re going for. Is it just a demo or will it be a release? If it’s a the latter and you’ve got a studio there to use for as long as you want then I’d say your bandmates are right, take your time and do each song individually. That way each song will have more of its own sound.
I guess it depends on what you’re going for. Is it just a demo or will it be a release? If it’s a the latter and you’ve got a studio there to use for as long as you want then I’d say your bandmates are right, take your time and do each song individually. That way each song will have more of its own sound.

2-3 song EP essentially
Very upset that Filthy Frank is done with Youtube. He was the only Youtuber worth a damn imo. Goodnight sweet prince.