The Whining and Bitching Thread

Began the job hunt in earnest last week after leaving my 7 years as a broker in September. I hate how all the decent jobs are downtown and I'm setting my sights pretty low for something in the burbs/semi-urban areas paying 55-70k. I could be making 80-100k if I wanted to go all the way downtown but I'm not going to piss any more of my life away with that soul crushing commute or move to that sardines-in-a-can hellhole they call Atlanta. /emo
Began the job hunt in earnest last week after leaving my 7 years as a broker in September. I hate how all the decent jobs are downtown and I'm setting my sights pretty low for something in the burbs/semi-urban areas paying 55-70k. I could be making 80-100k if I wanted to go all the way downtown but I'm not going to piss any more of my life away with that soul crushing commute or move to that sardines-in-a-can hellhole they call Atlanta. /emo

Not interested in looking outside of the the greater Atl metro area?
Not interested in looking outside of the the greater Atl metro area?

Nah. I'm very much a comfort zone kind of guy. All the family/friends are here, I co-own a house here with my brother, have land in the mountains, etc. I wouldn't be completely opposed to moving into the eastern Tennessee/western NC area, but there's even less there than there is here. Logically, it would be better for me (career and love life both) to move into the city, but all that traffic and people crammed into one area gives me terrible anxiety that I don't have otherwise. Also, apartments, ugh.
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Decided to have a few drinks today in the hot weather and it's reacting badly with my medication (profuse sweating, flushed skin, nausea). Alcoholism is a bitch.
Didn't get any sleep last night. Super worried about how catastrophic my student loan situation is going to be. Fuck my life.
Decided to have a few drinks today in the hot weather and it's reacting badly with my medication (profuse sweating, flushed skin, nausea). Alcoholism is a bitch.
Might be time to hit the 12 step meetings before you destroy your liver / kill yourself

Consolidate? Pay some of the interest before it capitalizes?
Or, knowing him, quit playing the stock market and sell that shit to pay it down
I feel like AA may not be working for you if you’re blaming some pretend disease for being a piece of shit.

Own up to it, you big sloppy turd.
itt the redneck asshole piece of shit who gets blackout drunk on a regular basis and brags about it chastises the guy who is trying not to drink and improve himself and labels him a piece of shit. Makes sense.

Here are some select quotes from Krow's posting history. This is just in the past 3 months or so:

Feel like I'm more likely to die from alcohol posioning this weekend.

Third day of no alcohol here. Not sure if I'm having withdrawals or I just fucking hate my life when I'm sober.

^I said this all the time too before I realized I definitely have a problem. You're well on your way!

I've cut way back on alcohol consumption.

Obviously not because then there's this gem a mere few months later:

Fucking around drunk @ 4 AM. Was reading online that if you stare into a mirror in a dimly lit room you'll hallucinate in different ways almost instantly.
It definitely fucking works.

My eye drifting into my nose.
My mouth disappearing
My entire fucking face disappearing into a blob of static
annnnd my personal favorite... my face became a giant mass of hair with only my eyes showing like an old school hollywood werewolf.
Want to try it sober and see if there's any difference. I didnt see anything that wasnt "me" like some other people reported.

Sounds like you're really trying to cut back on alcohol, eh?

Here are some from at least a year ago:

Came home and downed 3/4 a bottle of some shitty pinot noir because it was the only alcohol in the house.

I've also been mixing alcohol and diet pills (which at a cursory glance are nothing more than glorified caffeine pills) for cheap thrills lately. Two shots of whiskey and a hydroxycut my mom had and never used are a decent buzz. I'm probably going to nuke my liver one day.

pretend disease

There are studies that show it isn't a pretend disease. HBB alluded to this in another thread and I know there's other research out there regarding that fact. Could 'addiction' in general be the disease and the worst of the addictions in people get labeled things like 'Alcoholism'? Maybe. It's definitely not a 'pretend' thing though.

I'll always have asshole tendencies but alcohol definitely exacerbated it. I just troll here because I'm bored and don't feel like combing through the individual subgenre threads when it takes 10 minutes to load all the YouTube videos.

I feel like AA may not be working for you

It is so far

It's not like this site is real life anyway. You all are alts of each other after all.
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If Philip K Dick lived today he would write a book about a guy posting on a messege board and slowly realize it's all just a hoax and all other posters are alts of the same guy who is masterminding some kind of conspiracy against the protagonist.

The guy would also have an wholesome wife and a goat or something as a pet.
ITT: Ozz mad

But hurrrr I’m not really tho trolld u

Addiction isn’t a disease. Calling it a disease is a crutch. Pouring alcohol down your gullet is a choice and that’s it. Sticking a needle in your arm is a choice. For someone that’s so anti PC culture I’m surprised you even feel that way about it because pity the addict is pure SJW bullshit.

It’s pretty comical to see people shower praise on heroin addicts that have been clean for a couple months. Oh you’re doing so good, I’m proud of you. Bitch you’re a single mother with three children working at a gas station. You aren’t doing that good.

Can you be addicted to a message board? @CASSETTEISGOD were you aware of this disease you have?