General hobby stores tend to attract a lot of conservative types and old people. Buying bits and bobs for their train sets, miniature cities, military replicas models, roleplaying games, big jigsaw puzzles etc. The place I worked at was in the same city area as a proper GW so even though we stocked some GW stuff we didn't get a lot of those customers, we had other tabletop gaming stuff though but it didn't draw a lot of people in.
GW customers are usually just autistic as fuck, annoying, demanding, impatient etc. Not really smelly in my experience, I guess because the store is so specific and niche that the customers are deep into the fandom to the point of just being total assholes about everything and also very entitled.
Record shops are the total opposite of smelly. Most smelly basement-dwelling nerd types just DL music, with those shops you mostly get old collectors, young hipsters and in my area a lot of hip hop culture types coming in to buy instrumental records for DJing.
The only thing that got really annoying in the record stores is having to answer the same question 100 times a day about some new album that is due out.