The Whining and Bitching Thread

Smaller roads here are usually either residential or swampy, so you can't really go too fast on them. The police here will ticket almost anyone who drives more than five miles over the speed limit if they catch you on the interstate.

You can do 90+ on most of the toll roads here if you pay attention to your surroundings because there are no places for them to hide due to the elevated design of most expressways in this state.
I got our shitty Forf Focus wagon hire car up to 200 kph on the autobahn in Germany this year. It was pretty scary though at that speed. I usually cruised at 150-170 kph if possible.
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I got our shitty Forf Focus wagon hire car up to 200 kph on the autobahn in Germany this year. It was pretty scary though at that speed. I usually cruised at 150-170 kph if possible.

Legitimately surprised it went that fast. In any case, driving fast in shit cars is scary. I've taken my Hyundai Accent back home to 90 mph a few times and was it shook and screamed--not like a performance car, not like it knew what it was doing; more like it just saw a predator and was about to shit its pants before it played dead. I was on the Autobahn the other day with some little VW Up! at 150kph. I now know why it has the exclamation point in it's name.
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I went 110 in my first car not too long after I bought it, a Civic coupe, and everything over 100 was scary. Not only because I felt the car get less in contact with the road, but from like 95-110 was so slow in acceleration that I probably went 2-3 miles during that time, and I was worried about a lurking trooper yanking my license. Once I hit 110 and it was pretty much topping out I slowed down as safely as I could.
Legitimately surprised it went that fast. In any case, driving fast in shit cars is scary. I've taken my Hyundai Accent back home to 90 mph a few times and was it shook and screamed--not like a performance car, not like it knew what it was doing; more like it just saw a predator and was about to shit its pants before it played dead. I was on the Autobahn the other day with some little VW Up! at 150kph. I now know why it has the exclamation point in it's name.
The Focus did it pretty easily, it just felt like the margin for error was ridiculously small at that speed.
The holiday before that I got our big camper up to 165 kph, that was a strange feeling. We also almost got taken out by a crazy Audi sports SUV thing whilst trying to overtake a truck in the fast lane. Guy must have been doing 280kph or more, he just appeared out of nowhere and all of a sudden he was next to me in the tiny emergency lane screaming at me and beeping his horn. I was doing about 150 and I had to swerve almost into the truck I was trying to overtake so he didn't hit us. Scared the fucking shit out of me.
The Focus did it pretty easily, it just felt like the margin for error was ridiculously small at that speed.
The holiday before that I got our big camper up to 165 kph, that was a strange feeling. We also almost got taken out by a crazy Audi sports SUV thing whilst trying to overtake a truck in the fast lane. Guy must have been doing 280kph or more, he just appeared out of nowhere and all of a sudden he was next to me in the tiny emergency lane screaming at me and beeping his horn. I was doing about 150 and I had to swerve almost into the truck I was trying to overtake so he didn't hit us. Scared the fucking shit out of me.

In Germany? Germans are generally pretty easy going, cool people, but as drivers they're fucking assholes. It's like it's their instinct to drive aggressively and brake at the last possible moment. Every time I'm in a car with a German, I'm stomping on an imaginary brake. It's funny talking to my students about cultural differences. The cultural parallel they offer to guns in America is driving.
In Germany? Germans are generally pretty easy going, cool people, but as drivers they're fucking assholes. It's like it's their instinct to drive aggressively and brake at the last possible moment. Every time I'm in a car with a German, I'm stomping on an imaginary brake. It's funny talking to my students about cultural differences. The cultural parallel they offer to guns in America is driving.

I'm far more scared of other licensed drivers than other legal gun owners.
In Germany? Germans are generally pretty easy going, cool people, but as drivers they're fucking assholes. It's like it's their instinct to drive aggressively and brake at the last possible moment. Every time I'm in a car with a German, I'm stomping on an imaginary brake. It's funny talking to my students about cultural differences. The cultural parallel they offer to guns in America is driving.
Yeah in Germany. And yeah I know what you mean haha. My wife’s lovely old mother was tailgating like a demon in her tiny car.
My dad finally married his woman of 15 years yesterday, very happy for them. The ceremony was some bullshit though. They paid a lot of money for this arboretum- which you totally can rent for events, it's an advertised fact- and are told at the last minute that since it's a state ran facility they couldn't block off the area. So people coming to look at the plants for free were technically allowed to walk right through the ceremony space my dad paid for. Fucking bullshit. My brother also had his guitar and amp to strum some ambience and that wasn't allowed either. We stuck a sign up saying wedding in progress which did deter people, and snuck the music in under some coats, but my dad may as well have been a free guest with how little service we received for booking this shit and paying for it in advance. I'm glad we aren't a rule following family because that would have ruined their day.
They're a pain and a hazard. Wider coverage in public transport would be ideal, but the automotive industry definitely wouldn't like that.

i'm about to start relearning to drive after bailing on it for financial reasons several years ago. public transport is widespread here but fuck if i never take a bus again for as long as i live it'll still be too soon.
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In the interest of full disclosure, I also hate riding the bus. But I hate driving around the city more. :D

I'll walk fifteen minutes to catch the train to avoid taking the bus, usually.
Try a German city with poor public transportation and infrastructure for cars. I never thought that showing up to work/school with soaking wet pants would be a socially acceptable thing to have happen weekly/sometimes every day of the week. Münster has taught me that there is an even lower low to commuting.

edit: I will say though, the stark contrast between normal weather and weather which occasionally includes the sun makes sunny days here unworldly beautiful.
Driving in a large city certainly isn't pleasant, but most if not all forms of commuting in a large city are not pleasant. I wouldn't want to live in a place where it was impractical to own a car.
I'm the total opposite, if I didn't have to drive I simply wouldn't own a car at all. As it stands, if I ever end up retiring from being a private contractor and go back to working with the plebs in retail (I'd like to work in a hobby store tbh) I'll immediately sell off my work car.