The Whining and Bitching Thread

Really did something to my back last week (lol stop being a bottom amirite?!) but not sure what caused it. Called in Friday because it hurt to even stand up/sit down.

It is gradually getting better but I have a weird feeling I may need surgery. I'll get to the doc next week if it's not better by Sunday night. Walking is no longer bad but putting on pants while standing up is difficult and bending over is also uncomfortable.

I pinched a nerve or some shit (something went wrong around the sciatic nerve, anyway) a few weeks ago which led to about a week of pretty serious pain. Now the pain is pretty much gone but I've got a constant numbness/itching on my right thigh. Can't really be fucked to see anyone about it as it's not that distracting but I guess if it's not gone in a month or so I will just in case.
I don't get why people from my school follow me on instagram but won't accept my request to follow them back. It happened a few times so it might be a glitch from slow wifi or something. Maybe they are declining but that wouldn't make much sense.
I don't get why people from my school follow me on instagram but won't accept my request to follow them back. It happened a few times so it might be a glitch from slow wifi or something. Maybe they are declining but that wouldn't make much sense.

That sucks. You should totally talk to them in person about it. How else will you manage to solve the problem? :eek:
Went back to the optometrist yesterday as the glasses I got about a year and a bit ago weren’t helping my vision in my crappy right eye at all anymore. I only wore them a handful of times anyway because they have me a headache and double vision if I looked up. Anyway it turns out that my suspicions were correct the whole time and it’s not my vision going because I’m getting older, it’s a motherfucking cataract! I also went to an ophthalmologist last year to make sure because I was convinced that there was something wrong with my eye and he told me exactly the same thing the optometrist did. Useless bunch of tards. Now I’ve gotta have keyhole surgery and a new lens installed in my eye. THEY’RE GOING TO CUT A FUCKING HOLE IN MY EYE.
So I'm basically blind in my right eye now. All I can see through it are vague shapes. Depth perception is totally fucked. I'm on a waiting list to have surgery through the public system. Went back to the optometrist last week to try to find out how long it's going to take and was told that it could be up to 18 months because they are so overloaded. Apparently I can bypass the waiting list if I go to emergency at the eye & ear hospital, so I'm doing that next Monday.
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So I'm basically blind in my right eye now. All I can see through it are vague shapes. Depth perception is totally fucked. I'm on a waiting list to have surgery through the public system. Went back to the optometrist last week to try to find out how long it's going to take and was told that it could be up to 18 months because they are so overloaded. Apparently I can bypass the waiting list if I go to emergency at the eye & ear hospital, so I'm doing that next Monday.
Losing vision is one of the shittiest things I can think of, stuff in my eye drives me absolutely nuts. I hope the surgery goes well...
Worn contacts since I was pretty young, if not would not even be able to see to urinate in a toilet, you might just need glasses or contacts, when you're pretty much blind there's shitloads of types of contacts so you can actually see stuff, when people can't see, who knows how many different types of contacts there are, i have astigmatism so both of the eyes are different, different contacts.
Losing vision is one of the shittiest things I can think of, stuff in my eye drives me absolutely nuts. I hope the surgery goes well...
Cheers. Not looking forward to having my eye cut open but very much looking forward to being able to see again.

Worn contacts since I was pretty young, if not would not even be able to see to urinate in a toilet, you might just need glasses or contacts, when you're pretty much blind there's shitloads of types of contacts so you can actually see stuff, when people can't see, who knows how many different types of contacts there are, i have astigmatism so both of the eyes are different, different contacts.
I have a cataract.
So I'm basically blind in my right eye now. All I can see through it are vague shapes. Depth perception is totally fucked. I'm on a waiting list to have surgery through the public system. Went back to the optometrist last week to try to find out how long it's going to take and was told that it could be up to 18 months because they are so overloaded. Apparently I can bypass the waiting list if I go to emergency at the eye & ear hospital, so I'm doing that next Monday.

At least there's a solution. I've spent at least a little time debating between permanent hearing and vision loss and came down firmly as preferring hearing loss.