The Whining and Bitching Thread

Millennials are moving to suburban areas with easy access to urban centers--i.e. they're still living in greater metropolitan areas. I guarantee that most millennials will tell you they prefer living in or near urban centers. The fact that cities attract older people as well doesn't mean they repel young people.

I called you "gramps" because most able-bodied old people still stick to rural areas. And because you say things like "does not compute."
Actually I quite enjoyed the play. It was funny as fuck and the actor who played the genie was great.

I don't like eating in public and I ended up not eating anything but protien bars and after dinner mints so my stomach was hurting the entire time. That's why I was whining and bitching about it. Social anxiety fucking sucks, I need to kick it.

I don't take back what I said about NYC though. Sure, there are some good aspects (some cool people, good food that we never got to try, and lots of cool stores) but you can't get around the garbage in the streets. Every fucking sidewalk has trash piles in it, and there are people walking around trying to sell stolen watches.

This pube gets to go to New York with his school and complains. The edge on kids nowadays.

Stop throwing around words like "edge" and "pube" just to start argumemts.
Millennials are moving to suburban areas with easy access to urban centers--i.e. they're still living in greater metropolitan areas. I guarantee that most millennials will tell you they prefer living in or near urban centers. The fact that cities attract older people as well doesn't mean they repel young people.

A poll taken in 2014 by TransitCenter, a pro–public transit nonprofit, found that 32 percent of Americans younger than 30 say their ideal neighborhood is in a city, versus 16 percent of people 30 and older.
If you ask young parents why they have left a star city for its suburbs, or for a cheaper Sun Belt region, you won’t hear most of them say “because I wanted to shop at strip malls and big box stores” or “because I love driving everywhere.” There’s nothing about having kids that necessarily changes your aesthetic and lifestyle preferences that much. What having kids does mean, though, is that you need more living space and are more apt to worry about crime and schools. Many young parents who love city living simply find that the urban neighborhoods they prefer are too expensive, seem too dangerous for kids, are served by underperforming schools, or otherwise feel unsuitable for raising a family.

Maybe not most, but a lot. Part of that is jobs and internet access. There aren't well paying jobs in rural areas and internet access is poor quality. The suburbs allow access to jobs and internet while preserving better spaces for those having children. Suburbs provide the (partial) service and goods access of larger urbanity combined with (partial) environmental quality (air/noise/ground) and greenery of rural areas. The urban environment is horrible for young children, and frankly not very good for humans in general insofar as the research holds.

I called you "gramps" because most able-bodied old people still stick to rural areas. And because you say things like "does not compute."

I hope one day I meet an old person who has "compute" in their lexicon, and of course eventually I'll be that person. My program necessitates that I spend my time mostly around either undergrads or the upper-middle-aged/elderly, and the latter are a much better group of people, so it doesn't bother me being lumped in with them.
Maybe not most, but a lot. Part of that is jobs and internet access. There aren't well paying jobs in rural areas and internet access is poor quality. The suburbs allow access to jobs and internet while preserving better spaces for those having children. Suburbs provide the (partial) service and goods access of larger urbanity combined with (partial) environmental quality (air/noise/ground) and greenery of rural areas. The urban environment is horrible for young children, and frankly not very good for humans in general insofar as the research holds.

Greater metropolitan areas offer more space and more affordable schools, but access to the kinds of attractions that parents love taking their kids to (theaters, museums, tours, etc.), and access to the things young parents like to do when they can get a babysitter (going out to dinner, cocktail bars, etc.). Access to urban centers is great for kids, even if living in those centers isn't easy.

I hope one day I meet an old person who has "compute" in their lexicon

Haha, that's kinda missing the point Dak. I'm just poking fun here. The phrase itself dates back to the '60s. Star Trek, Lost in Space, etc... It just sounds like something an old person would say because they think it's hip. That's all.
Actually I quite enjoyed the play. It was funny as fuck and the actor who played the genie was great.

I don't like eating in public and I ended up not eating anything but protien bars and after dinner mints so my stomach was hurting the entire time. That's why I was whining and bitching about it. Social anxiety fucking sucks, I need to kick it.

I don't take back what I said about NYC though. Sure, there are some good aspects (some cool people, good food that we never got to try, and lots of cool stores) but you can't get around the garbage in the streets. Every fucking sidewalk has trash piles in it, and there are people walking around trying to sell stolen watches.

Stop throwing around words like "edge" and "pube" just to start argumemts.

NYC and other comparable big cities are hard to get, especially if you're from a rural area and particularly so if you have social anxiety, which I do myself. I hated it the first time, but would love to live there now. Garbage is part of the attraction. Give me life in full. If you end up growing into a city rat, you'll even find a mild appreciation for dog shit, albeit one which looks quite coldly at the dog-owner. Also, @Onder is probably the only guy on this site that I've never seen get into a flame war, so don't get your panties in a bunch.
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NYC and other comparable big cities are hard to get, especially if you're from a rural area and particularly so if you have social anxiety, which I do myself. I hated it the first time, but would love to live there now. Garbage is part of the attraction. Give me life in full. If you end up growing into a city rat, you'll even find a mild appreciation for dog shit, albeit one which looks quite coldly at the dog-owner. Also, @Onder is probably the only guy on this site that I've never seen get into a flame war, so don't get your panties in a bunch.

Yeah well I didn't mean to start an argument with this guy, and I'm too lazy to start arguing with the various conspiration theorists that roam the forum.

What I'd like to bitch about though is Facebook. Started to be really buggy lately. I don't give a shit about no personal information leaks or anything, but I hate it when I load up the main feed, the page starts showing content, but then after two seconds the content disappears and something else shows up instead. Wtf. Sometimes this happens multiple times over, and it can bug you a lot if you see something interesting and start reading it, or even click "show comments" or something, and then it disappears.

I kinda need Messenger but I'm thinking about using only Messenger from now on. It's probably enough to browse Facebook like once a week anyway. I have all my important feeds on my Chrome homepage anyway.
What I'd like to bitch about though is Facebook. Started to be really buggy lately. I don't give a shit about no personal information leaks or anything, but I hate it when I load up the main feed, the page starts showing content, but then after two seconds the content disappears and something else shows up instead. Wtf. Sometimes this happens multiple times over, and it can bug you a lot if you see something interesting and start reading it, or even click "show comments" or something, and then it disappears.
It does this for me also, very annoying. And then that thing you started reading is fucking gone to the unfindable feed and you know Fuckerberg is laughing somewhere as he squeezes your algorithm.
Filed my tax returns today. I owe a shit ton because of my crypto profits. Obv not bitching about the profits, but I realize I managed my assets like an idiot last year.

Didn't occur to me that using exchanges which only report crypto-to-crypto transaction amounts in Bitcoin makes it extremely hard to go back later and figure out cost bases.

Decided to report the cost basis of most transactions as $0 (i.e. marking the transactions as all-profit), essentially over-reporting my income to err on the safe side. It was painful typing that "$0" about a hundred times as I entered each transaction in turbotax.
I owe 379 bucks this year and it's the first time I've owed money in 10+ years of filing returns. Fuck capital gains tax! Cashed out a bunch of stock to pay off student loans so it was a trade off. I could've waited a few more years and written off the student loan interest but I got tired of making the payments. Adulthood FUCK YEAH!
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all females appear to be totally batshit crazy

oh, wait, that should go in the "males and females" thread
The government does not give a fuck about me or if I pay taxes, I like it, fuck them anyways, why would you pay taxes.
Really did something to my back last week (lol stop being a bottom amirite?!) but not sure what caused it. Called in Friday because it hurt to even stand up/sit down.

It is gradually getting better but I have a weird feeling I may need surgery. I'll get to the doc next week if it's not better by Sunday night. Walking is no longer bad but putting on pants while standing up is difficult and bending over is also uncomfortable.
Really did something to my back last week (lol stop being a bottom amirite?!) but not sure what caused it. Called in Friday because it hurt to even stand up/sit down.

It is gradually getting better but I have a weird feeling I may need surgery. I'll get to the doc next week if it's not better by Sunday night. Walking is no longer bad but putting on pants while standing up is difficult and bending over is also uncomfortable.
The solution here is clear: it’s time to stop wearing pants
Got this friend on and off and he shows up and it looks like the dude is wearing a fucking diaper or something, he's bent out of shape because some chick kicks him out of her place all the time and actually tell's the guy it's because how he dresses, why would you talk to some chick and she's standing there and actually thinking is this dude wearing a fuckin diaper or something, i said something to a friend and he thought it was funny because he was thinking the samething, he shows up at the dudes place days later and probly compains about some broad and it looks like the guy is wearing a fucking diaper or something, I've never really thought a hell off a lot about someone dress code before.
Got this friend on and off and he shows up and it looks like the dude is wearing a fucking diaper or something, he's bent out of shape because some chick kicks him out of her place all the time and actually tell's the guy it's because how he dresses, why would you talk to some chick and she's standing there and actually thinking is this dude wearing a fuckin diaper or something, i said something to a friend and he thought it was funny because he was thinking the samething, he shows up at the dudes place days later and probly compains about some broad and it looks like the guy is wearing a fucking diaper or something, I've never really thought a hell off a lot about someone dress code before.
Wearing a diaper under his clothes, or outside his clothes?...or did his pants just look like a diaper? Those guys from ‘Queer eye for the straight guy’ need to have a serious sit-down with him...
went to go see the outdoor movie thing Dallas does
already there listeneing to the pre-movie-music before anyone tells me that the movie is Miss Congeniality
what the effing hell?? if you're gonna show outdoor movies, they should actually be really good movies, right??