The Whining and Bitching Thread

i think i would've had a lot of fun fucking with phylactery when i was 12 tbh

You could have tried, but it’d have ended with your tears like so many that have already tried :p. Although you’d be used to my growly shout since you were listening to metal and probably wouldn’t have been terrified.

I don’t shout very often as I find its more effective when rarely used. I save it for the vilest kids to bring them down a peg or two.

Also 12?! That’s when they’ve just started high school and are scared of their own shadows. Year 7s are so easy to control it’s not even funny.
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Starts in year 9 generally which is when they are 13-14. Raging hormones, especially among the girls. Some of them suddenly turn into horrible bitches, seemingly over night.

I can deal with the “macho boys” that think they are all that. But arrogant, entitled bitchy girls are the fucking worst.

It does also heavily depend on the ability you are teaching. Top set of any year group? Probably not going to have any issues at all. Honestly the middle sets are the ones I find the worst. They’re too lazy and lack good behaviour to be in a higher set, but they’re really arrogant for whatever reason. Probably because they are actually quite bright, but they’ll rarely achieve anything with it because their attitude and work ethic sucks.
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Oh yea, I definitely dont have chronic tinnitus. You are probably right about it not being tinnitus, but I have experienced it after loud concerts and listening sessions for the next day or two and it would definitely suck if it became a full-time thing. Im more cautious about my hearing now and take it seriously. I treat those brief ringing episodes like a doctor would someone who is pre-hypertensive.

And yes, the cilia in your ears work as resonators that are connected to nerve receptors in your brain, and is how you perceive sound (highly simplified ofc). Loud noise can damage them structurally and lead to cell death. They dont grow back, so the damage over time is cumulative. I realize that not all tinnitus is related to noise exposure, so im not jumping to conclusions by saying this is what happened to you. I have a medical background but im no doctor.

Do you go to concerts anymore, or is it just too much for your ears?
I’ve had bad tinnitus for 16 years and still I go to gigs all the time and currently play in a band. I literally cannot be in a room with amplified music without earplugs in though or I run screaming. I’ve tried musicians earplugs but they don’t block out enough sound for me so I just stick to good old industrial foam earplugs. I’ve gotten used to the sound through the plugs and it sounds pretty normal to me now. I went through a period where my ears were ridiculously sensitive to high frequencies but it’s not as bad these days. It fucking sucks to have damaged hearing but I do my best not to let it get on top of me.
Starts in year 9 generally which is when they are 13-14. Raging hormones, especially among the girls. Some of them suddenly turn into horrible bitches, seemingly over night.

I can deal with the “macho boys” that think they are all that. But arrogant, entitled bitchy girls are the fucking worst.

It does also heavily depend on the ability you are teaching. Top set of any year group? Probably not going to have any issues at all. Honestly the middle sets are the ones I find the worst. They’re too lazy and lack good behaviour to be in a higher set, but they’re really arrogant for whatever reason. Probably because they are actually quite bright, but they’ll rarely achieve anything with it because their attitude and work ethic sucks.

i wasn't particularly obnoxious or disrespectful tbf, definitely not macho (believe it or not), just disruptive and immature. i seemed to be an acquired taste with teachers, they either loved me or hated me it seemed like. i was mostly just a typical kid sitting at the back of the classroom ignoring the teacher and distracting the people around me at the same time, sometimes being ultra unruly.

i agree year 9 or so seemed to be peak shittiness (i think year 9 is 10th grade in the US? not sure about anywhere else) for year groups as a whole, but i was definitely worse around year 7 or so, i think i nearly got suspended after getting sent to the head of year twice in a week (once for fucking around with bunsen burners without permission and once for chasing a guy around the IT room with a chair after he pissed me off lol). i remember her sitting me down in her office for like an hour going through all my books and asking me if i had any problems at home and all that shit, i think she was deciding whether she needed to take it to that next level or not. i was shitting myself lol
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Hahaha you little fucking shit! I’d have made your life miserable if you were in my class. But the worst kids at Alsager school, at least when I was there, aren’t that bad at all really. They’d be like a fish out of water in an actual rough school.
there was a legendarily awful year group there the year below my own which people still talk about, and i would've been in that year had i not been moved up, so i possibly dodged a bullet there. i was buddies with a guy from that year and he had a huge party just around the corner from my house with a lot of drink and drugs, and it got broken up early because his grandparents came and kicked everyone out and locked the house, and there was just like a hundred year 9s drunk/stoned off their asses wandering around my estate and laying in the road and shit. that was a weird day.

my own year was a huge mixed bag, from several council estate kids getting expelled for drug dealing to posh fucks trying to get into oxbridge (although i don't think a single one actually got in if i remember rightly). i think we had this convo before but i think they improved standards after i left. you're probably right that even in my time it was a relatively easy school to deal with though, i hear horror stories from teacher friends who teach in rougher areas.

i remember i was an in IT class in year 8 or so which seemed to have basically every ultra rough or fucked up kid in the year in it, and i was in the unfamiliar position of being virtually the most well behaved kid in the class and watching these other fucks fight and break equipment and watch porn on max volume and shit. good times. that was partly 'cause of the clueless teacher though, the best teachers could get good behaviour out of the majority and the worst ones just had no control whatsoever. i had plenty of experience with both categories. there was this one tech teacher who was so old and senile he used to have to write a list of who was getting detention so he wouldn't forget, and we'd just steal the list when he wasnt looking and he wouldn't even notice or remember lol
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Good grief! I never encountered anything like that! There was never fighting in class just a lot of low level disruption.

Honestly, I’ve been in rough and nice schools, but mostly nice leafy schools. And I can say constant low level disruption is a far bigger issues in the nice schools. As well as arrogance. Whereas the rough schools there’s usually one or two major incidents in a lesson. It’s actuallly much more difficult to deal with the constant low level disruption. They rarely do enough where it’s a situation where you need to remove the student from the lesson, but it is enough where it’s impacting on the lesson overall. At the start of a year with new classes, it’s a lot of work cutting down on it. I generally spend a lot of my break and lunch times with a significant amount of students in detentions until they get the message that the low level disruption will not be tolerated. So it’s a huge time investment.

My year 9s this year have been a particular challenge. I’ve had to battle with them until they’ve finally submitted but we’re only just at that point.
i havent been to concert in a while and being struck down with T made me almost never even consider it again. A few really good shows i wanted to go to earlier this year, especially Strikefest, but my t made me reconsider.

God damn that's awful.

I'm curious, why is it that cilia in your lungs(i think) grow back but the ones in your inner ear dont? My T definitely wasn't from noise exposure though, which is why i'm hoping it goes back down, but it's day 4 and it hasnt budged. I'm so mad at myself for walking into that place. I think i might have to start smoking weed again :(

The natural function of the cilia in the lungs is to remove irritants and particles from the lungs, but there is a point in which the chemicals/particles inhaled can cause damage. High intensity noise damaging your ears is definitely comparable to lungs damaged by something like smoking, working in dusty working conditions, or being exposed to irritants/carcinogens. Once you get COPD or emphysema there is no looking back, just like the folks with tinnitus. The cilia in particular are much different physiologically speaking, but the long term damage is similar. Unfortunately something like tinnitus not attributed to loud noise is uncommon to the point where I think even doctors just have to take an educated guess. It is possible that your condition may be reversible in the future if the cilia in your ear arent damaged, but there can be other issues with the nerves that are beyond repair as well. As far as I know there is no cure, but I have read that spikes can last months before going down so there is hope perhaps.

I’ve had bad tinnitus for 16 years and still I go to gigs all the time and currently play in a band. I literally cannot be in a room with amplified music without earplugs in though or I run screaming. I’ve tried musicians earplugs but they don’t block out enough sound for me so I just stick to good old industrial foam earplugs. I’ve gotten used to the sound through the plugs and it sounds pretty normal to me now. I went through a period where my ears were ridiculously sensitive to high frequencies but it’s not as bad these days. It fucking sucks to have damaged hearing but I do my best not to let it get on top of me.

At the very least you can still enjoy live music though. I still currently use the "musician earplug" variety, and while the dB reduction may not quite be the same as the orange foamies, they are still good enough for me (for now). 16 years, so you developed tinnitus in your 20s (if I remember your age correctly). Was this just too many loud concerts, or something more complicated (if you dont mind me asking)? If it was loud noise, did it just happen to bother you permanently at random? Sorry for the multi-part questions, but I go to way too many concerts not to be concerned myself..
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At the very least you can still enjoy live music though. I still currently use the "musician earplug" variety, and while the dB reduction may not quite be the same as the orange foamies, they are still good enough for me (for now). 16 years, so you developed tinnitus in your 20s (if I remember your age correctly). Was this just too many loud concerts, or something more complicated (if you dont mind me asking)? If it was loud noise, did it just happen to bother you permanently at random? Sorry for the multi-part questions, but I go to way too many concerts not to be concerned myself..
I was 28 and I'd gotten heavily into electronic music. I went to a particularly loud club one night and forgot my earplugs (which I'd started using more as I was concerned about being exposed to too much loud noise). I walked out of there in the morning and found that everything was distorting and my ears were ringing so hard that I could barely hear. They calmed down after a few days but the ringing never went away.
I'm sure all the metal shows and working in loud environments didn't help, but clubbing combined with stupidity was the main culprit. Hours of banging techno with no let up. I've been as careful as possible since then.
God damn that's awful.

yeah man, big time.

Btw i linked the wrong poster, check out the weekend i missed..

The natural function of the cilia in the lungs is to remove irritants and particles from the lungs, but there is a point in which the chemicals/particles inhaled can cause damage. High intensity noise damaging your ears is definitely comparable to lungs damaged by something like smoking, working in dusty working conditions, or being exposed to irritants/carcinogens. Once you get COPD or emphysema there is no looking back, just like the folks with tinnitus. The cilia in particular are much different physiologically speaking, but the long term damage is similar. Unfortunately something like tinnitus not attributed to loud noise is uncommon to the point where I think even doctors just have to take an educated guess. It is possible that your condition may be reversible in the future if the cilia in your ear arent damaged, but there can be other issues with the nerves that are beyond repair as well. As far as I know there is no cure, but I have read that spikes can last months before going down so there is hope perhaps.
fuck, scary shit. I've been smoking for about 20 years. Quit cigarettes about 10 years ago though. That being said, i wonder if a have single piece of cilia left in my body, lol
Guess he was smoking some of that K2 shit.
K2 is the drug that made this flopping around like a fish event happen

you get to right-about-the-30-sec mark and you can clearly see he is surrounded by a huge-ass amount of people, and absolutely no one makes any kind of attempt to help him until past the 2 min mark