The Whining and Bitching Thread

Shit is boring as fuck right now. I have no passions, no interests, and my friends want to sit inside playing fortnite instead of playing sports or partying.
Another T spike :(

So friday one of my friends forced me to go to some bar with him, little did i know there was some live band playing there and right when i stepped in the drummer started going to work and one of the speakers happened to be right next to me. I grabbed my ears and went back out immediately. It's been two days and i've never had it at this level before.:(

any chance this might go back down? Im fairly sure my T was never sound/noise related, but could i have possibly damaged my ears from only a second or two of that kind of exposure?

@Slayed Necros
Another T spike :(

So friday one of my friends forced me to go to some bar with him, little did i know there was some live band playing there and right when i stepped in the drummer started going to work and one of the speakers happened to be right next to me. I grabbed my ears and went back out immediately. It's been two days and i've never had it at this level before.:(

any chance this might go back down? Im fairly sure my T was never sound/noise related, but could i have possibly damaged my ears from only a second or two of that kind of exposure?

@Slayed Necros

Damn, sorry to hear that. There's definitely a good possibility that it could go back down to what was a normal level after a few days but also the possibility that the new level becomes the new normal, which is exactly what happened to me (it just exploded out of nowhere in complete silence). And yeah, exposure to loud/sudden noise for a second or two will cause a significant spike for me that will at least last the remainder of the day. It's so fucking unpredictable, fluctuating and changing rapidly with seemingly no cause. Sorry I can't be of more help man, but fire away with the questions if you have any.
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I should've mentioned this; look into tinnitus retraining therapy. It's usually expensive, but I hear it can be greatly helpful to some people. I think my tinnitus was too advanced for it to be of much help for me, but I still wear sound generators in my ears for 8 hours each day in a somewhat feeble attempt to combat hyperacusis.
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Damn, sorry to hear that. There's definitely a good possibility that it could go back down to what was a normal level after a few days but also the possibility that the new level becomes the new normal, which is exactly what happened to me (it just exploded out of nowhere in complete silence). And yeah, exposure to loud/sudden noise for a second or two will cause a significant spike for me that will at least last the remainder of the day. It's so fucking unpredictable, fluctuating and changing rapidly with seemingly no cause. Sorry I can't be of more help man, but fire away with the questions if you have any.

Yeah i ve had spikes out of nowhere too, and im almost sure my T stayed up after one of them but i eventually habituated. And i've had temporary spikes from loud noises too but they eventually settled down within a few hours or a day or two like you said. One of the worst ones i had was when i was driving with my t-top off on the freeway, not sure if it was the air or the noise but once i got to a stop light i was like "oh fuck what have i done". The spike im currently experiencing is the highest its been and its like a fucking whistle!

Anyway, sorry to talk your ears off but i cant really talk to other people about this because they're just so clueless and start asking dumb stuff. Even the docs, but you already know this. One of the most annoying things is when people still ask me "have your ears got better" after i have told them numerous time "no, and they're not going to but i just deal with it". Anyway, just wanted to ask because i've heard tinnitus form loud noise exposure is usually permanent and from what i remember you said yours was from just that. I'm just so fucking lost and befuddled when it comes to this damn thing.
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Yeah i ve had spikes out of nowhere too, and im almost sure my T stayed up after one of them but i eventually habituated. And i've had temporary spikes from loud noises too but they eventually settled down within a few hours or a day or two like you said. One of the worst ones i had was when i was driving with my t-top off on the freeway, not sure if it was the air or the noise but once i got to a stop light i was like "oh fuck what have i done". The spike im currently experiencing is the highest its been and its like a fucking whistle!

Anyway, sorry to talk your ears off but i cant really talk to other people about this because they're just so clueless and start asking dumb stuff. Even the docs, but you already know this. One of the most annoying things is when people still ask me "have your ears got better" after i have told them numerous time "no, and they're not going to but i just deal with it". Anyway, just wanted to ask because i've heard tinnitus form loud noise exposure is usually permanent and from what i remember you said yours was from just that. I'm just so fucking lost and befuddled when it comes to this damn thing.

Yeah, I still feel lost and utterly helpless and it's been five years since my initial huge spike. I was lucky to have a really knowledgeable audiologist practicing not far from where I live and she specializes in treating tinnitus, but hyperacusis was a mystery even to her. Regular GPs are fucking useless. Mine initially prescribed me antidepressants that actually made my tinnitus worse.
Hope you can find some quality treatment TB. Might be best to go straight to an ear specialist, usually GPs can refer you to them.
Yeah, I still feel lost and utterly helpless and it's been five years since my initial huge spike. I was lucky to have a really knowledgeable audiologist practicing not far from where I live and she specializes in treating tinnitus, but hyperacusis was a mystery even to her. Regular GPs are fucking useless. Mine initially prescribed me antidepressants that actually made my tinnitus worse.
yea i dont touch pills at all anymore because im almost sure mine started from ibuprofen(+ a huge stress overload when my Grandmother passed away). And the worst part is listening to some of those moron doctors after i've read thousands of articles and first hand experiences with T. I wont even get into it, but the stuff some of them were saying would have blown your mind(out of their sheer idiocy). Made me legitimately question whether i should ever go see a doctor again. And like you said almost every time they've tried prescribing me some kind of drug that just so happens to be ototoxic. And these are the poepl who are supposedly trying to help me. Unbelievable.

Is hyperacusis something that can be "fixed" or is it also permanent like t? I've heard it mentioned a lot on the tinnitus forums when i was reading up. I would say "i hope your ears get better" but im not sure that would be appropriate, and im not even convinced anymore that its the actual ears that are the problem. But i do hope you somehow conquer this shitty affliction.
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