The Whining and Bitching Thread

god it's so bizarre looking. they're actually suuuuuuper rare here, even rarer than the death's head i think, so i'm probably more likely to see one abroad somewhere.
Got kicked out of class today for "cheating" and being rude, my teacher is a fucking prick. Basically I was working on a worksheet he told me to work on, but because everyone else had already done it he had the answer key on the board. If he didn't want me to do that he should have politely asked me to step out before hand.
Silly situation at work. It's kinda kinda clear that I need to start looking for something else but I just dontd like giving up.
My mother done fucked my shit up. She's suing the dentist we've all used for like 20 years so now I have to cancel an appointment I had set for this weekend plus look for a new dentist. I'm sure her concerns are legitimate - I guess he capped a tooth that had decay in it and of course that made it worse and she's looking at a very expensive fix. And she's spent a shit ton with this guy, she had a lot of over the top cosmetic work done and has a hell of a smile, which is why she's extra pissed. Would be real awkward for me to continue seeing him and inadvisable overall given legal proceedings.

I'm still just annoyed at the inconvenience though lol like damn I just wanted a checkup why you gotta play my mom like that? Now we're done, son.
Had a fucking cult meeting at school today. No, I am not exaggerating. There's this honors society for kids with good grades and shit like that, and today we had the assembly for it. Basically juniors and seniors got called into the auditorium. When we walked in, the lights were dimmed and there was a table with unlit candles on it. The kids in the honors society thing were all sitting in front of us. They did some lame speeches and shit, then some teachers took turns tapping the new members with some sort of wand/staff. After that they did some more speeches and lit the candles. After that we all lost it laughing because they started passing this "light of knowledge" thingy which was actually an electric candle from the dollar store. The worst part was the fact that I left my bag in there and had to walk all the way back to get it.

Yes that was all a true story, fucking crazy...
my insulin-dependent friend got robbed
the ONLY thing actually stolen was his fucking insulin
what the effing hell??
Stan Lee died
tried to tell people (face-2-face) and found a huge-ass number of people that didn't recognize the name
so i spent the last couple of hours saying the phrase "the guy who created spiderman died"
Got banned from a Facebook today because I called his brother (I assume so anyway) intellectually dishonest and lazy. I asked him to provide sources and he wouldn't. He quoted a source and I asked for where he quoted and he just told me to go watch Fox News instead. He said he wasn't going to spoonfeed people when I again asked for sources to what he was referencing and that 'the truth is there of you look for it' and I quipped that it was probably embedded in a HuffPo article somewhere.


What's funny is the drummer kept spouting about how Trump is a thief and liar and implied that Obama never lied and never had a scandal and then they called me a conspiracy theorist. I asked if they believe the official government story behind JFK's death if Trump is the only politician who lies. He told me to fuck off lol.

Dude is a raging liberal so I'm not missing much. I mainly lurked when it came to his comments.
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