The Whining and Bitching Thread

I've read about people going overseas and spending tens of thousands of dollars on stem cell treatment for tinnitus, with good results (including unintended health benefits to joints and other things). Hopefully that sort of thing becomes commonplace and cheaper. I've never worn ear plugs at live shows and I have a bit, but it doesn't really seem to get any worse at this point.
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Absolutely. I went over to India with a disabled friend back in 2011 who received stem cell treatment on his spinal chord.

Excellent results after a few weeks time, he went from being paralysed from the diaphragm down, to being paralysed from the waist down. Regained all feeling in his abdomen and genital region. Unfortunately it cost too much for him to continue. Shame about the fact that it's astronomically expensive & illegal in most parts of the western world. Also happened to meet an American fellow over there who was having stem cell treatment in his eyes to treat his blindness. It's an incredible, multi-faceted technology.
Is hyperacusis something that can be "fixed" or is it also permanent like t? I've heard it mentioned a lot on the tinnitus forums when i was reading up. I would say "i hope your ears get better" but im not sure that would be appropriate, and im not even convinced anymore that its the actual ears that are the problem. But i do hope you somehow conquer this shitty affliction.

I think it's permanent. The sound generators I mentioned earlier have definitely helped a bit but they're pretty unpleasant to wear every day. I hope you see some improvements soon too man, keep me updated. This shit is a curse.
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As a long-time tinnitus sufferer, my experience has been that it gets better the less you worry about it. I don't presume that it's like this for everyone or that it's something that can just be thought away, but it's also poorly understood so who the fuck even knows. I've been at a stage where my tinnitus was so bad I wanted to kill myself, and now it's barely a factor in my life at all. In the past I would make sure to keep a fan on while reading or trying to sleep to distract from the constant whining. Now I read and sleep in complete silence. The whining is still there, if I concentrate on it. I don't know if it got better or if I learned to tune it out. Sometimes I have spikes, and when that happens I use white noise or ambient sounds to alleviate it until it goes back to normal. Otherwise I try not to use such aids to block out the ringing because I find they make it much more noticeable as soon as you turn it off.
My tinnitus issues have greatly decreased as long as I keep earbuds out of my ears. (Probably doesn’t hurt that I’m four years removed from the machine shop)
Tbh I still have to sleep with the fan or the tv or something on though and I’ve probably learned to ignore it unless I concentrate on the damn buzzing.

Not that most people here would ever encounter this but a sharp hammer blow in my immediate area sets mine off like a firecracker in my skull. It will usually calm back down after a while though.
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I guess I get spikes now? I will get some ringing in my ears at random intervals and then it will go away after 5 or 6 seconds and then not return for an indefinite period. It doesn't help that I work at a gun range now and sometimes I am not wearing my ear protection when something like a .30-06 goes off and the door to the bay is open. Normally I am wearing it and it isn't a problem.
I guess I get spikes now? I will get some ringing in my ears at random intervals and then it will go away after 5 or 6 seconds and then not return for an indefinite period. It doesn't help that I work at a gun range now and sometimes I am not wearing my ear protection when something like a .30-06 goes off and the door to the bay is open. Normally I am wearing it and it isn't a problem.

Yea, this is how tinnitus starts. The other day I had a spike last for almost an hour for the first time ever, and it is sort of worrisome because it means that it is only going to get worse from here if I keep exposing myself to loud noises and ill start saying shit like the guys on here who have a true affliction.

I go to a lot of live shows (3 or 4+ metal shows a month), and I can only name 2 or 3 shows that ive been to in the past 15 years that I havent had ear protection in during (every one of them a bad mistake). However one thing that ive started changing recently (past month or two) is that I no longer wait until the band has started playing before I plug them up. I no longer care if I have a hard time talking to my buddies during sound check.

@Krow - would carpentry hammer noises trigger that as well?
@Krow - would carpentry hammer noises trigger that as well?

Tbh I don’t really think so. In my line of work a lot of metal on metal hammering happens though. If I happen to be on site while someone is beating together hammer unions I have to go sit in the truck if we’re near them.
Yea, this is how tinnitus starts. The other day I had a spike last for almost an hour for the first time ever, and it is sort of worrisome because it means that it is only going to get worse from here if I keep exposing myself to loud noises and ill start saying shit like the guys on here who have a true affliction.
yea man, just be cautious. Wouldn't want another one our "metal compadres" struck down with this shit. What you guys were experiencing was just temporary ringing/whistling/buzzing etc, which isn't really tinnitus. A spike happens when the tinnitus you already has spikes up higher than where its usually at. But as you said, it can lead to it. It might have something to do with damaging/destroying the cilia in your ears, and from what i've read they don't grow back/regenerate.
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yea man, just be cautious. Wouldn't want another one our "metal compadres" struck down with this shit. What you guys were experiencing was just temporary ringing/whistling/buzzing etc, which isn't really tinnitus. A spike happens when the tinnitus you already has spikes up higher than where its usually at. But as you said, it can lead to it. It might have something to do with damaging/destroying the cilia in your ears, and from what i've read they don't grow back/regenerate.

Oh yea, I definitely dont have chronic tinnitus. You are probably right about it not being tinnitus, but I have experienced it after loud concerts and listening sessions for the next day or two and it would definitely suck if it became a full-time thing. Im more cautious about my hearing now and take it seriously. I treat those brief ringing episodes like a doctor would someone who is pre-hypertensive.

And yes, the cilia in your ears work as resonators that are connected to nerve receptors in your brain, and is how you perceive sound (highly simplified ofc). Loud noise can damage them structurally and lead to cell death. They dont grow back, so the damage over time is cumulative. I realize that not all tinnitus is related to noise exposure, so im not jumping to conclusions by saying this is what happened to you. I have a medical background but im no doctor.

Do you go to concerts anymore, or is it just too much for your ears?
Oh yea, I definitely dont have chronic tinnitus. You are probably right about it not being tinnitus, but I have experienced it after loud concerts and listening sessions for the next day or two and it would definitely suck if it became a full-time thing. Im more cautious about my hearing now and take it seriously. I treat those brief ringing episodes like a doctor would someone who is pre-hypertensive.

And yes, the cilia in your ears work as resonators that are connected to nerve receptors in your brain, and is how you perceive sound (highly simplified ofc). Loud noise can damage them structurally and lead to cell death. They dont grow back, so the damage over time is cumulative. I realize that not all tinnitus is related to noise exposure, so im not jumping to conclusions by saying this is what happened to you. I have a medical background but im no doctor.

Do you go to concerts anymore, or is it just too much for your ears?
i havent been to concert in a while and being struck down with T made me almost never even consider it again. A few really good shows i wanted to go to earlier this year, especially Strikefest, but my t made me reconsider.

I'm curious, why is it that cilia in your lungs(i think) grow back but the ones in your inner ear dont? My T definitely wasn't from noise exposure though, which is why i'm hoping it goes back down, but it's day 4 and it hasnt budged. I'm so mad at myself for walking into that place. I think i might have to start smoking weed again :(
I need to rant about shitty behaviour. I’m absolutely sick of kids answering back and or denying they’ve done anything wrong. It’s infuriating. It’s like they don’t have the capability to accept responsibility for absolutely anything. I catch them red handed doing something wrong and they’ll swear until they are blue in their face they never did it. You were doing wrong, you got caught, accept the fucking consequences for god’s sake and move on. I swear behaviour gets worse each year! The blame culture that permeates the youth of the UK is a huge part of the problem imo. Also, parents don’t help. When they will literally defend their kids and complain when they are punished for wrong doing.

I have a class that are sitting their final exam in June so you’d think they’d be trying the best they can to achieve a half decent grade. But no, they’d rather be chatting incessantly about their social life. They proper pissed me off today and ended up losing half their lunch time.
I need to rant about shitty behaviour. I’m absolutely sick of kids answering back and or denying they’ve done anything wrong. It’s infuriating. It’s like they don’t have the capability to accept responsibility for absolutely anything. I catch them red handed doing something wrong and they’ll swear until they are blue in their face they never did it. You were doing wrong, you got caught, accept the fucking consequences for god’s sake and move on. I swear behaviour gets worse each year! The blame culture that permeates the youth of the UK is a huge part of the problem imo. Also, parents don’t help. When they will literally defend their kids and complain when they are punished for wrong doing.

I have a class that are sitting their final exam in June so you’d think they’d be trying the best they can to achieve a half decent grade. But no, they’d rather be chatting incessantly about their social life. They proper pissed me off today and ended up losing half their lunch time.

the world is just getting scummier as it goes. What grade do you teach? From my experience most kids always lie, it's a part of being a child. But like you said, the problem comes from parents who do not teach them to be honest/righteous and even a bigger problem is that a lot of these kids watch the people around them lying all the time so they start thinking its ok to just bullshit all the time.
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I teach 11 -18 years olds. And don’t get me wrong, I enjoy teaching most of my classes. Just two out of the 7 are proper pissing me off at the minute. But behaviour in the corridors is awful and it’s hard when you don’t teach them and don’t know their names because then they don’t give a shit if you’re telling them off.

But yeah parents are the worst. Ringing up/emailing you shitty stuff when you’ve reprimanded their kid for something. “I disagree with your punishment, my son/daughter has explained the situation and you’re being unfair”. So wait, you’re gonna take their word over mine?! As if they wouldn’t lie.
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People not wanting to own up to wrongs they've done seems to be the standard these days. I was taught to own a mistake if you make one and apologize for it. People respect you more if you do that. Juxtaposed to that, I am sometimes too honest with people and it gets me in trouble
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i think i would've had a lot of fun fucking with phylactery when i was 12 tbh
I bet you would've been beaten with a ruler everyday if we go back another 30 or so years, lol. Dont get me wrong, i was a bad kid and i remember getting hit with a ruler by one of those cunts when i was 4 or 5. I'd strangle that old hag if i saw her now, lol.
Kids are kids, man. There are times where kids act a way I think they shouldn't though. You kinda know that kids should have some semblance of respect when it comes to certain things