The Whining and Bitching Thread

Some light-hearted whining for the holidays. This just happened about fifteen minutes ago.

I go to the post office to mail some presents, and get a phone call from my wife as I'm walking up to the register telling me not to mail them. I've already written on the package, so being the good person that I am I tell the guy behind the desk that I wrote on it, and I'm not sure if they have somewhere they want to throw it away. The following exchange occurs:

Postal Guy: "I have to charge you for it."

Me (not sure if he's kidding): "Haha, oh okay... wait, seriously?"

PG: "Yes."

Me: "But I'm not gonna use it."

PG: "Doesn't matter, I have to charge you."

Me: "But you have a ton of these lying around."

PG: "Yeah but I can't sell that one."

Me: "Well, can you just put a label over it?"

PG: "No, I have to charge you."

Me: "But I don't want it."

PG: "Doesn't matter, I have to charge you."

Me: "What if I leave it here and just walk out?"

PG: *shrugs*

Me (assessing my options): "How much for it?"

PG: "$3.29" (or something close to that)

Me: "Get out. Okay, I'll buy it."

PG: "You want your receipt?"

Me: "You gonna charge me for that too?"

PG: "Nah, this is free."

Me: "Then you keep it. Merry Christmas."
No worries. I saw it as less sassy and more playful, although it may not have come off that way. Honestly, I was just surprised, and then when I learned how much the box cost I couldn't believe they were hassling over that small an amount. I suppose, if it happens to them often enough, they get pretty uptight about people leaving marked packages behind. I just found the whole thing absurd in a Beckettian/Kafka-esque sort of way.
george bush senior is getting more pres now that he's dead than he was getting while he was freaking president

bush senior died really close to the same day stan lee died, so bush being mentioned every 5 min is getting annoying because i still don't give a shit about bush dying and i'm still grieving over the loss of Stan Lee
Yo CIG, plenty of that sweet internet karma coming your way if you could hook a brother up with a Santa hat :) I been here for 13 years and never partook in the tradition, bout damn time. Except I don’t know how to shoop to save my life.