The Whining and Bitching Thread


edit: here is one with the blue background I see:
What do you folks do when your life becomes boring as beans? My social life has been dead as fuck since my closest friends graduated early, sex life has been dead for far longer.

Only thing I spend my time doing these days for fun is booze/drugs, writing, and powerlifting. And even the last one I had to take a break from due to a car wreck I had in October. I've shrunk and hate looking at myself naked in the mirror now.

Holiday eating hasn't helped, either...
My life is boring as beans and I've taken to sleeping way more to avoid it. Very healthy coping mechanism, highly recommended. Bonus points if you try to master lucid dreaming so you can literally just live a video game until you die.
The Pokemon Go Christmas event has been literally scum-tier so far. Hatched over 50 eggs and not one single new Gen 4 baby that was advertised.

Then I check Silphroad reddit and they did the rough numbers on 30,440 hatch reports. I guess Chingling is ~1/465, Mantyke is ~1/200. Chingling is rarer than shinies. Awful.