The Whining and Bitching Thread

Tax is big on fuel but collusion is bigger and the ACCC are fucking gutless and a waste of time.

Oh yeah I want an electric car that gets stuck on speed humps, travels at a speed just faster than walking pace and wont even get me to Melbourne without stopping at least once to recharge. Toy cars belong in the sand pit!
Haha, well if the major car manufacturers would invest a little more into them you'd think they'd be a bit better than that. Petroleum companies hold back the development of electric cars, kinda how pharmaceutical companies hold back the development of stem cell therapy imo.

Reminds me of the stonecutters song from the Simpsons.
Even if car manufacturers could pull a magical finger out of their arse and produce a battery/power system that was better than we currently have the idea that everyone in a country as big as Australia could drive electric toys is laughable. We don't all drive on the paved roads, we don't all drive past service centres with power points multiple times a day and with the way power prices are increasing in this country how cheap are electric cars really going to be when the car costs more to buy than petrol cars and the batteries which make up the majority of the cost need to be replaced every 5 years.
Watch out, guys. Mods who don't even post in GMD are messaging people about how certain posts they've made recently are 'abusive'

I’ve noticed posts from another forum are being moved here or something? Apparently we’ve caught the eye of another forums mod and caused them to need some

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I spent a week in Bali and all I got was this lousy ear infection.
Can’t eat properly as the swelling has pushed my jaw out and I can’t clench my teeth. This sucks immensely. Antibiotics ain’t doing shit yet.

Watch out, guys. Mods who don't even post in GMD are messaging people about how certain posts they've made recently are 'abusive'
The Old School mods? That’s pretty funny. What’s this about posts being moved?
any difference on your T? Has it spiked or anything? This might be a dumb question, but where exactly is the swelling? I've heard apple cider vinegar helps.
Nope tinnitus is the same but hearing is worse because the ear canal is swollen and the drops I’ve been prescribed block sound also. It’s a middle and outer ear infection which is pretty bad I guess.
yea ear infections are weird. One of my aunts always had ear problems/infections and sometimes they linger. But usually would clear up within a week. I'm guessing you're also hearing some crackling/popping when swallowing or opening and closing your mouth.
Yeah the ear drum is making some crazy noises. It’s been a week now and it looked like it was going to go away a couple of times only to get much worse the next day. I didn’t want to go down the antibiotics route but I got sick of waiting for my stupid body to heal itself.