The Whining and Bitching Thread

Forgot to add they’ve really tightened up the rules at your school since you would have been there. Very strict on uniform. Every student has something called a standards card - any problems with uniform (shirt untucked, tie off, jewellery, any type of make-up or nail varnish, etc) gets you one signature. 5 signatures and it’s a lunch time detention. Lose your standards card? Instant lunch time detention. Man, I used to love handing out those signatures! Especially if I was the fifth signature as I knew that meant they were losing their lunch! I was genuinely disappointed when I got a student’s card and I was the fourth signature - so annoying!

gross. glad i got out of that shithole before the third reich took over
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They make my school seem all fancy and shit whenever they have a parent event but really its just like a public school except it costs 16k a year and it isn't subject to regulations that protect students from discrimination and unreasonable searches. People smoke weed in the locker room, people bring keep guns in their cars at school, fights happen, and so on. I really dont have a problem with these things and I am a part of some of them, but private schools are a huge ripoff. My gpa is a 1.4 and I have a suspension on my record and possibly an ISS that I never attended. Ive been on academic probation for all of high school. I dont understand why my parents are still wasting money on this. Im trying to convince them to stop.

Im 18 so for my senior year next year I might just go to public school or better yet get my GED and go straight to trade school.
You do know the school is rated "outstanding" by Ofsted? Definitely not a shithole haha. I've seen far worse.

i've heard from people who work there that they massively bullshitted their way through that and it wouldn't get that rating at any other time. i don't really know how the process works though.

it was an alright school anyways, i'm just messing.
I understand why smoking might be a problem because to non smokers the smell is annoying. But with vaping, regardless of whether you think it looks stupid, who does it harm? The bathrooms used to smell like shit and piss. Now they smell like pumpkin spice/tobacco/mango/kiwi

Vaping itself can cause some problems but its a personal choice and you cant live life trying to be perfectly healthy

Is there an age limit for vaping like there is for cigarettes? Having a bunch of teens at a private school engaging in illegal activities sounds like trouble.

I vape and have friends who vape. We all now that unvaporized juice doesn't produce a smell that would carry throughout an entire room. Also, lets say they did smell it. The room would have a slight strawberry kiwi smell to it, as if someone had just opened a gatorade or something. Unless someone had just been vaping in the room it wouldnt even smell like vape.

When they called us back, they said it might have been a "strange body odor" which made me think someone had some low quality weed on them or something. Vape juices smell like whatever flavoring agents are in them, no way the two are in any way related.

The smell I noticed when I walked in at the beginning of the class was the smell of the salad the coach was eating. It had some kind of strong smelling dressing, kind of a savory smell. It probably would have covered up any other smells and it wasnt suspicious either, it smelled like a fucking food. If the salad was the reason we were searched thats so pathetic its hilarious. My friend and I got suspended because of a fucking salad. I think I'm going to tell that to the trade school I'm going to when they see a suspension on my record

Sounds like someone tipped them off then, if vaping just smells like fruity flavouring. I have no idea, never done it.

Man, I used to love handing out those signatures! Especially if I was the fifth signature as I knew that meant they were losing their lunch! I was genuinely disappointed when I got a student’s card and I was the fourth signature - so annoying!

Is there an age limit for vaping like there is for cigarettes? Having a bunch of teens at a private school engaging in illegal activities sounds like trouble.

Sounds like someone tipped them off then, if vaping just smells like fruity flavouring. I have no idea, never done it.

Yeah vapes are regulated in the same way as cigarettes. In the US there is no age limit on smoking/vaping itself, but it is illegal to sell any tobacco products including vapes with or without nicotine to minors. I am 18, and thus of legal age to buy a vape, but the other kid was 15.

Either someone snitched or someone overheard people talking about it. They shouldnt have gone in there and made up a reason to search us.
Maybe you should be grateful and appreciative of the opportunity you’ve got of going to a private school and stick to the rules. Instead of whining about it constantly. I bet it costs your parents’ a fortune to send you there.

You don’t get the same kind of support and teacher:student ratio, nor the extra curricular opportunities in most state schools! I teach classes of up to 32 students. I bet you have between 10 and 20. Schools need strict rules to function, or else students think they can do whatever they like and ruin the learning experience for others.

I went to a really shitty school, full of bruteish, brainless imbeciles. But I put some work in and did well regardless. I’d have killed to go to a private school. I would have been provided with a much better learning environment than I had.
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Yeah vapes are regulated in the same way as cigarettes. In the US there is no age limit on smoking/vaping itself, but it is illegal to sell any tobacco products including vapes with or without nicotine to minors. I am 18, and thus of legal age to buy a vape, but the other kid was 15.

Either someone snitched or someone overheard people talking about it. They shouldnt have gone in there and made up a reason to search us.
Depends on the state, you can definitely get a ticket for smoking and having possession of tobacco/tobacco products if you're underage in some states.
Wow. In this country there is a legal age for smoking but unless the substance is illegal I don't think there is any fine, ticket or citation for smoking. I suppose a cop could take a packet of smokes off a kid but I don't even know that happens.The law is really only enforced at the shop counter where the seller gets big fines if caught selling to a minor.
yea lot of the times it just depends on if the cop is a prick or not. A lot of other bullshit laws too. For example ditching school wouldnt get you a ticket when i was in middle school, but by the time i got to high school the cops would be catching us and giving us "truancy" tickets. Again, depended on the cop. And if i remember correctly quite a few of my friends got tickets for smoking/having tobacco on them ... but i think they might have changed that law now(in California). But yeah most of the time if a security or teacher caught us they would just take it away.
if you take a look at the US section, you'll see that in a lot of states it is prohibited for minors to have possession of any type of tobacco related products.
This reminds me, I got fined £50 for dropping my cigarette on the floor in Manchester a few months back! Ridiculous. I would have been okay with it, except people had dropped far larger things on the street like food, packaging and other waste. Far more noticeable and damaging than a tiny cigarette end. Just another way to target smokers and make even more money off them if you ask me. They also said I was lucky it was only 50 quid as in other cities it can be 150!
btw i agree that younger kids shouldn't be smoking and if getting tickets is what needs to be done to check them then i'm all for it. I also think anyone that sells tobacco to underage kids deserves to be fined and even have their business shut down if it keeps happening. I personally think they should have their knee caps smashed in but hey.
I suppose given that the legal age is 18 here and it's a massive fine ($50,000 plus repeat offenders) for the seller it's technically illegal for a child to be in possession too, but I've never heard of a kid being fined for having it.
I also believe vaping is still illegal in this country, but I could be wrong on that.

Dropping a smoke butt in this country has always been fineable and in some area enforced more than others. Through the late 80's and 90's we had a huge push on TV and the like about flicking smoke butts out the windows of moving cars because of the number of smoke butts that caused bush fires. That lead into a "dob it a litter bug" where you could ring the EPA (Environment Protection Agency) and without proof give them a car rego plate and the person would be a fine.
Well of course you would say that, since you work in the healthcare sector. But I disagree, cigarettes are already taxed extremely heavily in the UK and keep rising and rising. They’re between 8-10 pounds a packet now. They were less than half of that 10-15 years ago.

You’re already made to feel like a leper and looked down upon for being a smoker without all this bullshit. As I said, I would have understood if they were also fining people for dropping all of the shit they were, but they were not. It’s not something I make a habit of btw, I almost always put them in the bin. But there wasn’t one close by.
Don't know how that compares to us but here they are over a dollar a smoke, a packet of 40's now costs between $40 and $55 depending on the brand name stamped on the top. But included in that price you get the photos of diseased lungs, gangrene effect feet and missing teeth where the brand name used to be
Bribing works too. When I used to deliver bread I never used to pay for milk, meat or anything else that was delivered to supermarkets during the night but the most worthwhile off the book stop I made was to the local cop shop once a week.